[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Soooo. I'm going to test tomorrow am. I'll be 11dpo so I should have a good shot if I would be Pg. My best friend convinced me. LOL. I have a blue dye CVS test under the sink and it's the only one I've got. If it's negative, I won't test again unless AF is actually late. I just can't wait any longer!
Good luck! I wouldn't trust a blue dye if my life depended on it though lol.
Yeah, the blue dye is iffy...I usually had to test around 9/10/11 dpo just to get it out of my system lol
Good luck!

I'm going to start temping Thursday since I have to get up for work at 130 am.. only 4-5 hours early. No sense in starting off on the wrong foot. I am so nervous about this cycle, and scared the clomid won't work for us. Just feeling oh so broken tonight I guess. Tomorrow will probably be better.
FC for you darling. Just trust and breathe and relax. Lots of visualization x x x
I know. I hate the damn blue tests. But I paid for them awhile back so I hate to waste it. Why do they even make the damn things? LOL I'll do it for the fun of it, but not take much stock in it. I need the cheap walmart ones. I love those.
I had two cakes pops for dessert tonight: salted chocolate caramel and pumpkin pie. Ridiculously good! Oh I can't wait for spinning tomorrow.
In other news, my ovaries are having a party. I can feel them. They're sending each other electric signals. While ,y opk at 6pm was neg, I'll take one more before bed. I have to be surging Any.moment.now.....
Hoping for a positive HPT Britt!!!

Mirolee- FX this is our months!!! I have high high hopes for you and can't wait to see that BFP!
Think I should have him stop FertileAid? He took them for about 3 weeks before he did his latest SA.


So sorry about DH's results :hugs: I am no expert but I read online that it takes three months for fresh sperm to be fully exposed to vitamins and supplements. I would have him continue with the FertileAid and have him do another SA three months after he started it. This works the same way with women and follicle production.
Soooo. I'm going to test tomorrow am. I'll be 11dpo so I should have a good shot if I would be Pg. My best friend convinced me. LOL. I have a blue dye CVS test under the sink and it's the only one I've got. If it's negative, I won't test again unless AF is actually late. I just can't wait any longer!

Keep us posted! Hoping you get your :bfp: on your first month trying. That would be awesome!
I tried 2 other stores and they have them but they're like $10 more! Couldn't bring myself to do it

Have you tried Amazon-- with overnight shipping?

Soooo. I'm going to test tomorrow am. I'll be 11dpo so I should have a good shot if I would be Pg. My best friend convinced me. LOL. I have a blue dye CVS test under the sink and it's the only one I've got. If it's negative, I won't test again unless AF is actually late. I just can't wait any longer!
GOODLUCK! I don't trust blue dye tests either, but I know what its like to NEED to POAS! I have seen some killer positives on blue dye's, too! Remember that 11dpo is still early, so if its negative, you're not out yet!

I had two cakes pops for dessert tonight: salted chocolate caramel and pumpkin pie. Ridiculously good! Oh I can't wait for spinning tomorrow.
In other news, my ovaries are having a party. I can feel them. They're sending each other electric signals. While ,y opk at 6pm was neg, I'll take one more before bed. I have to be surging Any.moment.now.....

WOO! I can't wait to see YOUR bfp! And yummmo those cake pops sound delicious!
I'm trying my first spin class tomorrow before work. I'm nervous!

Still no AF over here. Getting antsy. My boobs are still freakin huge and I am cramping like crazzzzzy. Lower back really hurts too. Come on AF!
I can't believe AF hasn't arrived yet! How weird!

AFM - My chart is very different this month, it's never done the dip thing as dipped as this twice! I'm feeling pretty out if I'm honest. My boobs have been agony up until today. I've woken up and they hardly hurt at all!
Mirolee, those cake pops sound wonderful! Fx for you!! Hope this is your month!

Amanda, hope AF shows so it can be done and over already.

Bb, still looks good to me! Besides, different could be good!

Afm, early to work, early to home. Yay! Big plans including a nap, cleaning, shopping, and spending time with hubby!!
I really hope so!

Sounds like a good plan.

It's my day off today so going to meet my friend and her son then go for a walk. Think I'm gonna try lasagne soup in the slow cooker tonight!
These are my previous cycles -

First month off BCP

Last cycle

Then this months is in my signature. It does look different doesn't it or is it just me!?
And this is if I don't discard at 4DPO
Yes it does look different. At least to me. This is only my 3rd cycle ever temping though. Fx for you.
Well shi**. DH's SA came back and it's worse then last time. His morph is the same but his immobile sperm count went from 15% to 30%. His rapid sperm count went from 78% to 66%. Idk how I am going to break this to him.

Think the FertileAid is making it worse?

Nikki, could you give me the vitamin list you had your DH on?

I really need to talk about OB the sperm wash and IUI. Is that something an OB does or will I need to be referred to someone else?

Here is what the doc sent DH

The repeat semen analysis was similar to the first one. It was completely normal except for a few sperm having a slightly abnormal appearance. This slight abnormality may not be significant. Other than eliminating alcohol consumption, there are no other specific evaluations and/or treatments that can help you improve your fertility. I hope the Clomid helps you and your wife get pregnant. If not, then you may want to consider alternative options such as adoption and/or assisted reproductive techniques.

I e-mailed him back about a vitamin regime and fertilaid. Guess we will see what he says. I thought the SA differences were bigger worse then the doc is making them out o be. Glad I haven't said anything to DH yet. He isn't awake for another 4 hours.

Nichole, I got a printout of the SA report when my DH got his SA, and according to it, normal mobility count is more than or equal to 50%, so I wouldn't worry about the mobility for your DH (it's within normal range). My DH had 80% mobility (20% immobile) and 10% morph and was given a good prognosis for fertility (even though according to the report normal fertility was more than or equal to 14% morph, but I guess they figured since he produced a good deal more than the normal amount of sperm (5 million extra) 10% was still good.)

Also, was your DH's sperm 2% normal/98% abnormal morph or 2% abnormal/98% normal morph? Because the doc is making it sound like the latter in the letter. Or maybe the abnormality being only slight has them not so worried.

I would see an FS for advice and for any IUI. I'd research what RE's/FS are available in your area and see about getting referred if you need to be referred for insurance or just go if you don't need to be referred.

UGH! Today is just not my day. Looks like I can't do my hsg test this cycle unless I drive to San Rafael. The nurse practitioner who does the test is on vacation during the time I would need to get it done. They only have a limited about of appointments and they are all taken. I am so frustrated right now.

Bummer. Why's it gotta be so hard, right? :/ :hugs: Saw your later post on further hassles to which I offer further :hugs:

i am working with the same thing - OH is freaked out by the idea of masturbating in a room and me being across the hall, etc etc. i tried to explain to him that he can still do it at home and bring it in, and then i could go in separately (my dr said it's about 90 mins between donation, washing, IUI). i'm positive it's going to be a loooooooong conversation if/when we cross that bridge. hence why we're waiting until 2014.

My DH is hoping I'll be allowed to provide assistance in the room (if so he figures he'll be fine) :lol:

oh girls... i hear ya! I hate insurance! I hope you figure it out Nichole! I am currently dealing with mine too. Since the govt shut down, and I have a govt insurance, I am having major issues and NO ONE seems to be able to help me. UGH!

That sucks. :( :hugs: I sure hope the gov. gets its act together soon!

And yeah, insurance is always a pain to deal with, grumble grumble. Right now DH and I are waiting on his work to start the open enrollment period for changing insurance options, so we can upgrade to the option that covers IUI's and IVF...if they do it this year. FX'd.


- Good luck on the hpt, Britt! :dust:

AFM: Got the test results back from the FS today (er yesterday now) and got great news - my prolactin was only 1.2 (!!) so I don't need to worry about that any more (just keep taking my Sunday cabergoline and abstain from the Wellbutrin) and my AMH was 5.8 (only a .4 drop from my old AMH before lefty got an endo-ectomy)! :happydance:

So, if I'm still having week ovulation, it must just be I have lazy LH producing cells or something, and hopefully the Femara will fix that and bulk up that egg so it it's up to snuff for me to get up the duff. I'm really hoping to avoid the cost and hassle of IUI, so hopefully it will happen by the new year.

DH and I BD at 12AM today (technically cd11) since he was feeling the mojo and sinuses have been acting up so we wanted to strike while the iron was hot. FS has prescribed us to BD on cd11, 13, and 15 (or cd12, 15, and 16) so hopefully 12AM cd11 is okay. Please stars line up and please Femara help me make a totally mature egg (that's the prob with weak ov, even if you have genetically good eggs, they won't be good in practice if they don't mature).

In other news, I found a great deal on a metal dance pad for my Dance Dance Revolution games that I've been using for exercise. I'm hoping it will slide less (it has a foam bottom) and be durable (the regular mats are soft), since I'm using the game for daily exercise. I got a great deal on it so I took a gamble.

On the downside, sinus ick has been effecting my appetite and sleep. I'm going to try and eat some more and lay down again.
Stg, glad ypur labs are where they should be! Fx for you! Good luck with the femara!

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