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Club OvaCue!

Wow! Congrats!!!!! Details!! Did you suspect? I was on 50mg Clomid 5-9 this cycle to but it's my third month : (

How long had you tried again, I forget> thanks!

I had a small thought that i might be but i figured it wasn't possible since i've been off bc since jan 09... i still even after taking the tests am nervous they lied to me... i'm horrified to go in and get the blood test tomorrow... i'm just so afraid something is going to go so wrong because we want this so bad :( the results can't come soon enough!
Hey girls!! Just sitting here totally bored at work and wanted to check in on everyone!! Luvmysoldier- How did the blood test come back?? I know with the looks of both at home tests you are preggo... but still the reassurance is nice!! I swear I probably took 20 tests after it was all said and done to reassure myself! lol.
Dyme- How are things going?
I really hope that all is well with you all!!
Titi- when do you test?
SNL- same... when do you test??
Well I go back to the Doc. tomorrow.... We shall see what he says!! I am getting more and more ready by the minute!! :)
Hi Crazy!

I'm not going to test. This is my last month on Clomid and actually my last month ttc. After 2 years no bfp, an hsg, clomid, and trying everything under the sun I don't have any hope or inspiration left that I can get pregnant naturally, honestly....I'm on cd23 now and actually just counting the days until next cycle so I will change my status to NTNP and try and get on with life somehow.....we're going to take a break for the holidays and maybe spring and try and wrap our heads around adoption in the meantime.
Thanks for asking-it's good to hear from you and I'm glad you check in on us still. I can't believe you only have a month left!!!
Hey crazy!

I wasn't able to get in to get my blood test til around 330pm today so i haven't heard anything and the lab tech said my dr probably won't get the results until wed which means i probably won't hear for like a week :( but i'm going to try and call tomorrow and see if i can get a dr at the hospital to release my results.
Hi Crazy~

Just trying to get back to normal thanks for asking. I was sick this go round so I was not feeling "frisky" enough to try this month. By the time I was feeling somewhat better I think we missed the chance. I am looking forward to trying next month sick or no..LOL...Your countdown starts soon, good luck at the Doctor tomorrow!

Evryone have a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday!!
Hi Crazy!

I'm not going to test. This is my last month on Clomid and actually my last month ttc. After 2 years no bfp, an hsg, clomid, and trying everything under the sun I don't have any hope or inspiration left that I can get pregnant naturally, honestly....I'm on cd23 now and actually just counting the days until next cycle so I will change my status to NTNP and try and get on with life somehow.....we're going to take a break for the holidays and maybe spring and try and wrap our heads around adoption in the meantime.
Thanks for asking-it's good to hear from you and I'm glad you check in on us still. I can't believe you only have a month left!!!
wow u sound like me this month. I am out I know I am temps are dropping, just feeling really PMS'y im starting to give up. When af shows the 26th/27th I have to call and make the apt for the HSG, I ovulate on my own, everythign checks out ok. DH will NOT get checked(denial) :growlmad:
who would have thought tryng for #2 would take forever :cry: its draining and I have just had it.
Congrats Luv My soldier! I just peeked in for a bit and seen your got your :bfp:, how exciting.

Titi, I feel you girl! This was my last round of clomid and then I will get and hsg done, but I am getting really tired of trying and losing all hopes that it is possible for me. I am in my tww, but honestly I feel like I am out. No signs at all and I just don't feel like it's gonna happen.
HSG ~ I am thinking of doing it this next cycle AF is due the 26th/27th. I know nothing is wrong with me I ovulate every 14/16 days, I get normal periods every 30 days. I am taking 50mg of clomid on days 5-9 I am going to take one more round and then BEG DH to go get checked which I know he will not anyway. So maybe by getting the HSG checked something might clear and I get PG for Dec 25th I can only hope and pray

Did either of you consider Soy Isoflavones? I understand that Clomid makes the CM hostile (thick) and the sperm can not get through. If you are not taking anything to counteract that hostile environment whether you ovulate or no, the sperm will not survive in the vagina to get where it needs to be. I take SI to help bring stronger eggs out and it has helped to regulate my cycle greatly. This cycle I also did the Evening Primrose (3000mg or 3 pills a day) because I think I have hostile CM. Ovulation was stronger this month but I was too sick to take advantage. My CM was abundant and lasted 4-5 days which would have been perfect if I had been feeling up to the challenge to attempt. I have not had 4-5 days since I was in my 20's! I am waiting for my new cycle to start and I am going to do the EPO again with my SI and hopefully this month I will catch the egg. As always stuff changes but it looks like I will ovulate on CD16so I will be trying every opportunity I can to get my BFP this month. Between the EPO, SI, Grapefruit, Grapefruit Juice and Carrots my CM should be open and welcome :happydance:and I release a really strong egg.

Whatever you both decide to do I wish the very best for you all.:hugs:

I am patiently waiting to get my next party started...:coffee::haha:
Hi Dyme-Yes, you can pretty much assume in the last two years I have tried every single thing I've ever heard of on these boards and then some! I did Soy for 3 cycles-I did not notice anything different. The Clomid was kind of a last ditch effort since nothing else was working anyway.

Ready & snl41296-I'm so sorry you other girls are struggling so much also to get bfps also. snl41296 I'm sooooo sorry, I misread the post where you were congratulating luvmysoldier and thought you were announcing your bfp :dohh: : (
titi - out of everyone i know on these boards you are by far the one i wish for it the most. no offense to anyone else, but i can't imagine or fathom what you have been through. my husband and i have tried for a while now, but not as much as you have, and i haven't had to go through the let down every month. i hope you get the :bfp: soon kristi because saying you deserve it is an understatement! :hugs:

congrats luv!
titi - out of everyone i know on these boards you are by far the one i wish for it the most. no offense to anyone else, but i can't imagine or fathom what you have been through. my husband and i have tried for a while now, but not as much as you have, and i haven't had to go through the let down every month. i hope you get the :bfp: soon kristi because saying you deserve it is an understatement! :hugs:

congrats luv!


No offense taken by me at all!:hugs: Hope to see you in the 2ww in December. I'm

Titi~ I did not mean for you to think I was referring to you.:hugs: I asked the question of SNL and Ready because I never heard them mention Soy and I just wanted to throw that out to them before they gave up after their rounds of Clomid. I understand everyone's plight and I just hate to not offer alternatives that someone may not have thought of previously.

I wish you, myself and all of the other Ladies here much success in our journey.:kiss::hugs:
titi - out of everyone i know on these boards you are by far the one i wish for it the most. no offense to anyone else, but i can't imagine or fathom what you have been through. my husband and i have tried for a while now, but not as much as you have, and i haven't had to go through the let down every month. i hope you get the :bfp: soon kristi because saying you deserve it is an understatement! :hugs:

congrats luv!

awww you are too sweet!!!! Thank you. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't sure by now that we can't get pg.....sigh......oh well trying hard to see what else God has in store for us. Its good to hear from you!!! Miss you lots but have been so excited for you as I'm counting down with you days till your reunion!!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Titi~ I did not mean for you to think I was referring to you.:hugs: I asked the question of SNL and Ready because I never heard them mention Soy and I just wanted to throw that out to them before they gave up after their rounds of Clomid. I understand everyone's plight and I just hate to not offer alternatives that someone may not have thought of previously.

I wish you, myself and all of the other Ladies here much success in our journey.:kiss::hugs:

ha! I just went back and read your post and don't know why I thought you were asking that of me? It's very clearly labled to snl and ready! Lol! I just have a one track mind at the moment....it's been an emotional time resigning myself to the fact that this is our last cycle ttc and that we need a break for our sanity. I just never thought it would come to this. Wishing you ladies all super luck & dust too!!!!
Titi~ I did not mean for you to think I was referring to you.:hugs: I asked the question of SNL and Ready because I never heard them mention Soy and I just wanted to throw that out to them before they gave up after their rounds of Clomid. I understand everyone's plight and I just hate to not offer alternatives that someone may not have thought of previously.

I wish you, myself and all of the other Ladies here much success in our journey.:kiss::hugs:

ha! I just went back and read your post and don't know why I thought you were asking that of me? It's very clearly labled to snl and ready! Lol! I just have a one track mind at the moment....it's been an emotional time resigning myself to the fact that this is our last cycle ttc and that we need a break for our sanity. I just never thought it would come to this. Wishing you ladies all super luck & dust too!!!!

That's ok, I have many moments like that...:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Well ladies looks like ill most likely be joining you back in ttc world. Went to the hospital with cramps and brown discharge. Had a scan done and they couldn't find a baby and ever since the scan I've had some bleeding when I wipe but no flow. I'm supposed to go Monday to see if my hcg has risen.
Well ladies looks like ill most likely be joining you back in ttc world. Went to the hospital with cramps and brown discharge. Had a scan done and they couldn't find a baby and ever since the scan I've had some bleeding when I wipe but no flow. I'm supposed to go Monday to see if my hcg has risen.


Don't despair until you get your HCG checked.:hugs: I spotted with my first and the brown discharge could be old blood, I've heard of that occurring. Try to rest and enjoy your Holiday. Stay off your feet as much as possible until Monday.

oh LuvMySoldier-praying for a positive outcome for you!!!!!
Looks like i'm officially back here... just got home from the ER again due to bright red blood and my HCG went from 15 to 8 :cry: we are trying to be optimistic but its really hard.

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