Come on girls! Let's make some January babies!!!!

So, last night i had this dream that i woke up this morning and took a pregnancy test just for the hell of it. In the dream it was a :bfp: and i immediately texted my DH a pic. So, with that being said. My cycles have been really wonky, and the dr. still really doesn't have them pegged, only been seeing him for a few months. this month, I started spotting on the 5th, nothing on the 6th or 7th, spotted on the 8th and 9th, and full flow bleeding from the 10th to the 19th. Dr gave me clomid 50mg and told me to start it on the 10th, saying that the spotting on the 5th was day one of my cycle. fromthe 19th on DH and i have been :sex: like crazy, every other day if not everyday. The dr. told me on Thursday at my last appt that i should test on May 6th, and if its :bfn: take the med he prescribed to make me start a period. With all that said, do you ladies think it's too early to take a test now? I have been fighting the urge to go POAS all morning thanks to the dream. Would be totally bummed if it was :bfn:

hey lovely lady! :wave: hows your day off been?

I just gotta say, you're boys are absolutely gorgeous! Such cuties! :hugs:

Wow i would definitely test after having a dream like that for sure! Lol but i dont need much to convince me to poas! :blush: i hope you get a normal cycle soon, bless ya!

So, last night i had this dream that i woke up this morning and took a pregnancy test just for the hell of it. In the dream it was a :bfp: and i immediately texted my DH a pic. So, with that being said. My cycles have been really wonky, and the dr. still really doesn't have them pegged, only been seeing him for a few months. this month, I started spotting on the 5th, nothing on the 6th or 7th, spotted on the 8th and 9th, and full flow bleeding from the 10th to the 19th. Dr gave me clomid 50mg and told me to start it on the 10th, saying that the spotting on the 5th was day one of my cycle. fromthe 19th on DH and i have been :sex: like crazy, every other day if not everyday. The dr. told me on Thursday at my last appt that i should test on May 6th, and if its :bfn: take the med he prescribed to make me start a period. With all that said, do you ladies think it's too early to take a test now? I have been fighting the urge to go POAS all morning thanks to the dream. Would be totally bummed if it was :bfn:

hey lovely lady! :wave: hows your day off been?

I just gotta say, you're boys are absolutely gorgeous! Such cuties! :hugs:

Wow i would definitely test after having a dream like that for sure! Lol but i dont need much to convince me to poas! :blush: i hope you get a normal cycle soon, bless ya!


It's been ok, been cleaning, you know, typical mom's day off stuff..:dishes::laundry: Just laid Malakai (my 3 yr old) down for a nap. And was getting ready to lay down myself...wore out. Had a lot going on yesterday. worked, up at 430am work from 6a-5p, then to see my in laws before they are off to another state for a few months (FIL is a contractor, so they move about every 3-6 months) Didn't get home until 830, then getting the boys bathed and the oldest ready for school this morning. Just tired.

How are you??:hi:
blimey! What a day you had! :wacko: no wonder you needed a nap! What do you do for work?

Im ok, abit twingey today. I stood up earlier and felt a pull that felt tight, quite low down and (tmi) nipples have been quite tingly tonight...we'll see :happydance:

Im knackered too today! Emily decided 1am-4am was playtime! Such a shock to the system when she's normally a 12hour solid sleeper :wacko: so early night tonight xxx
Ohhhh... Chest is sore. It's awful early for that so maybe, just maybe this is my month! Not 100% sure of my O but I think I have to base it on when I had O pains and spotting- which puts me 6DPO. Anyone up for symptom spotting? What day are you all and what symptoms do you have going on???
blimey! What a day you had! :wacko: no wonder you needed a nap! What do you do for work?

Im ok, abit twingey today. I stood up earlier and felt a pull that felt tight, quite low down and (tmi) nipples have been quite tingly tonight...we'll see :happydance:

Im knackered too today! Emily decided 1am-4am was playtime! Such a shock to the system when she's normally a 12hour solid sleeper :wacko: so early night tonight xxx

I work for a hospice company. I am a state tested nurses assistant. I was a continuous care attendant, meaning I went to people's homes or nursing homes and took care of someone's loved one as they are dying. When someone is dying they need a higher level of care than some family members are willing or able to give wand obviously on a nursing home they can't have someone sitting with them all day...there are other patients assigned to said nurse....but I have been working as a scheduling coordinator and telling all the nurses and nurses aides where to go.

Malakai wakes up most nights and comes to my sleep is always a hot commodity for
Ohhhh... Chest is sore. It's awful early for that so maybe, just maybe this is my month! Not 100% sure of my O but I think I have to base it on when I had O pains and spotting- which puts me 6DPO. Anyone up for symptom spotting? What day are you all and what symptoms do you have going on???

I think maybe I might be 8 dpo and I am a little crampy....chest is sensitive but not sore....have had the :munch: all day...I go to see a dietician tomorrow...needless to say my 3 day food diary won't be anything to be proud of...:dohh:
I think today is O day. I'm getting that mittelschmerz and am horny as all get out. *LOL* We :sex: last night and I'll pounce him tonight too, and then it's time to cross my fingers that we caught it!
I think today is O day. I'm getting that mittelschmerz and am horny as all get out. *LOL* We :sex: last night and I'll pounce him tonight too, and then it's time to cross my fingers that we caught it!

Go get him girl!:sex::sex::dust:
I won't know what dpo I am until I get some action with my temps :) I am hopeful that o'd either yesterday or today-tmi but I had diarrhea today and read that it's common durig ovulation. I've always gotten it during AF but recently it's been Mia duurng af as well. I'm supp to start progesterone after I o- not looking fwd to that but def looking fwd to the potential outcome! I am in my last semester of law school and have final exams plus bar prep--the progesterone sucks all the energy out of my and I am always passing out so a little worries about getting through exams on the stuff!
Good luck, Mah! Congrats on law school too! I have a friend about to sit the bar... amazing what you guys go through. :)

Thanks Star. Plan on pouncing a bit later. Kesslie just barely went to bed and it's decidedly unsexy to hear her going "a dadada! Mamama! OUT!" when we're trying to :sex:. I want to make sure she's sound asleep first. LOL
I'm out, AF showed her face early :( onto next month. Good luck ladies!
:dohh: on the :witch: amariee :hugs: all the best for this cycle xx
Couple more days and I can test....excited but totally scared.....hoping for a :bfp:
I've got a bad feeling about this month, it's just not feeling *it* for me. But I'm still going to obsessively pee on sticks in about 5 more days. Yep, I'm totally starting at 8dpo. Hooray for IC's!
aww, well whatever you feel you'd like to share really. I guess its me being nosey but I do enjoy reading of success and happy endings :cloud9: my auntie's (soon to be ex) hubby adopted her two kids, and what ive come to learn in the past few years is that no two families are the same. My hubby is 18years older than me and he had 4 children from his first marriage. The boys are now 23,22,20 and his daughter 16 and Im 28 so some would say that was strange but nope, we all get on like mates (well we only see the 23&20year old boys, the other two were very much poisoned by their Mum-loooong story) :nope: the boys absolutely dote on our LO, their baby sister, they spoil her rotten and she loves them to bits! They live in a different county about 1.5hours away but we still see them a couple of times a month :happydance: they are fine with me and for us, its normal, we wouldnt have it any other way. Xxx
I married my high school sweetheart when I was 20. 2 years later we had Dominic. When Dominic was 2, I caught him cheating. We stayed together for 1 year, and I just couldn't forget, and I miserable. So we divorced. I made him pay for the divorce, because I wasn't the one that broke my vows. He agreed and our divorce was final in 07'. I was in another relationship by this time, but that relationship to came to an end. One day when he picked up Dominic for his visitation time, he gave me the "I miss you , and our family, I'm a changed man" crap and I fell for it. He moved in with me 2 months later. Everything was fine, we decided to try to conceive a sibling for Dominic. So we tried for 1 year, and conceived Malakai. When I was 8.5 months pg(and on bed rest for pre term labor) with Malakai, he came home from work and said we need to talk. he then told me he no longer loved me and I needed to leave (we had leased a bigger place together, him being the leaser, and me being co-leaser) so I packed what I could and left. I received a call from my best guy friend, asking what I was up to a couple of days later. I told him. And he just let it all out. "I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you, I just never acted on it cause I didn't want to mess with our friendship. But I am tired of standing by and watching you get treated like crap. You know I love Dominic, and I would love the baby just the same, just please give a chance to show you I love you and want to take care of you" GOD LOVE HIM. He was there the day I gave birth, he is the one that drove me to the hospital when I went into labor. He was the one that chased off my ex when he showed up to the hospital with his new gf with hickeys and scratches all over his neck (TRASHY)...but forward a bit....after my ex realized how happy I was, he tried starting a whole lot of crap, trying to get my 6y.o. at the time to say he wanted to live his daddy, and just a bunch of crap, I told my ex he would have to take me back to court to get any changes made. He then proceeds to tell me he no longer wants to see either child, we will never be able to co parent successfully, and send him the papers and he would sign his rights away. He hated me so much he couldn't stand me. Well, syanara F***er! I don't need ur ass anyway! Right?! How do you raise a child for 6 years and just drop off the face of the earth?! So...long story short, he is 32 years old, has given up his 13yr old dtr from a previous relationship, and my 2 children, and father a child prior to Malakai that he has seen twice. And from the grapevine I have heard, he is about to adopt his gf 3 kids. Really?

So, thats the story! Much happier now!

oh wow! I could write about what a total ****** your ex is but id much rather comment on your OH! How lovely is he? Im so glad he told you his feelings when he did, awwww and you had no idea? Wow. :hugs: anybody can be a Dad but it takes a real man to be a Father! :thumbup: sounds like you are defibitely best off without your ex! :growlmad: awwww. Xxx

He's so totally not what I had expected. Watching him in his other relationships, and actually being in a relationship with him. I have never felt so appreciated, loved, and beautiful in any relationship I've had. He's just an all around good guy. Wouldn't trade him for nothing. And he is sooooo good to the boys. They get the daddying that they deserve. He is really all about them. And it helps sometimes that he is just as big a kid as they are. 32y.o. and gets down in the floor and plays hot wheels and video games with them. We've been married for 2 years together for 3 and i am still just on :cloud9: most of the time. It would make me so happy to give him a child from his own blood. And would like to have another baby to tie us all together even more.

This is soooooo sweet! You have ME in tears. I'll be thinking of you guys and praying you get your special little one

Hey Lady--no cryin'...LOL j/k
Thank you for the prayers, can't wait for that :bfp: and really hoping that :witch: doesn't show her ugly face. we have been :sex: like bunnies for the past 2 weeks, and took clomid this last cylcle...hoping to :test: on May 6th. If it's a :bfn: dr says to take take a med to start my cycle (cause they have been totally wonky) and then cd5-9 on another round of clomid 50mg. meaning on to cycle #14...Uuughhhs.:dohh:

It was hard to hold those tears in thats for sure. Your story is so sweet!

Good luck testing on the 6th, I'll be hoping you get that BFP! I think I may start testing then too, I am getting so so so anxious to see if this will be our month too! I hope you get that BFP so you don't even have to worry to about starting your next cycle! Fx'd!!! :D
Hiya all! I am still here, just been so darn busy this past week. Kids, work, husband, etc.. Haha!

I am still crampy at times, mostly on my left where my ovary is. I feel twinges throughout the abdomen hear & there as well. I also feel some slight cramping every once and awhile from my right ovary as well. I've been experience dizziness too, does anyone else experience this? It started for me about 4 days ago. It's bad enough where I have to either sit or lay down for about 10-15 mins. I don't recall this happening throughout my cycles, maybe a little lightheaded at times, but not like this. I do suffer with iron deficiency anemia to the point where I get iron by iv, I suppose it could be that time again. Af is expected 5.13.13.. Trying to hold out as long as possible before I start POAS! I just worry, my EP last summer was detected literally within days of concepion. I had literally just ended ef and 5 days later I found out I was pg. Strange huh? I suspected I O'd early again this month, for I starting feeling crampy and seeing ewcm a few short days after af ended..

Fx'd for everyone who is about to start texting!!!
Hey ladies! :wave: wow ive been sooo tired since getting in from work, like seriously tired and felt abit nauseous for about an hour this morning but nothing else... Im not getting too excited as last time I had really sore/heavy boobs and so far, they havn't changed at all :shrug: i'll probably cave and test moro, but will try and hold out until sunday at 10dpo :haha:.

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