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Confessions of a pregnant woman

Oh goodness, I just ate leftover brownie batter (that had raw eggs)! I scraped most of it into the pan but after staring at the leftover for a minute I just had to eat it! :S
I am really tempted to have a glass of wine! Anyone else!?

me!!! that felt good:happydance:

I would love a glass of sparkling wine. It was 4 months yesterday since I had one (that was the day i found out). I think there is going to be champagne on ice, pâté, caviar, sushi and more sushi in the delivery room. All of my naughty cravings in one go :)
just had a cookie dough shake..(a big one) after eating a burger and fries! isnt cookie dough a no-no-too? oops!
oh you can forget about putting on tennis shoes for me from here on out- I feel that pain! My husband had to put mine on and tie them for me yesterday! He's gonna hate it when I ask him to do it tomorrow morning at 4:45am, when i am ready to leave for work! And every work day after that!
I eat lunchmeat almost everyday!
I am in love with turkey bagels on sesame seed bagels with mayo and lettuce.. Bad !
And I licked cookie batter the other day, I felt so bad, but it was sooo tempting!
Oh, and hubby tries to control my chocolate intake because in the beginning I got a uti and yeast infection and OB said it was from to much sugar.. I try and stash it because I feel bad.. Screwed myself the other day because he found an empty bag of mini eggs under my pillow (chocolate, I'm obsessed) busssttted.. Lol !
lol love this. I probably drink more coke than water sometimes, trying to do better though. Have had hotdogs, bought some to cook this week. Been eating out way too much, haven't exercised. I seem to be perfectly content with being a lazy ass. Luckily hubby doesn't tell me anything lol. I figured I should probably change these habits soon though and it will help at the end..
love this thread!

i haven't exercised once since becoming pregnant apart from chasing my 2 year old into her coat and shoes to go out. She also gets extra tv time when I'm feeling really tired (which she loves!)

i've eaten peanuts quite a lot and i really shouldn't as i have some severe food allergies but to be honest i'm still here so i can't have done any harm. Also LOVE mars bars and snickers, i can't seem to get enough of them!

I'm also really really naughty and still have one ciggy a day (first thing in the morning) I've managed to go from 20 a day to just one though so i'm quite pleased with myself for that, but i still feel incredibly guilty :(
Oh man I have done a laundry list of things: I have wine and/or beer every other week or so, I have coffee everyday and then even have coke later in the day, I eat cold cuts like turkey, I sleep on my stomach as long as bug doesn't get too mad at me, I died my hair, I lift things all the time, I take hot showers, I have ice cream about three or four times a week, I eat candy like its going out of style, I take super hot showers, I am sure I eat even more terrible things that I can't remember to even list (and of course fast food at least once a week)...... Never did any testing for anything, took prenatals until I feel like the day I entered my second tri and just started again today(two weeks from third tri).... And today I took two rounds of robitussion cold medicine because I have been so sick. Bubs moves and kicks during the day, and is measuring spot on on dates. :) i just do what feels right. I trust my body. We were made or this!
My confession. I'm addicted to sushi and sashimi. I absolutely adore smoked salmon and can't stop eating it! I drink 2 coffees a day and eat medium rare steak. I love Delhi meats too!
I am drinking my first glass of wine since becoming pregnant. And I don't feel bad about it at all!
I am gorging on BBQ chips right now with an ice cold Coke!
Went for my physical/check up the other day and my doc gave me the all clear to exercise again... so I came home and took a 3 hour nap.

Woke up and went out to eat.... filet mignon - medium.

I'm such a rebel.

Again.... great thread! :thumbup:
I can't sleep and have a massive diet coke craving. Going to have one :)... Bliss, ice cold coke at 3.50 in the morning :). Must be going mad from insomnia :)
OK here goes...

I haven't exercised at all besides cleaning the house and going out of a day.
I've had two glasses of wine and a champagne, one when I was 11.5 weeks and plan to have a glass at the two weddings I have this year.
I still drink coffee.
I have been eating take away food (McDonalds, HJ's, KFC etc) once a week and when I do I drink coke with it.
I ate half a ham sandwich.
I ate some cold pizza but picked the ham off it.
I have runny eggs.

Wow, that felt better. Thought I was the only one to have "confessions" hehe.

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