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Confessions of a pregnant woman

I had pate waiting for me when I came home last time haha ate 2 things of it!
Good thinking! Roll on Christmas, I'm going to pig out on pâté!

ooo yes pâté <3 i love the duck orange one haha

I love crusty bread // crackers with a nice selection of pâté , brie (dribble) and chedder cheeses with some nice sweet onion chutney

oh my dear lord. :haha:
is it bad I have just sat down and worked out how many cheese burgers I can buy after my bills :blush:
LOL Gem!!!!! Saying that, I had a large big mac meal with a full fat coke on Saturday. So good! You had pate? Lush! Which one?
LOVE this thread!

I've had:

half a glass of red wine to celebrate my hubby getting a new job,
runny fried eggs,
salami/deli meats,
mainly I only have one cuppa tea a day, but on some Sundays I'll have looooaaaads,
have not skipped peanuts at all,
chocolate addiction,
naughty fast food,
I don't always wash fruit and veg,
I sleep on my back a lot.

Also, my Pregnancy Pilates DVD has only been used once and I just lay on the floor and watched the lady do all the hard work :haha:

That feels goood!


I craved pate all over Christmas. It smelt sooooo good, but I did resist.
I had a large big mac meal last night LOL.

I had like tesco finest ones waiting for me as I came out the hospital lol
This is a confession in advance....

On Easter day, I intend to completely gorge myself on Easter eggs! I know I'll get a couple of big eggs and my husband does our little girl and I an Easter egg hunt around the garden (I'm a big kid too!) and the stash for that is massive, at least 50 eggs, including lots of Creme eggs and galaxy eggs, yum! Poor baby won't know what's hit it! Xx
Mmmm Big Mac and Easter eggs...

Also, I've had McDonalds milkshakes and apparently you're not supposed to have them...? No way! Strawberry milkshake all the way!

At work I eat my lunch at about 11am - I want to eat my lunch at 10am, but have to force myself not to!

Lol at the advanced warning Katteh! Im with you on that one though!

Would it be really bad to have a pate sandwich tomorrow then as my Asda shop is coming tonight and I have ordered some, for the other half of course but I know I wont be able to help myself!
Ok I got one :)

I gave in to my first weird craving...

Work has pots of homemade jam for sale, was stood in the queue in the canteen and had the urge to buy some chips... and dip the chips in the jam!

Got myself a drink instead and went back to my desk... 30 minutes later Im sat here dipping chips into a pot of strawberry and black pepper jam! It is SOOOOOOOOOOO good! The guys in my department think I'm mad. :shrug:

I swear I've never eaten anything as nice in my life!!!!
Yes! I am planning on eating a ton on Easter! Candy candy candy!
Woke up at 5 am could not fall back asleep...started cleaning and cracked open a coke at 8 am cause I do not wanna drink coffee and waste my caffeine for the day since I am going to a friends house soon and we always drink a ton of coffee when I go over there.
We're going to do an Easter egg hunt for LO too, but he's too little to eat more than like half an egg so guess who'll be eating it all :)
Weird confession.... I've been watching a lot of porn :blush:(or attacking dh) since i've been in the second trimester. i think i turned into a bit of a nympho... wont effect the baby lol but I sorta feel like a perv and quite embarrassed about it especially since i'm about to become a mom. Also, i've been drinking soda...
i never would have even thought to start a thread like this!, good thinking
I have to say, I am a bit of a coffee fiend, i have cut down, but every now and then it feels deserved lol
and also (here's a controversial one) I occasionally go on the sunbed...before people go crazy, I am being careful, I take a bottle of water with me and drink it between my minutes, only go in for 6 now and once every few weeks
Oh, and kept forgetting to take folic acid in the first few weeks
Other than that though, i guess i could be worse lol

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