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Confessions of a pregnant woman

I had a few greek salad's a few months ago, then read how bad feta is and stopped myself from caving since. I also forget to take my prenatal probably at least once a week. :( I cave in too much for eating ice cream and chocolate the past 3 months - not supposed to gain much weight and supposed to only eat healthy due to my weight...

All I want is junk food. Fries, ice cream, milkshakes, cheeseburgers, pizza.

I'm good at limiting but there isn't much of a limit. I also need to watch my weight as well. It's SO hard!!
I've been eating horribly, not eating fruits and veggies, not exercising, I ate 2 subs since I've been pregnant with deli meat but I did heat them to help it out a bit, I don't eat my eggs well done as I can't stand hard yolks and I've used a sniff of my nasal decongestant every now and then (pharmacist said it was ok once in a while) or else I would have never gotten any sleep!

And with DS, I did none of the above and was a perfect pregnant woman...weird!

Wow...that really did feel good!!!

Did you just have a cold or are you suffering from congestion due to being pregnant?

I have had what I compare to bad allergies before I even got a BFP. It hasn't let up once since then. My nose is so sore from blowing it all the time....I've been tempted to use a nasal spray!!! It's just sitting in the medicine cabinet calling to me.....
:blush: I often don't really wash my veggies... :blush: *Runs away*
I sleep on my stomach and feel guilty every morn.
I've had runny eggs & two glasses of wine!!
Duejan: that is funny! I would love to see it! I was an ugly baby!! I got cute when I was a toddler! My brother, lil shithead has always been cute! Never went though that ugly akward stage. Haha.

My mom says she cried when she first saw me, now that I think about it lol.

She said I had bright red hair, my skin was dark purple and my face was was squished all crooked! She said I looked like an alien. Her mother had to convince her I wouldn't stay that way!! (I didn't, thank goodness :p )

When one of my Friends was in labor (my Godmother's daughter) was in labor she was crying and my Godmother was like, if it hurts that bad ask th nurse for some medicine, she replied with," I am not crying because it hurts,I am crying because I am afraid she is going to be ugly!" Hahahaha

My first words to my son were 'oh God you're ugly'

Ha! I'm a bad mother!!!
:blush: I often don't really wash my veggies... :blush: *Runs away*

I'm guilty as well!

Don't think I ever have!!

Oh good! :haha: I always do when I have company out of respect for the guests but I only very rarely wash them for myself. I know it's supposedly super bad but I just can't seem to get myself in the habit or care enough... :shrug: Plus, I found a dried up worm in prewashed spinach so I figured it could happen anyway :haha:
I sleep on my stomach and feel guilty every morn.
I've had runny eggs & two glasses of wine!!

I thought belly was okay but we should avoid sleeping/laying on our backs (once we get a bump)?? I don't have a bump yet so I'm not worrying about sleep position (not that I sleep much anyways!)
I've had tons of Jimmy Johns in the past month :p Once second tri hit I started drinking Coke again (I couldn't first tri because of morning sickness) but kept it to a minimum as best as I could. I don't eat very well, veggies just sound disgusting to me lol. I do what I can though, which isn't much. Mostly I have been craving cupcakes, doughnuts, things of that sort :haha:

A glass of cabernet sounds amazing, but I don't know that I could limit that to just a glass every so often...it is probably worse for me to have some and crave it more lol!

Feels nice to get it out, there is so much pressure on pregnant women to be perfect! I believe everything in moderation so that's what I've been trying to do :)
You all drinking your Coke is making me feel like I should just give in to temptation and drink a big FAT COKE ZERO! Even though I still have a cup of coffee. One bottle couldn't hurt, right? :(
You all drinking your Coke is making me feel like I should just give in to temptation and drink a big FAT COKE ZERO! Even though I still have a cup of coffee. One bottle couldn't hurt, right? :(


Do it... I had a Pepsi last week
Ooooh, I want it so bad. I'd have to do it behind DH's back....he pays attention to what I do that I'm not supposed to... *eyeroll* I love him and appreciate it but my word....

What was I saying? COKE ZERO!
I had some energy drink yesterday morning. There's a big no no, since it's not just the caffeine to worry about.

I mixed maybe a 4th of a can in with a vitamin water type drink and ended up only drinking about half of the mixture. It's been so long since I've have a significant amount of caffeine that it didn't take much to get me to the bouncing-off-walls point.
Ooooh, I want it so bad. I'd have to do it behind DH's back....he pays attention to what I do that I'm not supposed to... *eyeroll* I love him and appreciate it but my word....

What was I saying? COKE ZERO!

:haha: enjoy!
Haha thanks....!

Key word being: moderation, right? ;)
I LOVE the therapy of this thread!!!

I was thinking the same thing! I worried myself to tears before by worrying that I was giving in to things and not doing everything the way I should.....it feels better to give in everyonce in a while and not stress so much.
A couple of weekends ago I had a small caramel frappe w/ my mom (when we went baby shopping for the first time!).

I love those things but avoid them because of the calories (I usually enjoy the large!), but will get one every now and again (maybe once a year).

But I really really wanted one, but was feeling bad about the caffeine (and the calories). I caved and got a small. I savored it for a couple of hours. I feel like I could go quite awhile without one.

The Dairy Queen is opening soon a couple of blocks here soon.... that'll be bad in the summer...

Right now I could kill for a cold cut from subway, or a multi-meat sub from sandwich factory, or the gargantuan from jimmy johns. Gah. I'm heavily salivating right now.

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