Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

OMG that camp sounds amazing! ! You are going to rock that!! Its so cool they have stuff like that.

I laughed soooo hard at sugar mama. Thats what my husband calls me to everyone in his class XD. Hes like "and this is why I dont have to work" and then I punch him in the ribs. He approves of your statement and I thank you. Hes in his last year of physical therapy Thank sweet baby Jesus.

Iiii am actually not sure if my sister has heard anything. Lately our text convos consist of pictures and snippets of funny insurance claims from her job. I will let you know when she tells me lol.

And tell me about it. I had some hot legs in high school from riding 6 hours a day. now both I and the beasts are flabby and soft from neglect.

Oh! and just because I can't tell like anyone in real life and im excited, I bought new tarot cards and theyre Pretty :) that is all.

How is dh??? Remind me what he does again?
I love tarot cards! I used to have such a beautiful set and a more beautiful box to keep them in. Congrats! Enjoy them. :) I really loved having them. But I just never had enough time or guidance to reallllly understand what they meant. I would pull quite a few repeat cards and be like, hmmm this obviously really means something, but I wasn't the best interpreter. And then I kind of lost touch with my spiritual side. I was soooo deeply in touch for so long that I guess I kind of became exhausted of it. I had such powerful experiences that were so unexplainable, that I felt deeply saddened by that fact that I could never really explain them to anyone without sounding nuts. It made my feel so alone. Like I just had to keep it all secret and bottled up. So I just let it all go and followed the trend of being empty and normal.

So what are you into? How long have you been interested in tarot cards?
Also a tarot fan! I am 99% sure my ex stole my favorite deck, but I still have my second-favorite, and while it's not a classic deck by any means, it gets the job done!

As for me, not up to a lot. Working and puking, mostly. Hubby is at Arctic Man until late Sunday, so I'm spending this time fixing myself dinners I could never dare when he's home (some of my favorites, yum).
Sorry you're still so sick, Dill! Can't believe it hasn't let up yet. At least you get to eat some good food.

So you guys tell me how you use your cards and where you learned about them etc.
Ohhh I love you girls even more now. Sooo (to preface, any baptists reading this, I mean no offense and I respect your beliefs) the long of it is that I was raised in a super baptists family (like, I attended purity balls, and gave classes to younger girls on obeying your husband kind of thing) and thankfully my parents were super supportive when I would wake up and go "Amber is going to have a car accident" and then she would. They would just say that my "spiritual gift" was prophecy and it was from God so it was all good, but then when a non christian would tell about similar things it was witchcraft and evil and blah. Soooo when I got married and escaped the church I kind of turned off all things spiritual for awhile because I was angry at religion in general buuuut I came back to my spiritual side eventually. Tarot cards are a fairly new acquisition though. In my house growing up finding tarot cards in your room would mean an indefinite grounding and then several priests would come and bless the house and then the cards would be burned and then you would get sent to a convent. Sooo I finally got the nerve to try the forbidden maybe 6 months ago. I'm not very good. I mostly do readings for fun and because friends ask. I got this deck and I'm madly in love with it. What about ya'll? How long? What do you do?
That deck is BEAUTIFUL! I've never seen one like it. Mine was definitely more traditional. I love your story. I love that you weren't completely brainwashed into never letting yourself be you.

BEFORE I say anything, I know everyone has different beliefs etc, and to be honest I'm not sure of my own. But I trust this to be a safe place with no judgement. I don't want to get too deep into anything because it's really more complicated than I can explain, and most of it sound nuts. But long story short, I've been really spiritual and in touch with nature since I was a kid. I grew up with native americans as best friends so we did a lot with sage and meditation etc. Vague I Anyway, I was ALWAYS obsessed with healing energy and energy in general. There were so many situations where I could physically feel the energy of another. Some how along the way I stumbled upon astral projection. Google astral projection if you want to determine how crazy you think it sounds. Anyway I read and read and read and studied and learned as much as I possibly could. I spent hours upon hours meditating in effort to achieve an OBE. I got closer and closer and began to feel things that I'd never felt before. I was disciplined enough to keep my mind awake far after my body fell asleep (talk about a weird feeling), I was able to see my surroundings while my eyes were closed. (again, no bother trying to explain it because everyone argues that I either already knew what my surroundings looked like, or that it was only a dream, etc) I'm getting teary eyed just typing this because it is bringing me back to so many powerful experiences. When I would get *close* to projection, I would feel intense tingles and vibrations, I would feel my spirit rocking back and forth inside my body, I would hear a compilation of sounds which were like a thousand tuning forks ringing together. When I'd reach this point I'd get so excited because I knew I was so close, and I'd lose it. I'd get too darn excited. I distinctly remember one experience, I was practicing in the middle of the day when no one was home. I was laying on my bed meditating, trying for an OBE. I suddenly was floating in the corner of my room, not in my body, I don't know how to explain it, I was just there... floating. Also in my room was an old man floating near my dresser. He seemed to have a long grey beard and maybe a turban? Anyway, for some reason I had no fear of him. He was speaking, but it was another language. But despite the language barrier, I knew that he was explaining the meaning of life. I was so desperate to understand him, but obviously couldn't. Anyway, I know it just sounds like a lucid dream, and there will never be a way to prove one way or the other-so I don't try. But it was very real to me. I had quite a few more experiences, and some of them began to feel scary, so I stopped all together- BUT I had gotten all too good at getting close to OBE and I began doing it without trying. I would just try to go to sleep at night, and I'd suddenly feel myself being thrusted into an unwanted OBE. It is such an insanely euphoric feeling, sometimes I could not get myself to stop it. More orgasmic than any orgasm, I just couldn't say no. It took a lot of self control and practice to finally shut down the experience before it happened. Anyway, blah blah blah- then I was interested in astrology and tarot cards and everything else.
Ok so I'm practically in tears. After typing all of that and remembering all of my astral stuff, I had forgotten what was so scary in the first place. I just did a quick search trying to find another rational explanation of the tingling while falling asleep and the very first site that popped up was this

Wasn't the information I was looking for (Other theory on sleep tingling) but was exactly everything I felt before. You should watch the vid if you have a minute. So I kept browsing her page, and found EXACTLY what scared me away from all of this in the first place. Entities that try to feed off of your fear. She couldn't have done a better job explaining it. Long story short, I began to see faces- they were aggressive, and they would try to intimidate me. The would pop out at me in the night. Like you'd imagine ghosts? They were there, and they were real. There were certain faces that would reappear nightly, and others that would be new each time. Anyway, I was SCARED of them. And I knew that was what they wanted. So I quit. but I tell you, this lady describes it as if she was describing my own personal experience. So, I'm glad I'm not alone, but at the same time, I'm a bit freaked out by remembering what haunted me so much years ago. Maybe I should begin my meditations again and conquer my fears? Who knows...
Oh beep I 100% believe you. Astral projection wasn't something I ever wanted to try (or something I have any hope of being good, at. WAAAY too much of a control freak and a nervous personality) but I can see the appeal. I'm sorry scary things happened though :( and I don't blame you for stopping. That video is super interesting! Definitely something I'm going to do more research on for curiosity sake.

I have a friend that seems to be in a near constant...... I don't know what to call it... metaphysical? state. Basically the world around her always looks like it does during astral projection and she'll often get very freaked out and need to leave somewhere. It's caused her a lot of problems in life and she's never learned to control it.

As far as energies in general go, I feel ya. As a whole I've found that general paganism has the best explanations of energy for me so that's broadly the belief system I subscribe to, but I typically avoid situations where anyone would ask so only a few people in real life know that.
LOVE/HATE relationship with temping!! Obviously, I hate waking up and sticking something relatively sharp into my V. But I LOVE watching my temps going up, up, up after O. But I HATE that I'm still excited about temp rises even though we missed our window. Temps was surprisingly higher today. And I hate waiting for each day to add a piece to the puzzle. At LEAST I know I'm ovulating... THAT is a big relief!
That is really weird about your friend!! I feel terrible for her. That sounds awful. I couldn't even imagine how crazy and exhausting that would be.

And... I don't know much or anything really about paganism. Tell me some? Or I can go research...
I've been sicker than ever, actually. Midwife warned me it would peak at 8-9 weeks! Ugh!

I was raised in a mixed household -- Mom was pagan, Dad was Catholic. I was given a neutral, well-rounded religious upbringing, but got very curious about world religions around the age of 8, and cleaned out the library of every religious text I could find. I'd call myself something of an eclectic pagan. Anyway, Mom was always a tarot reader, and I got my first deck (the dragon tarot) as a Christmas gift one year. I took to it like a duck to water. Like Beep, I've always been close to nature, and I credit a large part of that to where I grew up. I'd say I've "toned it down" a bit as an adult, especially since I've married someone who's not sure what or if he believes, and he comes from a baptist family.
That's very cool that you were so inspired to learn about religion at such a young age. Ignorant, I know, but I was always scared of paganism because as a kid I heard that it was all about witch craft and cults and demon worship. I never had any reason as an adult to look further into it because I honestly never hear about it. But I did just spend some time googling it and OMG, it seems to describe so much of me. Really cool. I love how open it is to being so many different things. It seems so much more honest than so many other religions. Anyway, thanks ladies. Learn something new everyday.

What else I learned today- I was having cramping, right boob pains, and pinching behind my bellybutton, and what I learned is, this happens every TWW. Seems, pretty weird to me! But I've definitely noticed the same boob pain and belly button pinches before.
Ug dill im sorry about MS. It sucks the big one. and beep! it is SO wonderful that you're ovulating! Good good sign all around. Personally I can only temp vaginally. My oral temps always suck because I sleep with my moouthouse

OH Gavins god mother has the dragon tarot. Its gorgeous.

As far as paganism goes, I get up being told it was all demons and Satan and blood and gore too So the word itself was dirty. I got called a pagan by church leadership maybe 3 times growing up for defending the green mocement or beating up boys who threw rocks at dogs on missions trips or squirreling lizards out of houses that we were spraying for termites so they wouldn't get poisoned and it was always said like a bad word and finally onr day I was like @($& it I AM a pagan if being nice to animals makes me one and then weird things started recurring (like my printer at work went insane and started spitting out gibberish but instead of letters it was ogham) and I was like cool this is right and so it has stayed.

I find the following graphic is the most compact and concise explanation for what I believe :)


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I love that principles of paganism thing. It seems to sum up everything! Many of the things I already feel... however I feel a bit weird about having a name for it, if that makes sense
I feel ya :) I just like it. How are you today?? AF attacked today. Shocker. 8 Day LP. Yaaaay *eye roll*.
Omg 8 days?!! Geeze! Can you link me until it last 2 charts? I'd love to see. My temp dropped yesterday. Back up today. Wish I could start AF early, in need to in the mood to wait. It should come on right around the time of my micro exam next week. :/
Here ya go. To make matters weirder my periods have been like 36 hours long the last 3 cycles. Sigh. Wtf?


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That is so weird? 36 hrs sounds nice, but wrong... 36 hrs... like a day and a half???? That really concerns me. I wonder if there is an issue with the uterine lining? Dr. Dr. DR!!
Yeeeah I get light spotting for a day, and then maybe a day of light flow, a few hours of medium flow and then it tapers off by the next day. Never happened until DS was born. I had textbook cycles before that. I have my yearly pap in June and I'm going to talk to her about trying to fix me before we start TTC in Sept. See if we can get it hashed out in advance.
Maybe you'll get lucky and they will regulate themselves before you even see your doctor ! We can hope. :) It's so weird, I always read that having kids totally messes up peoples cycles.

I am 11 DPO today. Chart is still up and down. I haven't been cramping or anything, but strangely just felt a gush, and it was some creamy, pink tinted cm. Maybe I will be getting my wish of an early AF?! HA!

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