pino - hehe... that usually happen when there are tons in your mind~ hope packing is moving along nicely~~ like country.. when you first brought it up I thought March was sooo far away! Can't believe it's almost here!! Where has time gone?!
country - Happy belated anniversary to you & dh too~ we spent out anniversary away from out with a mini road trip to San Diego~

definitely enjoyed this little getaway~ Can't believe little G is already 2+ weeks old! I still remember posting that Super O picture!
lauren - eek! that commute sounds horrible! Can't imagine commuting in the snow!

dh freaked a bit when we were on our way back from the San Diego trip and it snowed!!

Oo..speaking of snow.. we had SNOW yesterday!! Everyone is shocked!
Good luck with new job hunt when you're ready~

definitely sounds like a great idea with a not-so-family-friendly company.
afm, nothing interesting to report. CD14 today (-OPK on CD11-13) and got a +OPK today!

I dont know if it's a true positive or another fluke. Seems too early. Will see what the stick says tomorrow
Ohh.. on an OT pooper news. Someone rear ended DH on the freeway yesterday! Luckily, he was the first of the 3 cars! So the back bumper had some minor scratches while the other two cars are not looking so good. DH said his back/neck felt stiff and a little off, so hopefully it's not a long term injury. He also said the driver from the last car (who is at fault) got a pretty bad nose bleed