Could use a buddy

Thanks Lauren! Your OH gave such a good answer to your friends. I always feel the need to tell people everything, and I think I'm a bit too open sometimes.

On a side note, I'm freaking out a bit. I've felt off since Friday, but now I have a fever , chills, cough, sore throat. I've read on some website that this could be a severe side affect from the fertility drug, but hot flashes and sweating are the most common. I've called a health line called Telehealth Ontario and currently waiting to have a nurse call me back.

Maybe it's the just the flu, but a website I looked up said call your healthcare professional if you develop fever, etc. I REALLY don't want to call in sick my second week of work! But health comes first.:(
Sleepy, sounds like we'll be going through this SMEP together! Let's hope it does the trick for both of us. It's ok to have those feelings, I think we all feel it at some point. I just try to think that at some point it will happen for me. It will happen for you.

Lauren, your temp could be different with the new thermometer, it may be calibrated a little differently. Are you feeling ok? Could the acupuncture change your temps at all? If you feel ok I wouldn't worry too much about it yet but I'm no expert. I really like your responses to people asking about TTC. I was asked at my SIL's shower when my turn would be to have a baby so I said "let's let her baby come first then we'll see". Luckily that was it, normally my family continues to pressure until my face goes red!

Sashimi - keep us posted on your health! Fever and chills aren't a good sign. My DH has called the telehealth line before when he dropped a staircase on his toe, they were very helpful. Hopefully they gave you the answers you needed and you can get feeling better soon whether that means getting off the pills or taking something else. Your health definitely comes first!

I'm on CD7 now, not overly stressed about TTC which is a nice break. I'm sure as I get closer to O I'll start to worry about timing though. Oh and figuring out those OPKs lol first month using them so it should be interesting. I decided to show DH my FF chart so he would start to understand the cycle and everything and he did really well at first paying attention until I started to tell him about CM/CF lol that's where I completely lost his attention and he looked like he might be sick!
Sashimi: Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

Lauren & Country: Yep. I was asked during my niece/nephew's birthday parties... and I just told them.. "I'll wait for them to grow up a little bit first.. then I'll get free baby sitters :haha:"

Sleepy: Ah... say no to FB! (I can use my own advice) :dohh:

hopeful & biostat: Sleeping in is a leisure~~ hehe.. after BDed on a saturday morning... fell asleep 'til NOON!! Ah.. such a lazy day~~ :)
Sashimi - Those don't sound like very good symptoms! Did the nurse ever call you back? I hope you're feeling better by now. About the urgency question...unfortunately everyone wonders why I'm not more urgent - when, in reality I AM, they just have no clue :( Generally speaking though when people ask, my OH always says "hopefully in the next few years" or "when the time is right for us".

Lauren - Maybe it is the BBT thermometer? I'm sure it's not anything more than that...please don't listen to Google in this case - you have no life threatening illness! Lol!

Countrygirl - Excited for SMEP! I actually feel more relaxed about this cycle knowing that's what we're doing. I thought I would feel the opposite, but so far so good!

Thank you all for your encouraging words. I'm feeling a lot better today and I know that we're all going to get our BFP's occasionally. I guess I just felt bitter and sort of embarrassed because she's younger than me and apparently only tried for a month. But everyone's TTC story is different and I know it ends up being perfect for them. Just difficult for me to accept some days. So nice having you ladies to be honest with!
Country - That's so great that OH was interested in seeing your chart! My OH can listen to the basics but also gets a little perturbed when I mention CM. Sounds like you dealt well with the TTC questions, too! I am wondering if it's the acupuncture or if I might be a little bit sick. My acupuncturist did say she wanted to bring some 'heat' into my reproductive system. I didn't think she meant literally, but I don't exactly know how it all works, to be honest! I am on CD9 and also feeling pretty relaxed. I hope that feeling lasts! I do like the NTNP this month, I didn't think I would. It's nice having a daily chat with OH about the process.

Sashimi - I'm sorry to hear that you might be having a bad reaction! Please keep us posted--that doesn't sound very pleasant and sounds a bit scary. You did the right thing by calling someone, of course. And your health absolutely comes first! I have had to call in sick during my first month at two separate jobs--I felt very stressed about it but both jobs understood and were supportive. Hopefully if you need to stay home your new workplace will understand.

Sleepy - Good call on not trusting Google!! It's a bad habit of mine to Google that stuff...but I actually feel calmer about it today. I am thinking it's probably the thermometer, or maybe my body is just warmer in the spring. I don't know! I'll just see what the pattern ends up being. I don't suppose there's too much I can do about my temp, lol. Glad you're feeling better. I so know that feeling of someone younger getting pg instantly and the jealousy and embarrassment. I've said it before and I'll say it again--you're NOT old, and you WILL get that BFP! :)

Excited for all the SMEP-ers! I think having a plan is helpful. At least that way you know you've done what you can! I am still feeling pretty relaxed about this month. If I start to really think about it I get a little frazzled, but overall feeling pretty surrendered for once. Again, Fx that this feeling lasts!
I have an appt. tomorrow with the OB--over the weekend thought I felt some bumpy skin down there (sorry TMI). Couldn't see anything that clearly with a hand mirror, but got totally paranoid and my inner hypochondriac emerged...I am hoping there's nothing hpv related going on (I have never tested + for this but am actually not sure I've ever been tested for it!), and that it's just from the marathon BD last month--we didn't use PreSeed for a month, so it was a bit rough.

How is everyone else? Sashimi, are you OK?? Still on the med?

Country, when do you start your OPKs? I love to POAS :)
GL at your appointment tomorrow lauren. Better to be safe than sorry at this stage plus they may be able to answer any other questions you may have. I've been thinking of using preseed, you really like it? How are you doing?

I guess I'll start OPKs Thursday, excited to BD tonight! I'm feeling cautiously excited for this cycle since we have such a plan in place and I feel like I know more about what's going on with my body. Regardless of what happens, we are still less than 2 months away from DHs dr appt where we'll start the ball rolling on SA etc.
Good luck at the appt tomorrow Lauren! You have your biofeedback session coming up Thursday too right? Are your temps still high - can we chalk it up to the new thermometer? Keep us updated :)

Country - Yay for CD8 - I'm totally all up in your cycle. Hope you don't mind :blush:

Sashimi - Feeling better? I hope everything worked out with the meds!

As for me, I POAS yesterday because clearly I have issues. Obviously the OPK was negative, lol. SMEP starts tomorrow. Ohhh yeahh :happydance:
Thanks, ladies! I think it's better to be safe, too....I don't know what's going on with me lately, but I've been a bit anxious and when that happens my hypochondriasis goes through the ROOF. Oy.

I did OPK, too, and of course it was neg, lol. Way too early for me. Last cycle I didn't get one until CD13! I'm only on 10, but started them on 8.

My temps are still high! I don't know if it's the new thermometer or not. I am going to ask my OBGYN tomorrow. And tell her the gamut of my 'symptoms', lol. Some of what I thought were PMS are lingering, so that's where my anxiety started kicking in...srsly, I need to ban Googling from my list of hobbies that support irrational fear!

I love PreSeed! We started off with the recommended amount and the applicator--that was tooooo much. However, we did use it and used that much the month I had the chemical, so maybe it helped! It feels a lot like EWCM, so that's nice. A bit more watery, which is why you can't use a heaping amount. At least we didn't need that much. We've used it before, too, just for minor amounts of lube. It is very natural and conception-friendly. Also PH balanced I think? Other lubes kill sperm, so maybe they're acidic? Anyway, it's a bit pricey but I like it!
Hey everyone!

Sashimi – sucks to be sick. I hate calling in sick, too, but it’s always the best call (for people at work AND you :thumbup: ). Anyways, hope you’re feeling better today.

Countrygirl – good for you about not stressing. Haha my DH was a little weirded out by the whole CM thing at first, too. Now it’s the other way around and he’s gotten into it…”What’s your CM like today?” I’m like, uh, I haven’t even remembered to check. And then he gets weirded out again when I do check, “Did you just do that?” Guys are really funny when it comes to our bodies…

SleepyOwl…I totally hear you about feeling bitter…You will get your BFP eventually. I know everyone just wishes we knew when. And then we could relax.

Good for all you ladies with the SMEP plan...sounds like you all have an awesome plan of attack. :grr:

I had to go to a huge baby-shower this weekend, and literally four of the ladies there were pregnant, three of whom are less far along than how long we’ve been trying. I have another baby-shower this Friday, and another one the following Friday.

I’m waiting on AF right now…haven’t done a HPT yet because I’ve already wasted $$ on them in previous cycles only to get AF the next day. So I figure I’ll just wait until I’m a couple days late to test. But my cycles are anywhere between 26 to 30 days, which means I start getting really hopeful around CD 28 and at the same time really afraid of disappointment. Today is CD 30…but I’m getting pre-AF cramps, so I think it’s only a matter of time. Feeling discouraged.
CD2 - blah! I was doing SO good this past week at staying positive even though I knew last cycle was a bust and AF was on its way but I fell completely off that bandwagon today :cry: At dismissal today (I'm a teacher) I was waiting for a few more parents to pick up their kiddos when a parent of a child I had last year walked by and asked if I was OK. I realized I had been staring longingly at another teacher I work with who is 6 months pregnant. :cry: Apparently I was not hiding the sadness very well! I think work is worse than Facebook for me lately. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up on a brighter side of the bed!!! :/

Lauren26 - I agree that is can be best to be honest with people when they bring up TTC. OR brush it off quickly. :haha: However, you still may not hear what you want to hear. It seems as if no one can say the right thing so I've learned to ignore people on the subject unless they are giving positive encouragement because that is about the only thing I WANT to hear :) Good luck with your appointment tomorrow!

SashimiMimi - I hope you are feeling better!!! Hopefully the side effects just mean that the drug is helping/working for you! Fingers crossed :thumbup:

Good luck to all you girls starting to DTD this cycle!! I am a bit behind you and won't be starting OPK and DTD until near the end of the month. ugh! I hate the first 2 weeks more than the 2WW! There's that bad attitude again :nope: Tomorrow I WILL be more positive! :winkwink:
Hey everyone!

I had to go to a huge baby-shower this weekend, and literally four of the ladies there were pregnant, three of whom are less far along than how long we’ve been trying. I have another baby-shower this Friday, and another one the following Friday.

I’m waiting on AF right now…haven’t done a HPT yet because I’ve already wasted $$ on them in previous cycles only to get AF the next day. So I figure I’ll just wait until I’m a couple days late to test. But my cycles are anywhere between 26 to 30 days, which means I start getting really hopeful around CD 28 and at the same time really afraid of disappointment. Today is CD 30…but I’m getting pre-AF cramps, so I think it’s only a matter of time. Feeling discouraged.

I give you SO much credit for going to that baby shower!! That had to be extremely hard on you! I have two next month and I am DREADING them. I do not know how I am going to make it through without looking completely depressed. :wacko: I have seriously thought about sending a gift and not going. One is family and one is for a girl at work. I am sure I will end up going and suffering through. :cry: Good luck to you on the next two you have coming up :hugs: Remember - your time WILL come!!

My cycles also vary by a few days (28-32) so I know exactly what you mean about getting your hopes up towards the middle there. I hate the longer cycles because by day 30 I have convinced myself I am preggo! I am a "chronic phantom symptom spotter" - not good!

Lots of hugs!! Hoping this next cycle is your lucky one! :happydance:
Thanks for the kind words ladies! I'm feeling much better today. Nurse thought it was just a virus, but I'm still going to mention the fever and symptoms to my doctor.

OH is having his first experience with TTC heartache. Twice this week he has seen young pregnant girls (around 20) smoking!!! It made him so annoyed he wanted to march right over and give them a lecture!! Seriously, huge pregnant belly and smoking. Who does that?

He also got asked the when are you going to have kids question by a former colleague today as well. He was caught so off guard that he went into detail about the entire IUI experience. In this case, Im glad he did because the colleague said that he and his wife had trouble TTC and had both their kids through IUI. For OH it was very inspiring and encouraging to hear about the struggles from another man.

I think when OH gives me the we have lots of time and don't worry,relax speech, he's trying to be strong. I know he wants this as much as I do, and it's tough not having control over the situation.

Hang in there Hopeful! I think we all notice pregnancies around us a lot more because we are all TTC. When I go to my fertility clinic it's always busy and it reminds me that there are so many women like us who just need to be patient during the process a little longer than others. I know our BFPs will come!
Biostat - I still have my fingers crossed for you!

Hopeful - I know it's like we have a pregnancy radar and it's so hard not to stare! Stay positive - our BFP's are coming!!

Sashimi - Happy to hear it was just a virus, but you're right - better to mention it to the doc just to be safe. I think you're right on with the OH's trying to be strong statement. A lot of the times we probably dismiss is it as them not understanding (I know I'm guilty of this), but I think a major part of it is they know how let down and discouraged we are. So nice to hear another positive IUI story - def. offers a lot of encouragement. When is your next IUI?
Hopeful - I CONSTANTLY see beautiful pregnant women and women with little kids and babies. Every single time I leave the house, lol. It's tough not to stare!! And long.

Sashimi - I'm glad that your clinic is not worried--good call on letting your doc know, though!! Those definitely don't seem like welcome symptoms. That's so wonderful that your OH was able to connect with a co-worker on IUI!! I am curious when your next one is, too. I CANNOT believe that you saw more than one pregnant girl smoking!!! That's preposterous. It's so hard for me to believe that women treat their bodies and their babies poorly when they're pg, but sadly I know it happens all the time.

Bio - Fx Fx Fx!!!

Truth be told, I am very anxious about my trip to the doc. I have a long list of things I feel concerned and/or paranoid about that I am going to ask her about. TTC has truly taken me to the depths of my neurosis about health, lol. I think that the more I discover about my body the more I realize how delicate and complex the body is--of course, it's very resilient, too! We should also hear back about OH's SA tomorrow, which he submitted a sample for on Monday.
Biostat - totally agree that men are weird when it comes to our bodies! I have to admit though, mine was a mystery to me till I read TCOYF though! Has anyone picked it up?

Hopeful - I caught myself staring at my friend's bump at a baby shower this weekend, just think you will have a bump for others to stare at soon enough! It's totally normal to have up and down days. Hope you are feeling a little better about things today :) I love the first two weeks, so much excitement trying to catch that little egg!

Sashimi it's good to hear you are feeling better, how's your job going? That would definitely help hearing stories from someone you know who has gone through it. Brings to light how many people do struggle with TTC. I'm also wondering when your next IUI is?

Lauren, hope you get lots of answers today at the doctor and with the SA. Let us know how it goes!

We started SMEP last night lol yeehaw! I'm not really sure what to think of this POAS business! Do you ladies keep your sticks to compare? What time of day is best?

Happy Hump Day everyone!
biostat: :hugs: hope AF is a no show!!!! she should go find someone who needs her!

hopeful: :hugs: I kept seeing these few pregnant ladies whenever I used the restroom. feeling so envy... :( I think one of them is due soon (judging by the way she walks). Feel like I wanted to go up to her and rub some baby dust! hahah... she would probably call the security on me :haha:

sashimi: I know exactly how that feels. seeing younger pregnant girls who don't take care of their body. that's good that your OH has colleague that are encouraging. DH's colleague is the exact opposite. telling him how easy it was for him and his wife to get pregnant... and his so-and-so is also pregnant by accident. DH was :growlmad:

Lauren: let us know how it goes~

yay to sleepy & country for SMEP journeys!!

I use the clearblue digital that shows a smiley face when LH is detected and I stop testing afterward and don't keep my stick either. I think it's recommended to test twice per day .. once sometime after 10am and once sometimes in the evening ~7pm. and it's best if you don't pee ~3 hours before u POAS. But this cycle... I remember I went to the restroom at around 10:30am... then I drank probably 2+ cups of water and needed to go before 11:30 and still got +opk :shrug:
Woohoo! All clear for me. I guess there are a lot of things I didn't notice about myself until TTC and checking my cervix and the other stuff down there :blush:. I am instantly relaxed! Whew.

OH will hear about his SA today or tomorrow. Since we had a chemical and he's gotten someone pg before I expect it will be fine, but it'll still be nice to hear from a doctor that it's fine!

Excited for you SMEP-ers! OH does want to BD on my fertile days, so I suppose we're half NTNP? It seems like it's been more of a mindset than anything else for me. Also we're not doing the marathon 14 days of

Sashimi, any other news about the Femara? Are you still on it?
I took my last dose of Femara last night. I felt really anxious yesterday and couldn't get to sleep, so if that was a side affect I'm glad I'm done! I'm going back to the fertility clinic for cycle monitoring tomorrow to see how things are coming along. I also spoke with my friend the acupuncturist and we are going to do acupuncture on one of the days I do an IUI...assuming we end up going the IUI route again this cycle.

Acupuncturist said Femara can sometimes make you O early, so of it happened this weekend that would be super convenient! If not I guess it will happen sometime next week! I'm on my phone right now so more later.

Can I join this thread ladies??

Ive been reading over the posts and totally agree with the ones about the size of the thread. Ive joined a couple of others but cant seem to keep up with whats going on and feel like I cant actually express myself in them!
Ive been TTC number 1 for 6 cycles now... I was one of the ones that assumed it would happen straight away and now im very deflated that its taking so long! I remember waiting for my implanon to be removed to begin TTC and thinking 'in a few weeks i'll be pregnant' and planning how I was going to tell people. And here I am now 6 months later and still nothing!!

I know theres so many girls that have been ttc for years like some of you and I hold my hands up to you!! So proud of everyone that keeps a brave face throughout this really tough time. I am due to ovulate in the next couple of days so fingers crossed for this cycle :) I've also had luteal phase issues, been charting and the last three months my LP has only been 10, however I started taking 100mg of b6 and think it increased to 12 days which is a positive!!

Babydust to everyone, I will be stalking this thread hehe! xxxx :)

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