Could use a buddy

Yeah, the whole caffeine issue. There is conflicting research on both the impact on fertility and developing baby and most of the studies are not that well done. But there's pretty much consensus that below 200 mg/day (1-1.5 cups of coffee, 2 cups of tea) there's no measurable harm. So I stick to my 1-2 cups of tea. Hard to be perfect, especially because there are so many things to avoid. I stay away from soft cheese, mercury containing fish (like tuna), unpasteurized foods and uncooked meat/eggs (although I've messed up on that one), and have no more than a glass a wine every so often.
Yeah, I tried to stay away from caffeinated drinks although I do drink hot cocoa (maybe ~1 cup a day?) as biostat mentioned, uncooked meat/eggs (or even undercook).

DH & I might go for sushi this weekend (I would be 7DPO)... debating whether or not I should eat sashimi (no pun intended :))
DH & I might go for sushi this weekend (I would be 7DPO)... debating whether or not I should eat sashimi (no pun intended :))[/QUOTE]

Don't eat her! You might be eating twins in the making too :hugs:
Seriously, that is so exciting, what a great result-well worth the side effects. Now you need to try and relax and not put too much pressure on yourself.

I think everything food and drink wise in moderation is fine. I reckon when we get our BFPs we will wish we'd had the odd coffee or soft cheese here and there while we could!!! Plus if you're anything like me, when you get your AF you feel hard done by if you've completely cut something out and it's not come to anything. Having said that, I have cut down on caffeine and sugar on advice of acupuncture guy and have been feeling a bit better.

I really have been AWOL the last 5 days or so and look what I've missed! I will add my job into the mix-I work in an art gallery in the fundraising team! Loved hearing what everyone does and the length of posts does seem characteristic to jobs too!

Any news Biostat? Fx, fx fx!!!! Welcome Treasured! Hope everyone is feeling positive about their cycles, I feel much more relaxed for this one-I think this is because thanks to you girls I am armed with ideas on what to do next cycle if it doesn't work out. Seriously though, it was my OH's idea to join a forum so I wouldn't feel so lonely and sad and I couldn't have wished for more supportive buddies! I'm pretty sure he also loves you all as thanks to you I am much happier this month and am not having TTC dilemmas as often with him. Thank you so much.

Lxb-you're one day ahead of me! Hope your 2ww going well. Country and Sleepy-I think I have inadvertently done SMEP this month too after speaking to my acupuncture guy today! Lauren-great news you have got clear results on both fronts, all systems go!
I´ll definitely be stalking this thread :)
learned alot in the ... 1-2 hours maybe? that I was reading through this one :)

lots of :dust: to all of us :)
DH & I might go for sushi this weekend (I would be 7DPO)... debating whether or not I should eat sashimi (no pun intended :))

Don't eat her! You might be eating twins in the making too :hugs:

:haha: :haha: of course~~!! :blush:

my tww is going well so far. Not much symptoms that I think are worth note-taking, which makes me think this won't be my month. How are you feeling?

:wave: preg_pilot! welcome~!
Gosh I have been missing out so much on this thread the past few days! Work has picked up and I have like NO time. Speaking of work - I'm an attorney! Like Lxb, I basically sit in front of a computer all day as well. Not the most glamorous job but it pays the bills.

My take on caffeine - Cycles 1-3 I drank coffee and soda as I normally did and just cut back slightly after ovulation. This cycle I've pretty much cut it out altogether. I had a sip of soda the other day and maybe have had 1/2 a cup of coffee one morning when I just couldn't take it.

Sashimi - TWINNSS aka twin eggies!! I know it's high risk but it would def. be amazing and efficient. Whatever happens, I hope you get your BFP and that it's a healthy, uneventful 9 months. That's my idea of a great pregnancy, lol! That is great that your appointment was quick and easy. It must put your mind at ease (well at least somewhat) to have such a personable fertility doctor.

Biostat - I cannot even wait for you test!! It's really sweet OH wants you to test with him. I think mine would be too nervous.

Lxb - The lack of symptoms could be your BFP symptom! When are you planning on testing - or do you think you will just wait til AF is late?

Treasured - I'm 29 and am turning 30 in September. Praying I can get my BFP before then, but who knows what's in store for me.

Country - Did you use an OPK today - prob way too early for a +OPK at CD10 right? SMEP did not happen as planned, but I think it's okay. I wrote a little more below about it.

Pregpilot - Welcome :)

Lauren - I feel like I'm leaving you out. Hiiii friend!

As for me, I did NOT BD last night. OH was SO tired. Although I desperately wanted to cry myself to sleep because I was feeling hopeless, I was able to reason with myself that it was only CD8 and that it didn't mean that I wouldn't get my BFP this month. It only took an hour, but whatever - besides the point. OH said def. tonight, so I think I'll just do odd days - CD9, 11, 13, etc. I think it might actually work out better, since we'll have a weekend day in there. Also, sorry if TMI, I had a TON of EWCM today...which is weird, right? I'm only CD9. I took an OPK a little while ago and it was negative, but I'm def. going to BD tonight.
So...big news ladies!!! I'm so glad I waited to be home with my hubby...

:bfp: :dance::dance:

Couldn't believe the two lines there but I knew I was feeling a bit different already.

Thank you guys SO much for your support! It kept me from going crazy during the dreaded 2ww. Lots of encouragement to all of you - SleepyOwl, Sashimi, Haribo, Lauren, lxb, CountryGirl, Treasured and Pregpilot. :hugs:
Wooohooooo!!!! Congrats, bio!!! I had a feeling! Was your OH overjoyed? You're paving the way for us!! Now...tell us every single detail about what you did this cycle :) :) I hope your BFP will be the first of many on this thread!

Wow! This is a diverse group of ladies! It's nice to hear what everyone does--very grounding and humanizing. I have an interview in a couple of weeks to be a Business Manager half time for a non-profit where I live--it's exactly what I had in mind when I left my last job but I'm so eager to go in a new direction. I suppose it might be temporary.

Countrygirl - I really hear you on wanting a job that uses the skill set you intentionally cultivated in school, but a good boss is priceless. I'm behind you either way, but wanted to throw in my two cents ;)

I also feel that I won't have sufficient time tonight to catch up and respond to everyone individually--this has been a crazy week for me! (@Sleepy - Hiiiii!) I had my biofeedback today, which was very interesting and tied in well with the therapeutic work I've been doing. Basically you are hooked up to sensors that read all kinds of subtle cues from your body and process all sorts of information--emotional, physical, mental. She compares the way it works to lie detector machines on her website. Anyway, she basically told me that it seems like the 'reason I'm not pregnant' is emotional/mental and not physical. I feel like this is true, but in a way that's harder to deal with. Also, I am very into the idea that our thoughts create our reality, but in this situation that can mean a lot of pressure and accountability! I liked the session--a lot to process. I'm still absorbing it all.

In other TMI news, I have CM this month! Lol. I finally understand what 'sticky' CM is. Before I thought it just meant when you're dry. But I've been getting little globs of sticky-stretchy and can tell my CM is leading up to EWCM. It's pretty cool! It's amazing that we can endlessly learn about the body! Also, CD12 and OPK only half + :p, so I have a few days to go, though the BDing has a NTNP fashion ;)

Haribo, I am with you on the food issue! If it causes more stress to be totally rigid in avoiding something, then indulge a little! Of course, there are still things I pretty much completely refrain from in the TWW--like alcohol, unpasteurized cheese, and I try to cut down on my coffee intake. OH and I have been doing half-calf, only one cup. That's ideal for me. I need just a little zing and don't want to totally compromise flavor. I have been staying away from all fake sugar, have switched to whole milk and real butter, and avoid all processed food, unless I'm eating out or it's unavoidable.

That's all from me for today! I hope I can read all of these more thoroughly tomorrow. Biostat--congrats again!!!
So...big news ladies!!! I'm so glad I waited to be home with my hubby...

:bfp: :dance::dance:

Couldn't believe the two lines there but I knew I was feeling a bit different already.

Thank you guys SO much for your support! It kept me from going crazy during the dreaded 2ww. Lots of encouragement to all of you - SleepyOwl, Sashimi, Haribo, Lauren, lxb, CountryGirl, Treasured and Pregpilot. :hugs:

Congratulations biostat!
Now we just need lots of :dust: for the rest of us :D
Yay biostat!!!!!!


sleepy - that's what i told myself to make me feel better too (no symptom could be bfp symptom) :haha: although I'm not holding my breathe on it. I always "plan" to test AFTER i missed my AF but failed my plan every cycle! haha... FF now shows AF due on 28th, another site shows AF due 29th. Maybe I'll test if my temp stays high on the 28th :thumbup: (that's the plan for now anyways :haha:)

lauren - yay for sticky CM & to BD! & good luck on your interview!!

pregpilot - where are you on your cycle?
pregpilot - where are you on your cycle?

I´m supposed to be about 4 days from ovulation, started OPK´s today, not to miss it.
I got severely painful cramps this morning, so hopefully O is not far around the corner.
Well first and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS BIOSTAT! So excited for you! You must tell us everything you did though lol out of fairness to us still trying! How far along does that make you and when's your due date?

Sashimi - I think you should do whatever you are comfortable with with regards to caffeine. I don't drink coffee or pop but I like tea so I cut back to decaf tea. I agree with biostat that there are conflicting reports but generally around 200 mg is acceptable. Yippie for two eggs! That would be incredible! There is more risk but more reward too :)

haribo, I completely agree, when we get our BFPs we'll miss out on those foods so we might as well (safely) indulge now!

pregpilot - Welcome!

lxb - enjoy your sushi! At this point the baby wouldn't be attached as far as I know so it can't harm? Not sure though.

Sleepy, I'm glad you are switching to odd numbers cause now we are the same! Mine was VERY negative lol no test line to speak of!

lauren - thank you! I'm hoping I would be able to stay on here as a bookkeeper so maybe 10 hours a week. The biofeedback sounds like it's giving you the tools you need. Do you go for more sessions or is it a once type of thing?

Hope everyones had a good week! Any exciting plans for the weekend? We are going to see Billy Currington (country music) in concert tonight and I have my nephew's first communion Sunday. Oh and gotta keep on track with the SMEP!
Haribo- so glad this forum is making a difference and de-stressing you.

Sleepy - Don't feel hopeless! It's only a matter of time until your BFP. I'm sure it wasn't a big deal if you missed a day - remember those sperm can hang out for a while.

Lauren - I'm glad the biofeedback session went well for you. I hope you don't blame yourself for not conceiving yet, though...if no one conceived when they weren't perfectly mentally healthy then we'd have a pretty small population! :winkwink:

Lxb - it's so funny how we design all these rules around testing for ourselves to contain our impatience. Sending baby dust a week in advance.

Country girl...sounds like a fun weekend with the concert and sticking to the SMEP :happydance:

Thanks so much for everyone's congrats. OH was thrilled. He said we should frame the test, lol. In answers to people's questions about what I did...I wish I had more concrete tactics, but this is really all we did:
Guessed LP of 12-16 days. Subtracted those from cycle length 26-30 days to get an ovulation range of CD 10-18. BDed every 2 days from CD 6 to 16, plus extra when we felt like it (which I'm guessing was around ovulation). I've been taking a maternity multivitamin plus extra iron and Vit D. We eat very healthy in general because DH does all the cooking from scratch.
This cycle I didn't bother really checking temps or CM or CP. I figured I might as well just cover my bases by BDing the whole possible window.

As for symptoms, I really didn't notice anything until the day of my bfp, when I started to feel odd stomach cramps, tender breasts, and looking back maybe I've been a tad more tired. So don't think a lack of symptoms means a bfn.

Perhaps the only thing different from previous cycles was BDing later in the cycle. And I've been more relaxed because I've been on here with you awesome ladies! Baby dust to everyone.:hugs:
WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Biostat! Havent been on here in a few days and have just caught up! Sooo excited for you :D. Do you have any pics of your test i'd love to see! I get so excited by BFPS hehe. Are you going to make an appointment with docs soon?

I was enjoying reading about everyones busy jobs! I'm a full time carer at the moment and personal assistant for blind clients. Ive done a degree in events management but I dont feel that it is my calling in life so I plan to do another degree in midwifey!! This dream will be put on hold however because although many people have told me how young I am I would prefer to start my family now :).

I have experienced the whole 'oh dont worry you have plenty time' from my nurse which I saw a few weeks ago. Originally I went along for a smear test and of course she asked if I could be pregnant. I hadnt ovulated yet so was ok to have the test but I tried to discuss my situation with her and asked her about Luteal Phase defects which is what I thought was wrong, and she was so vague and disrespectful. She looked horrified that I could possibly be 21 and wanting to conceive. Hmm, I guess thats just what you have to deal with, I was just a bit discouraged and didnt want to continue talking to her...

Think I'm around ovulation right now!! Been having some cramps and 'funny tummy' and me and OH BD'd last night :) So fingers crosssed!

Whos with me right now in TWW? xxxx :)
p.s thank you all for your re-assurance I'm glad that we can all be in this annoying/exciting/heartwrenching/confusing/disappointing/amazing boat together :) xxxx
Biostat that is wonderful news! Yay! Our first bfp On this tread and hopefully the first of many.

Yesterday I had a trigger shot that is causing me to O this weekend, so OH and I went for an IUI today and will do another tomorrow. I went for a fertility acupuncture session right after and then went and got my nails done!! So it's been a very productive day!

OH is feeling very smug because the doctor said he has an olympic medal winning sperm count (180 million) and joked he should get a gold medal! Lol! So we have officially done everything we possibly can for this cycle and on Monday the 2ww will begin. Fertility drugs, trigger shot, IUI and acupuncture. I don't know what else I can do, so fingers crossed. I really want this to be my month and trying to think positive.

How is everyone else's weekend? Treasured I guess I'll be joining you on the 2ww front!
Treasured - Wow, what an amazing job! I love that! I have been wanting to get into a more service-oriented career, or at least something that feels more nurturing than finance (which really ignited the controlling side of me). I have thought about nursing, though I am very squeamish...I'm sorry your nurse wasn't helpful--I love my OB's nurse but the other nurse that works for her group is horribly unhelpful and judgmental on the phone and often doesn't fully listen and/or gets the information wrong that I give her. I got the 'you're too young' response for the first three years we were married, when I was 22-25. Now that I'm 26, soon to be 27, I'm getting the feedback that I won't be a 'young mom'. So I don't think anyone wins in this area! Lol. It sounds like you are very clear on what's right for YOU, and that's the important part :) I am O-ing right now, too! For the first time I got an OPK where the test was darker than the control line. Woohoo! Hoping our BD last night will suffice--my hubbs is not back until tonight and I fear he will be very tired...

Sashimi - Our OH's have the same sperm count! Lol. His doc didn't encourage him, though! I will pass along the info.... :) Sounds like an amazing day!! I am LOVING acupuncture. So much more relaxing than I expected and I really do think it's helping. Sashimi and treasured, I think that we will all start the TWW around the same time! Sashimi, I bet it's a great feeling to know that you guys have done everything possible to make this the month! I love that feeling--even in months when we haven't gotten pregnant (which I guess is all of them, lol), I still feel like I am grounded in knowing that I've done all I can and that it's just a waiting game. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling good about it!

biostat - You're right about the mental state! Thanks for that reminder :) I think that blaming myself in the past has been a way for me to create a false sense of control over the situation. It feels better to surrender it, though, and know that there's only so much I can do! Have you been to the doc?? So excited that you're keeping us posted on this thread so far! Have you joined any first-tri threads? It's nice to know that you guys didn't try anything off the wall and that you didn't even chart! Very encouraging.

country - The biofeedback was interesting and more than anything clarified and validated what I already knew about myself. In the moment I wanted to go back for more sessions, but now I'm feeling like one was enough. The woman was VERY new-agey, and while I'm spiritual and into using some woo-woo terminology like affirmative prayer and intention, lol, I'm not so attracted so psychics and 'seers', which she said she was, so I was a little uncomfortable with her in general.

lxb - Where are you? Feeling anything yet?

preg - Is it O time for you? It's crazy that so many of us have synched cycles!

Sleepy - How are you?? How's SMEP going?
Hey all! It's 4 am and I'm about to get a BD in because I got a positive OPK. So early In my cycle I feel but I'll take it!

Biostat - Congrats!!!! I am SO excited for you!! Pass the baby dust our way girl! I hope you have an incredibly happy and healthy 9 months.

I'll post my updates tomorrow when our guests finally leave!
preg - Is it O time for you? It's crazy that so many of us have synched cycles!

Not yet.
Should happen in the next 2 days according to the last cycle, but could be a bit later.
I´ve started OPKing and we started the SMEP cycle on CD 4, just to be sure :)
I feel hopeful and lucky this month :)

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