lol ive not tested haha, dnt fink its gona happen, had a mad nite. but any way jus got my gail readin an look at true....weird!!!
On opening my links I felt a very strong emotional area around you, I feel these emotions to be quite raw around you within, although on the surface I sense a very content path in general terms, but I do sense youve been through the mill over the past 18 months in regard to pregnancy related areas
I have a lovely gentleman who links in around you and shows spirit babies here, which I sense 4, that would connect to yourself and other family members with this male who is a J initial and I feel could be a Grandfather energy, he shows they are with him, and wants to send some healing to your emotions too, he simply says it will soon be 'your turn'
So looking ahead at pregnancy for you, I do see a conception very soon actually, Im not sure if you have just tested or just had a dissapointment, as I see a line of happiness then some dashed hopes, but then an even bigger line of happiness with you by September
I see your conception month as August, and within September your sure of this, and I feel its important for you to know this will be a full term baby and spirit show me no problems at all with any aspect of this from the moment of conception, to birth and beyond and I am shown a baby boy here with this
I feel you will want to give him everything, and you may clash slightly with an older female who doesnt always agree on your views at caring for your child, she did things differently, and spirit want you to be aware and stick to this, its your child and you do things how you wish to
I then see 2 more conceptions for you, December 2011 with the birth of a baby girl 2012 and conception May 2014 with a baby boy born from this, again, all full term and no complications
I wish you every happiness ahead
