lol thanks Diane!! It was actually at Henry's Bar & Cafe not sure if you have one but basically posher pub grub but it was yummy! I've learned what to pick off menu's now but still get very odd looks if I ask for a cheeseburger without the bun

i have to explain every time!
I'm glad too - I haven't felt sick at all really today so really glad!
Feeling really pissed off though, I have the most unsupportive sisters ever they never have anything nice to say just post thing on Facebook like
"all you ever do is moan about being pregnant on here lol" errr I said I was happy I'd not had any sickness....sounds small but back when i had pleurisy and was constantly ill just before I was diagnosed with depression she told me how some of the girls had been taking bets as to whether I'd put on my status that I felt ill or well - it's just pure cruelty from someone who is your flesh and blood.
Then I told Mark and he had a go at me too, last Saturday my other sister had a go at me cos I was telling her what you're not supposed to eat in pregnancy etc. bearing in mind these sisters are 21 and 23 and haven't got a clue!
I deleted her, spoke to mum and was all upset, she just said delete her til she grows up and that way she can't say anything bad xx