ok shan i will email you, how the food is cooked plays a big part too, no butter or oil, if frying then 1 cal spray oil is to be used. I will email u xxxxx
oh dear Loren the in laws on the door step and in the spare room never good
ooops loren, i hope you get on well with her? Hmmn wonder if her plans are temporary? Hahahaha not much baby making going on with the mils ears next door! Hahahah oops hugs chick xx
Hahaha madame egg! That means its defo a girl! How long did it take for you to get gails reading babe? X
loren,breastfeeding brad! Hahahahahahahahaha ''bitty'' hahahaha shannon, do you not eat anything else not on that list?? At all? It may just be very slight changes that will make all the difference To you babe. If nothing except that list is consumed, weight loss is guaranteed. Maybe even the oil will make the difference xxx
yesterday lorenbetter be in my emails in the morning!
yeah shan i use the extra virgin olive oil frylite. Its a low fat diet, high in nutrition. All useful calories. Too many foods we eat nowadays are high calorie but they are 'empty' calories and the body has no use for them and stores them as fat! Yeah loren, lil suzi is ok now,poor baby.
What wuda hapnd if i never noticed? Doesnt bare thinking about, and i dont know how long it was like that! We took cookie a walk down the braes today and was talking to this couple with a boxer dog, anyway she had a bump and i was asking her when she was due? She is due in august, i knew when i looked at her she was team pink and i asked her and she said it was a girl, i asked her if you had picked a name and it was millie!!
So totally thoughtbout you!! Aww. She had been ttc for 4yrs! She was lovely! Bless. Didnt tell her i had been ttc 12yrs lol
She was a stranger after all xx
loren,breastfeeding brad! Hahahahahahahahaha ''bitty'' hahahaha shannon, do you not eat anything else not on that list?? At all? It may just be very slight changes that will make all the difference To you babe. If nothing except that list is consumed, weight loss is guaranteed. Maybe even the oil will make the difference xxx
Di Iknow why you haven't done that sample suck it up and just do it.