Crazy conception cyber chicks! Come on over girlies!!!

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I wanted a homebirth but couldn't cause I have a heart murmur. So I had my son at the hospital. I ended up having a c-section. but that was almost 2 yrs ago.

I refused a c-section pushed for 4 long long super long hours lol

damn. Well for me I wasn't dilating. they induced me and i still stayed at 3cm and his head was too big to fit through my small pelvic area so that's why i had the c-section.

I was induced too and slowly dialating. I had a 9lber lol. I am a tiny thang. I cant remember the pain of that only the pushing.
happy 400 pages ladies!! We can sure babble on lol.
Oh and ness, so sorry to hear bout poor ambrose! I hope its just swollen. Kittens seem very flexible! When my cat had her kittens and they where about 4 wks old i sat on the bed and hubby said stand up cos he heard something! Lifted up the duvet and there was a poor little black kitten choking! Talk about feeling guilty! He was fine though after a few mins. If hubby wasnt there i wud have killed him!


Hi Diane!

aww ha ha poor little thing! I just felt horrible - OH has been home and called me at work said Ambrose is still limping :cry: I'm the worst mother!!

Haven't had my LH surge on opks yet - testing 12pm, 3pm and 7pm daily since CD11 - expecting surge tomorrow afternoon so FX! even if I don't see it on an opk though we're :sex: every day til CD18 so pretty sure if there's a n eggy it will be caught!
Ok so the motrin I took last night didn't work. pout! Im still cramping.
shannon, whats liver Qi?
I really hope this is it for you, but also dont want to get ur hopes up cos if they get crashed thats worst than ever thinking u r pg babe. Im not gonna scream bfp till i see a proper colour line, but it cud well be the start of a bfp! I am only saying this cos i care babe and dont want any depressing dissapointment! I am so hopeful for u tho babe :hugs: xx
I wanted a homebirth but couldn't cause I have a heart murmur. So I had my son at the hospital. I ended up having a c-section. but that was almost 2 yrs ago.

I refused a c-section pushed for 4 long long super long hours lol

damn. Well for me I wasn't dilating. they induced me and i still stayed at 3cm and his head was too big to fit through my small pelvic area so that's why i had the c-section.

I was induced too and slowly dialating. I had a 9lber lol. I am a tiny thang. I cant remember the pain of that only the pushing.

I was overweight before i got pregnant with my son and gained 32 pounds during my whole pregnancy and he was 8lbs but compared to my pelvic area his head was too big to fit through it.
hi wannaabean, oh jellie i so hope so, at the min i feel so low as 3 of my brothers gfs are pg and they dont even want to be :cry: and i feel so jeluious when i see women with bumps i just want to run away and hide, its so hard as everyone says it will happen sit back and relax but its not that easy :nope:
hi dottiemad79!

I'm Ness welcome to the forum!

Aww I know what you mean and everyone seems pregnant at the moment!! My friend announced to me on Val's day that she was 12 weeks pregnant - the day I got my damn period ugh!!
Welcome Donna.. TTC is such a rollercoaster ride.. I have a son who is 7 & DH has daughters that are 10 & 12. This is our first baby together.. and its taking way to long. So you have a busy household too?

Kirstie- Sorry for him being an ass, guys dont get that girls feelings are hurt so easy. hugs..

Kim... I hope you meet mr right soon! Sounds like you have great PMA..everytime you are on here you sound stronger and stronger..

Diane.. Riding your horse sounds like fun! I bet you will enjoy it.

Ness.. Sorry about AMbrose.. How is he feeling... Spoil him with some treats I bet he will perk right up.

Brandy.. how is the naseua this morning or afternoon there lol..

Nicole.. where did you go? Miss cheerleader lol
aww donna its deffo not easy and there are so many preggie woman about, some girls even get preggers the 1st time they have sex! So it can be proper frustrating for us who try all the tricks in the book! But I am confident its just a case of keep ttc for u and u will defo get there babe. U may already have! Any symptoms?
And ness, ur not a bad mum! Accidents happen babe and thats all it was, am sure ambrose will be fine but a trip to the vets may be in order, hope u can afford it!
Can u see any disfigurement in his claw bones? Or anything other than a little swelling? Where is the swelling? I wud try and take to the vets if u can, put ur mind at ease!
Big hugs to u both xx
Yah I just told DH I am not pregnant this isnt fair.. and with my new temp today I am not sure it will ever happen. I am an emotional mess today

Liver Qi is responsible for all transformations in the body, including ovulation, and for ensuring the smooth flow of emotions and Qi.

The Liver channel runs from the inner legs through the external genital region, the uterus, and up to the chest and breasts. The meridian associated with the Liver's paired organ, the Gallbladder, courses from the lower body up the sides of the abdomen and chest, and around the side of the head including the area behind the eyes and the temporal region.

The Liver is important in reproduction largely because of its role in menstruation. During the premenstrual period the Liver shifts the Blood flow from other body parts to the Uterus. Right before menstruation, when the Liver is busy directing the body to menstruate, it has a tendency to neglect its other functions of keeping the Qi and emotions flowing smoothly. As a result, the emotions are no longer able to flow freely, and depression, anger, sadness, weepiness, or any combination is experienced. There may be headaches, breast pain, cramps, and a wide variety of other physical and emotional symptoms. Blockage in the Liver system is a most eloquent description of why pre-menstrual tension and its associated symptoms occur. At this time any Liver obstruction will cause Qi and blood to "back up" or stagnate. If the channels remain blocked, the flow of energy to the Uterus will be impeded, and then the menses are associated with pain and cramping.
Liver imbalances that cause energetic obstructions can confine the energy of this important system to a very small space. As the laws of physics tell us, this creates a large amount of heat, and heat rises. Since the associated Gallbladder meridian is higher than the Liver meridian, this pathologic heat ascends up the Gallbladder meridian and can cause premenstrual migraine headaches. (In fact, migraines were once referred to as "the megrims," or bouts of biliousness, a disease associated with the gallbladder.) When diagnosing patterns that are preventing conception, it is absolutely essential to assess where there are blockages in the Liver and Gallbladder.
hi ness and shaerichelle,
yeah shaerichelle it is busy wot with the girls and them being so close in age as well they are always arguing and thinking they are teenagers, we also have loads of animals that i have to tend to aswell so its never stopping for me,
ness i feel for you as ive got loads of friends on facebook that have just announced that they are pg and its like a big slap in the face and uyou say congratuations but you just wanna say bitch sorry about the language
Shannon im sure you will get a BFP really soon.
Thanks Shey... I am having doubts... Especially after losing the baby last month.
Aww sorry to hear that shannon. your time will come
ive been trying not to symptom spot but its so hard, my symptoms are: really gassy both burping and windy, my jordans as i call them are so heavy, sore and seems like ive gone up about 2 br sizes ( not that dh is complaining lol), feel really sicky, my temps have been high, tired but then going to bed early and not sleeping, bloated, wanting to eat but when i make something i cant ace it but have to due to being diabetic (type 1 insulin dependent), a pulling tugging sensation in my belly but im not holding out much hold, we have :dance: on the right days i hope but not to sure :wacko:
Aww dottie! wish you good luck and lots of baby dust.
And ness, ur not a bad mum! Accidents happen babe and thats all it was, am sure ambrose will be fine but a trip to the vets may be in order, hope u can afford it!
Can u see any disfigurement in his claw bones? Or anything other than a little swelling? Where is the swelling? I wud try and take to the vets if u can, put ur mind at ease!
Big hugs to u both xx

I know it was an accident and OH kept saying that to me - he had to comfort me I was sobbing like a baby lol - but it was still my fault :(

I've got insurance but it takes about a month to claim back and supposed to be booking in my next driving test (want to get passed before I have a baby and failed once last year) Just could really do without it this month but if he's in pain then I'll obviously take him....

Last night he was flinching his leg away when I tried to feel it, he was very guarded with it but today he's not, it's still swollen but not as much as last night and he's jumping up on the counter tops (which drives me mad lol) and playing with Dexter his brother, he let me gently stroke it this morning and didnt flinch his leg away

So we're just going to see how he is over the weekend. I know cats have a very high pain tolerance and often hide pain well. I think he might need an xray if the swelling doesnt go down completely or if he's still not walking 100%

he's moving his toes/claws fine and lifting his leg up in the air to clean his bum etc
hi shannon we have been ttc since june 09 but getting now where, this is the first month of temping, went to doctors about it and she said if nothing but the end of march then she will refer us to the hospital coz back in oct 08 i was in bad stomach pains for about 3 wks and it turned out to be that i had an appendietis and they told me that i had cysts on my ovaries that were bleeding but when my gp looked they wasnt on my ovaries they were in my fallopion tubes instead and when i get my af i always get bad cramps and pains in my left where they cysts were
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