I hope she is too... Its not like her to not get online to chat with us....
Yeah he's a jerk... oh well what can ya do....
No slimy yet?? I'm super excited for you, time to get busy....
Look what I found online... The mystery of the faint lines...
After fertilization (which generally happens in the fallopian tubes), it takes time for implantation. Even after IVF, implantation doesn't take place immediately.
Some embryos begin to implant and then don't develop. Some begin to develop but aren't strong enough to continue. This is why, even though some HPTs (home pregnancy tests) or EPTs (early pregnancy tests) say you can test even before your missed period, it isn't always the best idea... You could get a faint positive 2 days before you miss your period & then get your period a few days later because the pregnancy didn't take. If this happens, it's not usually a sign that anything's wrong & it doesn't mean anything about what will happen next month.