Crazy conception cyber chicks! Come on over girlies!!!

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Yes its because you have more blood flow and thats what it actually is, my gums were bleeding too. I felt twinges and pressure down there.. then on like 10-12dpo I felt a deep burrowing pain I know it was implantation. Yup I think so..

Thank you. I was talking to DH we dicussed that a while ago we said the only way I wouldnt get pregnant is cause I didnt ovulate or have a normal cycle, well I have all that and have been pregnant. Unless my hormones are whacked which they seem to be fine.

aww I'm feeling positive for you this cycle Shannon, I'm sending positive vibes and like your DH said - the only way you wouldnt conceive if is you were ov'ing and you've been pregnant before! :hugs:

my gums aren't bleeding but are sore on one side. Have eaten tons of food and it's masked the metallic taste so can't taste it now thankfully lol!

still having cramping and I can feel it more today than other days. It sounds daft but i also feel like my right ovary pain has moved from my ovary and is further towards my uterus now.
Oh I have my fingerscrossed for you Ness :hugs:
You sound like I did, but I didnt know I possibly could be until 6dpo.
:dust: dust: dust:
Thank you sweetheart - you're all so fab on here, so much love floating round! It's fab because obviously ttc we can't really talk to work colleagues, family members!

I'll be 6dpo tomorrow....when can i test?! when can I test?! lol xx
Yw. :wohoo: I am excited for you!
Well I didnt show up until 16dpo. Everyone is different. Honestly I would say wait until You are close to do for your next period. BFNs are not good to have they get your hopes up.

Yes there is love in here. I have no one but you guys to talk to and hubby. I gave up pretty much all my friends...The few I am close to are far away. After the recent loss of the baby. I found that most of my friends werent real ones:(
thank you for the advice re testing! I have just had a massive pack of early hpt's delivered that I got - IC's - so may just alleviate my poas addiction every day until then ha ha

That's so sad about your friends Shannon - it's unfortunate that in the times you really need your friends you find out who your real ones are and they seem to be few and far between.

Totally different situation but my coeliac diagnosis has only just been confirmed a few weeks ago. I've been very poorly for 3.5 years in and out of hospital, endless tests (MRI's CT's) etc and they couldnt find anything wrong with me. One Surgeon who did my laparoscopy in 2008 was insistent that it was a problem with my ovaries etc so they had gynae's do all sorts of tests, all of which came back negative. After my laparoscopy (3 hours after to be precise) the surgeon, a young female surgeon I might add, was horrible to me. Told me my fallopian tubes were enlarged and that I had Pelvic Inflammatory Disease caused by Chlamydia and that she didnt know the extent of the damage I had caused to my fertility. Even though I've never had a sexually transmitted disease and all the tests the gynae did were negative.

Anyway to cut a very long story short, because they had misdiagnosed me, i spent a further year with constant hospital/doctor trips and tests etc. Because my coeliac was undiagnosed I was eating things like bread and pasta which were in turn making me more ill. Coeliac is an autoimmune disease so you're more prone to illnesses etc and is the reason I'm very in tune with my body.

I got so ill I ended up on antidepressants last February (i'm off them now wanted to wean off them before ttc) and my friends didnt bother with me. One girl even sent me a nasty email on Facebook saying that I never bothered to come out any more and that they don't bother to include me in group nights out cos they'll know the answer.

I was distraught.

I'm better now I have my diagnosis and know what not to eat, my health is back on track although my immune system still suffers however the friends - I no longer both with them!!

Sorry for the long winded post!!
Oh Ness, you sound like me! I have been through MRI, EKG, CTscan, laproscopy, bioposy of my stomach and throat. etc since 1998.
In 1998, I had my doc tell me my vulvla pain was all in my head. Did laproscopy and all. She finally consulted with a freind in NYC I was disagnosed with vuvlodynia.
After having my son ..I started having pain.. since april 03 test after test and nothing. Finally in May of 08. I find out I had fibro. Was thrown some muscle relaxers and bam thats it. Also that same year I find out I have allergies, gerd, asthma..then in Jan 09 after having paraylsis and weird head pains I find out I have hemiplegic migraines.. Took 5 years to get diagnosed. I almost died in 2008. I was in Er several times for anaphylatic allergies.. No one cared except my BF at the time. Not even my family. I was so sick and my mom wouldnt even help me with my son. I even had a test for celiac (just looked it up same as what you have.. but we call it different here) It was negative, but still til this day no wheat or gluten stuff for me. Since meeting my husband he has gotten me on the right track. I have done detox, and no longer drink milk.. lost gerd and some allergies and asthma. I take no pain medication, never have only advil. Just supplements.. I still suffer, but with my new doc giving me bowen therapy it seems to help. But I know what you mean believe me. Its hard when people dont get it or understand what you are going through. I know what you have and how painful and sick you can get. :hugs:
Hello lovies

Nessie, I'm soooo excited for you..You're so getting a :bfp: this month!

Shannon :hugs: Gah you've both had rough roads in the past. Let's hope things all smooth out at least enough for yall to have your little babies <3

I've gotta wait till tonight for BD action...Have a feeling I'm out for the count..but we'll see!
Oooh Shannon you sound like you've had it far worse than me! I have no right to complain because at least for me it's one thing and I just cut it out now for life and that's it!

It's so awful being submitted to all these tests - and like you said you tell them where the pain is and it's either referred pain or has to be ovarian if you're in your 20's and female!! If they listened to their patients more often there'd be less clinical negligence cases against doctors and hospitals (i work in a law firm where we get compensation for those with spinal cord injury or brain injury mega high value stuff as a result of injury or clinical negligence).

You're amazing for not taking any pain meds - I live on paracetamol, have constant headaches and because as you 'll know you are very in tune with your body, you feel every pain most people wouldnt even notice!

it is very hard and I have no one in my life except people like you on this site who have experienced things like this! They just don't understand which is not their fault but you would think that your friends would at least try to understand and not say hurtful things to you when you are rock bottom.

That's really sad that your mum wouldnt help you :( I'm very lucky that my mum has been amazing and I don't know what I would have done without her. Had no boyfriend or anything and I don't drive so she was always taking time off work to bring me medication, herbal teas and keeping me company and just holding me when I was crying all the time. it makes so much difference to have just one person to be your crutch and keep you going!

I'm gutted I can't have bread, pasta etc I miss bagels!! but it's a small price to pay to feel well!

Your DH sounds like a wonderful man too, Shannon xx :hugs:
Hello lovies

Nessie, I'm soooo excited for you..You're so getting a :bfp: this month!

Shannon :hugs: Gah you've both had rough roads in the past. Let's hope things all smooth out at least enough for yall to have your little babies <3

I've gotta wait till tonight for BD action...Have a feeling I'm out for the count..but we'll see!

Thanks chuckie egg!! he he gosh I so want this - it has been a rough road for the past few years but I'm very lucky everything is the way I want it now! Shannon has had it far worse than me - she's amazing I wouldn't have survived what she's gone through! :hugs:

I think what surprises me most on forum's like these is that a lot of us have had rough roads and you wouldnt think it to hear the enthusiasm and optimism of everyone! IT's very encouraging :D

Nooo you won't be out you get to bed missus as soon as you can and get rocking that bed :sex: I'm expecting to feel the ground shake over in England ;) he he
Haha, lets hope!

I've been purposely teasing him all day long in hopes that he'll fight off any tiredness later on!

Yeah, we have all had some rough times. Myself, life hasn't been too grand to me. I'm a rape/abuse survivor..spent 7 years of my life at the hands of a man that my mother thought she loved. It was horrible...That's how I ended up pregnant at age 15 and now have my DD. But in spite of the horror, she is my whole life, so I know everything happened as it was meant to. Was hard getting there, but I have become a much stronger and wise person due to it.
Haha, lets hope!

I've been purposely teasing him all day long in hopes that he'll fight off any tiredness later on!

Yeah, we have all had some rough times. Myself, life hasn't been too grand to me. I'm a rape/abuse survivor..spent 7 years of my life at the hands of a man that my mother thought she loved. It was horrible...That's how I ended up pregnant at age 15 and now have my DD. But in spite of the horror, she is my whole life, so I know everything happened as it was meant to. Was hard getting there, but I have become a much stronger and wise person due to it.

See this is what I mean - I would never have guessed you'd had such a traumatic time in your life! It puts things in to perspective when I moan about little things like snow or someone pissing me off in the supermarket. It just doesnt even matter.

I definitely agree that what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.

your DD is very lucky to have such a supermom!! I can understand abuse as me and my sister who is 3 years younger than me, were sexually abused at ages 5 and 2.5 years old, by my grandmother's boyfriend. He pleasured himself in front of me and I remember it so vividly to this day - I had to show the police lady the action he'd used I remember feeling very embarrassed! Funny how at 5 years old you know it's wrong.

My sister doesn't really remember it as she was very young but she does have issues with sex now and has vaginismus where she tenses up every time her bf tries to make love to her - they've been together 7 years and he's a lovely boyfriend.

But I can't imagine how it would be to be raped and abused at 15 years old it breaks my heart - I have a 16 year old sister and I just can't imagine it....
Aww Brandy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I was raped this past halloween. I know how hard it is. I am sure you love your dd, but it makes it so much harder. You better be blessed with the :bfp: this month! I dont think you are out sperm can realisticly live 3 days:)
OMG what is with the world?! That such nice women can have things like this done to them?! :cry:
Ness-:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you as well.
I was molested by my grandfathers sisters husband. We used to go over there a lot to visit their grandaughter. It happened on and off for 3 years. During this time I went back to NY to visit my dad and I was molested by my aunts bf. I remember that til this day. It haunts me. It happened to my cousin the same night. Funny thing is my family knows and he is still a part of the family.

Edit I was 7-10 when this happened
Dear God, Please be good to us. We have been through enough pain. All we want is our :bfp: and to have happy healthy babies:)
I know :( Yeah I was 13 when it started..I finally got away when I was 20. So it hasn't been that long. I'm 26 now and have PTSD and lots of other issues..but am working on them everyday. I try not to live in the past (although that is what creates us) and try to focus on here and now..and the lovely family that I have here. I believe we are all here for a reason, and have all chosen our fates before we even came here...we all have something to learn. Our souls are old and are using this lifetime as a learning experience.

Heh sorry for the spiritual rant! I am passionate about such things!

Gosh though...It's so crazy...It still amazes me that there are such people who can do these horrible things. Shannon, I'm so sorry about Halloween..gosh, I had no idea. I saw you mention Halloween once, but didn't know it was that. :(


I'm so happy to have you guys to talk to. Even tho it's here and on a forum..we're all very real people and have very real feelings. It's lovely to be able to relate and share them with each other. So thank you!
Oooh Shannon you sound like you've had it far worse than me! I have no right to complain because at least for me it's one thing and I just cut it out now for life and that's it!

It's so awful being submitted to all these tests - and like you said you tell them where the pain is and it's either referred pain or has to be ovarian if you're in your 20's and female!! If they listened to their patients more often there'd be less clinical negligence cases against doctors and hospitals (i work in a law firm where we get compensation for those with spinal cord injury or brain injury mega high value stuff as a result of injury or clinical negligence).

You're amazing for not taking any pain meds - I live on paracetamol, have constant headaches and because as you 'll know you are very in tune with your body, you feel every pain most people wouldnt even notice!

it is very hard and I have no one in my life except people like you on this site who have experienced things like this! They just don't understand which is not their fault but you would think that your friends would at least try to understand and not say hurtful things to you when you are rock bottom.

That's really sad that your mum wouldnt help you :( I'm very lucky that my mum has been amazing and I don't know what I would have done without her. Had no boyfriend or anything and I don't drive so she was always taking time off work to bring me medication, herbal teas and keeping me company and just holding me when I was crying all the time. it makes so much difference to have just one person to be your crutch and keep you going!

I'm gutted I can't have bread, pasta etc I miss bagels!! but it's a small price to pay to feel well!

Your DH sounds like a wonderful man too, Shannon xx :hugs:

oh have you tried, gluten free breads and pastas?!?! I love em:)

Yah my mom is crazy he bf's used to abuse me.. 3 of them matter of fact.

Its funny my sister is really sick and she expects me to be there.. Its hard for me to be there! Ugh especially when I was homeless and asked if I could move in with my son she said nope:growlmad:

Its hard not taking medication, but I know it will hurt me in the ends.

I am glad you have your mom there. Thats huge and helps a lot.
Ness-:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you as well.
I was molested by my grandfathers sisters husband. We used to go over there a lot to visit their grandaughter. It happened on and off for 3 years. During this time I went back to NY to visit my dad and I was molested by my aunts bf. I remember that til this day. It haunts me. It happened to my cousin the same night. Funny thing is my family knows and he is still a part of the family.

Edit I was 7-10 when this happened

Ugh! I am dealing with that as we speak also. My family knows (which is part of why I had a major breakdown about 6 months ago..and also the reason we moved to S. Africa for a break)..and they all still associate with him. I think they just need time for it to absorb and become real to was such a shock. I have a protective order against him and am trying to get my daughters adoption going..DH is going to adopt her so that jerkface has no claim to her at all.
Ness-:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you as well.
I was molested by my grandfathers sisters husband. We used to go over there a lot to visit their grandaughter. It happened on and off for 3 years. During this time I went back to NY to visit my dad and I was molested by my aunts bf. I remember that til this day. It haunts me. It happened to my cousin the same night. Funny thing is my family knows and he is still a part of the family.

Edit I was 7-10 when this happened

:cry: hugs to you too :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

it's just awful what goes on behind closed doors.

It's funny cos my grandmother still saw her boyfriend all the time after it happened. My sister was really frightened to see him. Thankfully grandma doesnt see him any more. I think she realised how bad it was, he's on the sex offenders register. The worst thing was she said "well they must've enjoyed it" talking about me and my sister! I mean how sick is that?!
I know :( Yeah I was 13 when it started..I finally got away when I was 20. So it hasn't been that long. I'm 26 now and have PTSD and lots of other issues..but am working on them everyday. I try not to live in the past (although that is what creates us) and try to focus on here and now..and the lovely family that I have here. I believe we are all here for a reason, and have all chosen our fates before we even came here...we all have something to learn. Our souls are old and are using this lifetime as a learning experience.

Heh sorry for the spiritual rant! I am passionate about such things!

Gosh though...It's so crazy...It still amazes me that there are such people who can do these horrible things. Shannon, I'm so sorry about Halloween..gosh, I had no idea. I saw you mention Halloween once, but didn't know it was that. :(


I'm so happy to have you guys to talk to. Even tho it's here and on a forum..we're all very real people and have very real feelings. It's lovely to be able to relate and share them with each other. So thank you!

are you talking to someone? I go to counseling. I have depression again no medication. My medication is crying. I agree the past is what makes us.
I think there are to many sick people out there. People wonder why my son is always with me or his dad or his family...well look at everything duh. He stayed with my mom like twice.

Yes halloween what right after I started ttc and I took plan b and it messed my body totally up!

I agree we all are real people with real feelings and who knew we all had similar pasts. :hugs:
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