Cycle Buddies Wanted! CD1 around 1st Oct

Sash: Did you "feel" anything before your BFP that made you think you were PG? I'll bet you're chuffed at it being so quick, given that this is your first month of trying!!

I have been a bit queasy but I thought it was all in my head! The only other signs were a VERY vivid dream at about 6dpo that I had a newborn baby girl and I woke up feeling all warm & fuzzy. I hardly ever have dreams that stick with me throughout the day and I can still remember every detail. Yesterday morning I noticed that I had a brown 'streak' at the top of my areola, so I guess it's starting to darken.

And yes, I am super chuffed. I'm 30 so I wasn't sure if it was going to happen right away but am delighted that it did. We want a large family so I knew we couldn't wait too long!
Ok, so I noticed this yesterday but wasn't sure whether it was just in my head, but...

My areolae are DEFINITELY darker than normal. I mean, I wasn't sure at first, cos it was hard to compare to how they were before and I've never really taken too much notice of their colour. But I am very sure now that they are darker.

Sash: I have had loads of vivid weird dreams, early in the month (just after OV I think) I dreamt that I had a baby boy with blonde curls and everyone loved him and wanted to hold him!
Also still no AF pains, but I have a sort of sensation in my lady parts like a "heaviness", but not in my usual AF way!
I really hope I'm not just seeing things that I want to see! My sister is very sceptical of early signs and thinks it's nothing... I just want to be optimistic!!!
I really hope I'm not just seeing things that I want to see! My sister is very sceptical of early signs and thinks it's nothing... I just want to be optimistic!!!

I hear ya! It's a bit of a tough spot to be in ... you want to be excited and hopeful but you want to protect yourself, too.

I'm sure we'll know in the next week days!
Well, still no more spotting for me. I have had a good feel around and my cervix is still high. I do usually spot before AF but only for about an hour...not holding out my hopes too high, but not writing myself off just yet.! You cant get rid of me that easy...! he he
If I hadnt seen that orange type jelly this morning I would think AF was here, but I've never seen that before and it got me thinking implantation?
Ompath: When will you test again? Feeling confident this month? Any exciting symptoms?

Oh, I'm just going to keep testing. I'm a lab rat. I thought I saw something, but it probably really was the "line of Deceit".

I'm packing for my trip now, so I'm a little distracted, which is good. I'll be ok. I'm just keeping positive thoughts, and if it doesn't take, those of us who are going to try again might just be cycle buddies next round!

(syrupy sweet...but it's better than the other route!)

MAPLE! I was so sure you were on the road to BFP - I was surprised when you said AF I'm right back positive with you -- it just didn't seem right. It felt like that was the wrong ARE in the running!
Enjoy your trip hun, enjoy the scenery.
I hope to have an answer one way or the other after the weekend....
Heres to hoping your line of deceit turns into a line of elation! X X
Ok, has been 9.5 years since I first got pregnant, and I just don't remember this part, and am having a hard time getting the info.

I just did an internal check. In general, if I do that, I can feel the opening to my cervix, as it points out toward the vaginal opening.

Now, I cannot touch the cervical opening, it seems to be facing back. The cervix appears to be firm, and feeling the uterus it is very soft.

What would this indicate, anyone? :blush:
No idea Ompath.....but it sounds great.!
AF here now in full flow.
PMA continues though with a 24 day cycle twice in a row It's only 10 days til my next
2WW....Good Luck to the rest of you cycle to join a new cycle now but will pop in to see how you are doing for the nest few days.
Have a great weekend all.....
Hey guys

Sash - big congrats that is awesome news! You guys seem to be doing very well on the :bfp: so i think maybe all that good stuff will rub off on me! :rofl:

Unfortunatley i gotta work today - as you can see i'm using the company time wisely :rofl:

Well 5dpo and my temp dropped a tad but is still high - it was bloody cold this morning as well as it frosted and i kept trying to talk to DH instead of keeping my mouth shut with the thermometer in it! When will i learn!

I have had some crampy twinges yesterday and some creamy CM but that's it - nothing out of the ordinary i must admit! Didn't do overly well on the BD front as DH had torn the ligaments in his ankle playing football so if it doesn't happen this month, we shall be prepared for next month! Got :sex: the day of OPK and FF shows ovulation day after. Next month we will go for every 48 hours around it with legs in the air and see if there are any good swimmers in there!! :hugs:
Maple - Sorry to lose you this month :( that nasty old :witch: ... We'll be thinking of you for your next 2ww so all the very best of luck to you for November! Leo / Virgo are cool signs, so it's not all bad :) :hugs:

Ompath - Have a great trip hun, take it easy and dont stress too much about baby making! It will happen in its own good time :D when you get back we'll expect a full run down, fingers crossed that your illusive "line" is on its way to being nice and real :)

Rachelle - Looks like next month might be more positive for ya, I'm with you on the "every 48 hours, feet in the air" plan: If this month is not my month, I'll be trying that instead of the "every night for a week" tack- Maybe there's something to be said for stronger :spermy: if you give them time to recoup! Here's hoping...

If any of us are on the same cycle next month, we could stick together through it :) That'd be nice.

(TMI coming up...)
For me, I had creamy liquidy CM yesterday, but this morning it is EWCM, and a significant amount of it, too... What on earth does that mean at this time of the month?? Baffling...

*still no AF cramps / pains....*

We'll know soon, either way!
Rachelle - Looks like next month might be more positive for ya, I'm with you on the "every 48 hours, feet in the air" plan: If this month is not my month, I'll be trying that instead of the "every night for a week" tack- Maybe there's something to be said for stronger :spermy: if you give them time to recoup! Here's hoping...

(TMI coming up...)
For me, I had creamy liquidy CM yesterday, but this morning it is EWCM, and a significant amount of it, too... What on earth does that mean at this time of the month?? Baffling...

*still no AF cramps / pains....*

We'll know soon, either way!

Creamy CM can be a very good sign hun - a lot of people have recorded increased CM as a pregnancy symptom!! When will you :test: ??

Yep GP said due to DH's very low :spermy: then 3 days is better for us but we would sooooooooo miss the boat if we did that so we figured 48 hours is a good move!! When she told DH 'no self pleasuring' his face was a picture :rofl: poor boy!

Definitley go for legs in the air and pillow under the bum! If they recommend it to those of us waiting for IVF due to male factor then it can't hurt you at all!:happydance:
Hehehehe I laughed aloud at the mental image of your DH's face when tld "no self pleasuring" hehehe can't imagine what mine would make of that!!

So I checked out the site you mentioned, and was amazed to find that lots of women who got pregnant talked about SNEEZING lots in their 2ww.. I have been sneezing a LOT. A whole lot. Yesterday I laughingly said to DH "Oh, what, is THIS a sign of pregnancy? Har har!" I had no clue that it actually might be. I am getting little twinges, little pulling feelings in the same spot, not painful and not "crampy". Still not sure what this morning's EWCM means, but yesterday's creamy "lotion" CM seems to be a very good sign...

If the mail comes today and I have my cheapie internet tests (yes, I went for it and bought some :) ) then I may test today, but then again I may just wait until Wednesday to avoid unnecessary disappointment. Not sure I can wait that long though! We'll see....

:hug: to you Rachelle :) Hope you're feeling good with plenty of PMA :D

x x
Hello ladies: just checking in. All those symptoms are sounding good.
I think I am about 2 or 3 DPO, but FF seems to think not, so I'm way behind the rest of you the thread.
Good luck with all the testing!!!
Oooh shadow it's looking very good! I hope that you get it this month fingers crossed!

I used to buy supermarket double pack of tests for a fiver but i know what you mean - the costs totally go up! I was spending £5 on pregnacare, £23 on CB Digi OPK and then a couple of pregnancy tests per month! Thought i would have to re-mortgage the house! :rofl:
Hello All,

Heading out shortly, I will stay in touch in the evenings, which is middle of the night for UK folks. (-8 hours here)

Digi-tested this AM, BFN, you know... good thing gas prices are dropping at least a bit! (cost!) I'm learning this round though. AF is not due for a few days, so it's not like I'm out of the running, but I've learned my lesson should I have another go-around. Wait till at least 5 days before AF, none of this starting 10 days before...:sleep:
Arrived in Carlsbad...a lot of cramping, sure AF has me tonight. Or in the AM. As Maple, will lurk to see how all turns out -- best of luck to all :hugs:

(but you know..I guess I shouldn't give up yet...the cramping has me worried...but no bod and cervix still back...weird.)
Don't give up just yet, Ompath! You never know... But if this isn't your month, our very best goes with you to next month ;)

I, for on, will just eat my hat if I'm not PG this month... I am just feeling it so strongly. More milky/lotion-like CM every day now, still sneezing lots (LOL) no AF signals at all. I'll be really surprised if I get AF next week! But we shall see... My cheapies didn't arrive in the post yest, so I guess I'm waiting till tomorrow to test...

Oh, the anticipation....

:hug: to you all, ladies!

Shadow x x
I, for on, will just eat my hat if I'm not PG this month...

I love that saying :happydance:

Nothing yet, and uterus is calm. Sigh. I'm good. Busy, so I'm really fine if it doesn't happen this month. I was so surprised when I let DH know :witch: was probably here, he was down! This man is NEVER down. HE is the optimist. NOt that he thinks it won't happen, just, he's realy up for it. We've done so much with getting him a V-reversal and all that...

So, if :witch: shows, he'll go in to the docs and give a "sample" (eww, he says he wished I was there!), and I'll get some blood tests on the 3rd day of my period (found a lab down here).

We'd hoped to get lucky without intervention, but taking this road, I'm going to be quite the little scientist this month and document everything.
How are you doing Niki?!

FF is odd, I ned to get the hang of it. If you don't give it enough info, it's like a negative nanny in it's analysis... Feeling anything today?

I won't leave you in the lurch! I know you have the longer cycle, but I'll check in on you! You are such a great support!:hugs:
FF still not believing I've OVed, but I am sure I'm 3 or 4 DPO today. Started with this nasty bladder pain this afternoon, which I seem to get in 2nd half of my cycle ever since MC in May, so that is even more of a confirmation.
My DH has to do another sample tomorrow. The wonderful National Health Service lost his last one!!! At least he gets to do it at home, then I have to drive like a maniac to get it to the hospital lab within an hour!!
FX that the AF cramps are implantation for you Ompath!

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