CanadianM- I agree, glad they caught it now rather than later. Somehow I think I know it's not chronic though because there's a family history of high blood pressure but it's not bad enough yet- it's in the pre-diag stage so I think we can still pull out preventive measures and change some things in his diet/lifestyle to bring the pressure down. It's not that HIGH yet- last time he checked this week at a store, it was more than 120 over 85.
Totally agree with you on the waiting part. It kills me to wait for our bfps. It makes us stronger but the "getting there" part just seems so far away sometimes. There are days I feel closer to the goal and then there are other days I "lose" hope.
Ironically, during a conversation with one girlfriend tonight- she has no idea what the issue is since I told her I wasn't allowed to discuss it but that infertility is playing a role in it. She asked me how it has affected my relationship with Zach... If the infertility's hurting our relationship or not. Honestly I told her, I'm surprised it's made our relationship stronger. Seems for many of us in this group, this is only another "barrier" to climb over together with our men.
I hope to see many more bfps in this group soon, very soon from these of you undergoing ivf or any other method to get pregnant. I get so emotionally excited for you ladies when I find out you get your long awaited bfp finally. When it's any other lady (especially ones I know in real life) and I find out via fb, it makes the reality of this so much harder for me to bear at times. I don't feel the same joy for them as I do for you ladies because I get jealous that they have it "so easy", but you know what? We got it good even though it's harder for us- at least we can say, hey we're going into this together, we'll get out this together and in the time waiting together, we build up on the relationship thru both bad and good times. I look at them, and they have no idea how difficult things are getting for them- one is unmarried and very young just fresh out of high school. The other I know of, she's on her third pregnancy and always complaining about her relationship with her husband.
You ladies rock. Keep up the hoping and supporting each other. We will all get to that point where we can celebrate each and every bfp we get to see in here.

We are going to be "success" stories for any infertility couples still struggling out there.