Dealing with azoospermia?

Deb- I like hearing about how your pregnancy is progressing. It gives me hope each day when I see your name and know it's still possible. We'll be sure to let you know if it ever becomes too much but I think we all need the "encouragement" seeing that you're pregnant and knowing it's going to be a happy ending (or more like, beginning) for you!

Good luck to the girls giving clomid a try this cycle. :hugs: Hope things happen for you!
Yes, Deb, keep checking in on us! I can't wait till more of us get preggo and we have even more success stories to give more girls information and hope in the future!

And excited for you wibble wobble! :happydance:
Ladies, so glad so many of you are finally progressing. The waiting and not knowing is one of the hardest parts of this journey. I'm still in a bit of a waiting game myself. Waiting for AF so we can get started on all the IVF work. Right now, my body is playing tricks on me. I've been spotting for several days. I keep thinking AF is coming but it has just been too light. I'm accustom to spotting with my cycles being around 3 months long I tend to spot throughout but this is just cruel. I'm already so worried about timing since we have a tiny little window to fit in if we want to do IVF this cycle. We can't do ER until after June 21st if we want to have the option of getting fresh sperm with another TESE if our frozen ones don't survive. But, we also have a cruise at the end of July that hubby wants to be healed up for if he has another TESE. Our nurse said they can adjust how long I take birth control to extend it but we're looking at about a 2 week window to get ER in. I'm just praying AF shows sometime in May.
deafgal01 - I couldnt have said it better!!! Wonderful post! I agree 100%! I feel the same way about all you bnb ladies! Its weird being over the moon for people you dont know in real life, but when someone you have known all your life has a baby its like ok thats nice(not in a bad way, but you know what I mean). I also feel like this whole entire TTC process has bought DH & I closer. I feel like if we are able to conquer this, there is nothing we cant do. The more hurdles we go through, the closer we seem to get.

MJ73 - Thats such wonderful news!!!!! I really hope it turns out to be nothing!

wibble wobble - Weird how exciting it is to get AF sometimes! Fx its your cycle!

Deb - I agree with deafgal....I love hearing about pregnant bnb ladies...especially ones who have gone through what we are going does help a lot.

raelynn - I hope AF comes soon!!! It sucks waiting and not knowing! Have you googled any natural ways to bring on AF? or can your doc prescribe you Provera(I believe thats what its called) or is that not good to mix with IVF?

As for me.....tuesday is coming...slowly, but its so close i can reach it lol
Deb, I also love hearing how your pregnancy is going. I find it a source of comfort & inspiration that you are now duffers after such a long, painful journey to get there. As I do for all the other girls on this thread who get their BFPs; it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling :cloud9: so happy for you girls.

Raelyn, sorry you have to do more waiting :hugs:, believe me when I say you are in good company here. I feel like because of my age we are just wasting so much time at the moment waiting for cancer results.

WW, so excited for you hun!!!! :happydance: Not long now xx

Sun & Wanbmum thinking of you gals on the clomid:hugs:.

SB, sending loads of :af: :ninja: and :dust: your way. Keeping everything crossed for a BFP for you xx

DG; good luck with Dh's DR's appt, I think it's today?

Stinas; glad things are moving along for you...

RDleela; have you heard anything more yet re the surgery & tests for DH's testosterone?

CM, not long now till your urology appt. A new camper; exciting. I think it's so important to have things other than IVF/Sperm & babies to focus on.

SND; how's things going? Have you started? :happydance:

Step Mummy; You ahve been through so much,:hugs: I'm really hoping a new donor may be all you need. I too have heard of women who try & try then change donors & fall quite quickly. Apparently it can be like a sperm/egg compatibility issue...

I have been thinking today about how thankful I am for everyone one of you strong :bodyb:, courageous women. (How I wish we didn't have to be so strong or courageous)... I really couldn't get through all that we have been/are going through without you all. I affectionately refer to you all as my 'azoo girls'. There is no-one in my life who understands just how it feels, so having my azoo girls going through this with me really is a great source of comfort. So thankyou all for your friendship :hugs:
MJ- I had forgotten my DH has a dr appt to follow up on the "high blood pressure" :dohh: Thanks for reminding me.:shrug: We'll see how it goes. :hugs:
Hi there ladies,

I haven't been on in a few days and am amazed by everything thats been going on!! The general vibe is so upbeat and I love the positivity! MJ I am so happy that you got some hope and fingers crossed!
rdleela, I am amazed by these proceedures that seem to clear up so quickly a possible blockage...girls on the other side of the Atlantic..have you heard of any of these proceedures??
Im sorry I'm not mentioning everyone personally but there are so many and with so many great stories it would take me all day! I am so happy for all you and your strength. Deb of course you deserve a mention. Your pregnancy is so important to all of us, and not only that, but your strength. Don't go away.
As for me: I have been off work all week, with...wait for abscess on my buttock!! It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I don't even feel the need to go through childbirth anymore!!:wacko: Anyway, the thing is, I may have a fistula...which is a pain in the ass :haha: but nothing major. The only thing is we had hoped to plan ICSI for end of June and Im thinking this may not be possible now. I mean if its not, thats health is more important but ragggeeee!!!!
On another note, a friend of ours who adopted an ethiopian boy 5 years ago came by the other day to talk us through the process. An amazing experience. If any of you want to hear about it, let me know. No matter what happens this will be another journey take in our lives. :happydance:
Have a great day!
MJ Thanks for the kind words.

I agree with all the posts going through at the moment, we should all take a moment to praise ourselves withour ability to deal with all that life throws at us, and how we keep our chin up and carry on hoping, dealing with the next step. All with the same target, just different but long journeys to get there. Well done all of us, keep up with good work, surely if you persevere you get what you are searching for!:thumbup:
Stinas - I had originally considered asking for Provera or Prometrium since my obgyn has prescribed it twice to end long cycles for me. Ironically, I've never had to fill the prescriptions because AF came naturally both times. But, since we're still trying to wait it out a bit so that we don't hit ER date too early for hubby to have another TESE (if necessary), I've been holding out for AF to show on her own for now. Of course all the worrying and hoping it happens in the right timeframe is making me a little crazy but I should be ok as long as I get AF this month. And, since I'm already on CD 67 I should be ok unless I have another 110 day cycle.

MJ - I completely agree! I don't know what I would do if I didn't have all you ladies to vent to or to mope with or to cheer me on. My family is great with support but it is a different kind of support coming from someone who actually understands this struggle because they're fighting through it too.

Cosita - I've always considered adoption our backup plan so it is great to hear that there are some good stories out there. I've always worried that after all this time and effort, we may still need to start a completely different battle for adoption
OMG MJ!!!!! :happydance: Soooo freaking excited for you guys! I know that made your day!!!! It sure made mine to see that! :flower:

And Wana and Sun and WW!!! We are all starting to fly on this thread!!! Ahhhhh!!!!! Hopefully we will all be due back to back!!! Loads of good luck and ps- watch for those hot flashes the first round of clomid! They are something serious! :haha:

I know we all don't officially "know" each other on here, but I feel we are one big family and it reallly excites me to see how each of you is progressing; towards the one thing we all so desire! :hugs: to everyone and thanks for all the well wishes the past few days!

Ok, so the procedure went very smooth! I didn't even know she was done! That simple! Felt just like a pap! Hubby was there with me and held my hand the whole time. I laid there for about 15 mins afterwards and left. I also laid in the back seat w/ a pillow under my bottom for about an hour on the way home. She said I didn't need to, but it made me feel better to do so. Now I have to go have my progesterone checked 5/9, then test on 5/16!!!! Hubby asked me this morning if I felt pg, and I told him no, just bloated! :haha: Then he told me it hit him that in 2 weeks, we might be parents, and I asked him if he was scared and he said yes! I told him it was too late to be scared!! :rofl: He is glowing and even kissed my belly this morning for good luck before I headed to work! It really excites me to see him like that! Complete 180 from where he was a year ago! He is more optomistic than I am, cause I just don't wanna get my hopes crushed, ya know? Sorry if tmi- but I did see a clump of cm last night w/ a dark blood ting in it. Just hope it was from the cath.! So now the dreaded 2WW! Feels soooo funny to even say that! Like it is for real this time and not just in my head!

Thanks again girls! Don't know what I would do without my cheerleaders!!!!! :hugs:
Loving all the positive stories in here lately and snd - so glad to hear it all went well yesterday and that dh is so onboard with it all :thumbup:

I was just thinking, when I started this thread, I was looking for positive stories to give me a boost and the ONLY one I could find at the time, was MissAma with little Dara. How exciting it is that newbies can now find this thread, look at the first page and see all the positive updates! If it just gives them a little glimmer of hope along with the horrendous azoo diagnosis, then that something amazing that we've all done :kiss: :friends:
Snd - So glad everything went well and that is so sweet that your DH is so excited. Good luck in your 2ww that just makes me all the more anxious to get rolling with IVF. 1 month seems so far away now when I know its really not that far off.
SND: Aww, how sweet is your hubby kissing your belly. Totally chuffed it all went smoothly and lots of :dust: :dust: heading your way!

Deb: You're absolutely right, it's good to see so many people making it through this horrendous journey with a bundle of joy at the end. Oh, and don't you dare think of leaving us! It's so good to hear how you are doing, it gives us all hope.

Tonnes of GOOD LUCK to Sun, Wibble and WanB, I'm crossing everything that this cycle is the one!! :dust:

As for us, my orders are to call the IVF/ICSI co-ordinator next week to arrange an appointment and we'll be starting ASAP. I'm petrified and excited in equal measures. I really could've done without news of my 'high-up' ovary, but here's hoping it'll work with us and move when we (hopefully) get to ER.

... after all this time, can this really be happening? Does anyone else feel like this?

As always, much love, luck and :hugs: to all.

C xx
rdleela, I am amazed by these proceedures that seem to clear up so quickly a possible blockage...girls on the other side of the Atlantic..have you heard of any of these proceedures??

RDleela; have you heard anything more yet re the surgery & tests for DH's testosterone?

I am amazed that I'm the first one on this thread that seems to be going down this road! I have searched this entire board and googled relentlessly, and I cannot find any other ladies that have posted on boards about these types of surgeries. I was looking for couples that have had success after these surgeries, but nada! Would appreciate if anyone has heard/experienced surgery for an obstruction!

DH just did two more testosterone blood tests today, and still waiting to hear on when this transrectal u/s appointment will be. DH harassed the dr.'s assitant who is making the appointment yesterday, supposed to hear back by Friday. Hopefully have an update for you ladies soon!

And I LOVE the positivity on this thread!! :happydance::hugs: for all you ladies!
Rdleela - we were just told that if it was found to be a blockage, they woud most likely still do surgical sperm retrieval as procedures to unblock the blockage are not particularly effective. Nothing was ever mentioned about bypassing any blockage they might have found.

Tiger - starting treatment is scary isn't it? I remember hubby and I sitting in the urologists room and him saying, so we're ready to get going with the IVF side of things now if you're both ready? Terry straight away said 'can't wait' , I must have looked a bit worried and the urologist picked up on in straight away. He couldn't have put it better when he said "of course you're scared - you've been in limbo for so long and part of your brain thinks 'If i don't try to cross the road, I can't get run over' - I guess it's a type of self preservation, but at the end of the day; if we don't try, we'll never get across that road :thumbup:
Snd that is so nice having your belly kissed by hubby for the baby that could be soon

Rdleela I've never seen any posts of people having bypass surgery.... Is it still in it's trial period? If I ever come across any I'll let you know

Raelynn the month will be up before you know it

Afm I finally heard back from my clinic at 430pm (I rang them just after 8 this morning) So you can imagine how wound up I was getting as the time ticked by add to that I've been having the worst AF I've had in an age... so much pain and so heavy. Anyway I start down regging on 25th May so 3 weeks tomorrow/today as it's past midnight. I'll get a letter in the next day or so to arrange the drug delivery and on 25th they'll give me a date for a scan for when they expect me to be ready for stimming... all of a sudden I'm more scared than excited!
Hi ladies,

I know I have only posted in here one time but right now I really need to find some others who can relate to what I'm going through at the moment.

We are doing IVF because dh had a vasectomy and it healed up. So we have to have TESE along with ICSI. We are planning on starting everything soon and having ER in July. We have an appointment with the urologist next Thursday. Dh works in Afghanistan 6 weeks at a time and he's home for 6 weeks. With his schedule everything has to work out just right. Thats the back story. Now today I get a call from the clinic saying we need to schedule the TESE to be done before he goes back to work. He goes back on June 3rd! I'm freaking out because I wasn't expecting this right now (we were told it would be done on ER day), we haven't even met with the urologist, and June 3rd isn't that far away. I asked how much everything was going to be and had to call the billing department, urologist, their billing department, and then back to the clinic to tell them we can't do anything until after next Thursday. No one can give me a clear price range which is adding to my stress. So far all I have figured out is that the clinic charges $440, $110 for freezing, and the lady at the urologist office said "just plan on paying an extra $400-1,000." :wacko: I'm just very overwhelmed and stressed out. DH was very comforting during my breakdown and tried telling me it will all be ok. Mainly I'm just trying to find other wonderful ladies who can relate to what I'm feeling right now. Which I'm sure most if not all of you can.

Sorry for the long post but thank you for listening/reading :flower:
MrsC :hugs: that sounds overwhelming for your situation. Hope it works out. :wacko: the stress we go thru in this journey is not fun. I am still paying off the medical bill I incurred from just the test in Jan on me. Try to have faith the billing will sort itself out somehow and i wish you luck in scheduling all this to happen very soon. :flower:
Rdleela I've never seen any posts of people having bypass surgery.... Is it still in it's trial period? If I ever come across any I'll let you know

It actually has been done for a long time; for anyone interested:

And that's the COMPLICATED surgery; my hubby may have an ejaculatory duct obstruction which they go in through the urethra and it's simpler. (Called TURED)

Anyways, both have been done for YEARS.. and thought some history on the surgeries might be interesting to some!

Anyways, I guess the way I feel is, we're better off to try the free surgery first, and if it fails, on to paying for IVF...the statistics for the EDO TURED are not bad, so that's why we're willing to try this first..., especially since everything with me seems to be fine...

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