Whoa, guys, you're terrific! Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I think I really needed to be able to talk to someone who would understand, feeling a bit isolated at the moment.
deafgal01 - it's funny, but I'm pretty sure I already know you! We must be stalking same journals?

I'm certain I remember your username from other threads!
rdleela - LOVE the avatar!

Thank you the supporting my googling habits

I'm one of those people who find peace in information. I like to go to doctor's appointments knowing what to expect and I research my own symptoms before I even consider doctors. Medical establishment rarely likes people like us

I wish doctors would be a bit more flexible about the way they deal with patients. To some it's comforting knowing little, to others it's complete opposite.
SunUp - thank you so much for the link, it's brilliant! Straight to studies and articles, pure awesomeness!
Stinas - we're hoping the second SA will be a bit better! I've ordered a ton of vitamins and supplements for him to take, really hoping it'll get some of the guys moving.