Dealing with azoospermia?

Ok ladies...i have some news that kind of made me feel better!

Ok so...the doc said that everything pretty much looks "normal" and all his testing makes him really lean towards a blockage(which we already knew, but nice to hear from a second doctor). Plus he said he probably is making sperm...which again made me feel better, but again....we all know how it is to get our hopes shot, so not getting overly excited.
This thursday he will go in for a scrotal ultrasound and in 3 weeks from now he will go in through the penis to see if there is indeed a blockage and what the location is. If the blockage is towards the tip, we will need to do a biopsy and IVF....if it is towards the balls, he will do surgery to bypass the blockage and basically re direct the flow.
Im excited we are getting answers!

rdleela - sounds similar to you!

Awesome news! And "yea!" for getting some tests done just wondering (cause this IS exactly what it's sounding like for us) if the blockage is towards the tip (like ejaculatory duct blockage), why is he moving you right along to IVF? Just wondering cause our specialist would do the surgery through the urethra to try and dislodge the blockage....hmmmm??? This is the surgery I'm talking about:

The by pass surgery is this one (vasoepididymostomy):

Very interested to understand the differing opinions...Sorry, I'm a research nut! Can you get your dr to call me, please? lol
Honestly....i dont know....but I will be bringing it up in 3 weeks when I go.
Thinking of SB today! :hugs: Did they not check your progesterone one week after the IUI?

No, snd, they don't do that at my clinic and they don't offer Progesterone as a standard either, even though they do at a lot of other clinics in England. I wish they'd all just do the same thing :nope:

Been thinking of you and hoping the red dot was just some implantation bleeding. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Ok ladies...i have some news that kind of made me feel better!

Ok so...the doc said that everything pretty much looks "normal" and all his testing makes him really lean towards a blockage(which we already knew, but nice to hear from a second doctor). Plus he said he probably is making sperm...which again made me feel better, but again....we all know how it is to get our hopes shot, so not getting overly excited.
This thursday he will go in for a scrotal ultrasound and in 3 weeks from now he will go in through the penis to see if there is indeed a blockage and what the location is. If the blockage is towards the tip, we will need to do a biopsy and IVF....if it is towards the balls, he will do surgery to bypass the blockage and basically re direct the flow.
Im excited we are getting answers!

That's great - lots of answers and it all sounds very, very promising.

Just a quick update from me -

Went in for my scan today, CD12 after clomid CD 4-8. When the Dr looked at the right ovary, he and the nurse said 'wow'! Apparently things are looking better than they had planned. My biggest follicle is 15mm. :yipee: He wasnt able to see my Left but he said if the right is any indication then things are looking really good. He wants me to come back Thursday and said its very possible I will take the trigger injection Thursday and have IUI both Friday and Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! I am SO excited!:happydance:

Which means I could find out about a BFP over memorial day weekend! Fingers Crossed!

Keeping everything crossed for you - that's a really great result for CD12. Not long now :happydance:
Thank you all for your welcomes.

Here is our story, hopefully I manage to keep it brief!

Hubby is azoospermic, although not completely unexpected. Cause is the side-effect of intensive chemotherapy 8 years ago. Fertility was expected to return but sperm banked as a precaution. (Hubby is thankfully completely healthy now and I will always be grateful for that)

When we started TTC (2 years ago) where told that should be fertile but may take longer to conceive than others, so it wasn't until over a year of TTC that SA was done.

SA was done July 2011 and only just now referred to Assisted conception unit.

Since SA, I have had a lap & dye done under a general gynaecologist clinic, endo was discovered and removed and dye flowed fine. This clinic then referred us to to Assisted conception unit at another hospital. ACU won't accept referral from anyone other then GP, so more delays in getting that sorted!

Finally last week the ACU accepted the referral but are saying I need a HSG and hysterscopy done by their gynaecologist before they can recommend we are added to the NHS waiting list for IVF / IUI.... and are surprised neither of these were done before the lap & dye.

Last week I was given appointment with the ACU gynaecologist in mid July, but a few pleading phone calls later and I now have a pre-assessment appointment this week with a nurse in ACU (a cancellation came up just before I called) and the lady on the phone was hopeful that the gynaecologist stage can be skipped - fingers tightly crossed on this on but not getting my hopes up!

Sorry looks like I failed in keeping that short!

Seeing all the stories on here and the journeys you have all been through / are going through really helps put it all in perspective and gives me more hope that we will get our family sometime, even if it seems like it is taking forever now.

Look forward to seeing some more successes soon, you definitely all deserve it.
Hi Snowybird - I'm so glad hubby is healthy now :thumbup: and great that you have sperm banked :thumbup:

I hope you get some good news at your appt and make some progress - the waiting is one of the hardest parts of this journey xx
Hi girls,

Will this road ever become easy??? Our IUI this month has been abandoned. :( I went for my cd 12 scan today. I've got too many follicles,5 on each side so we have to abandon this cycle. I'm so upset.
It is funny really as I was so worried I would have none and now I have too many! Be careful what you pray for. Darn why did I pray for follicles!!!
Warning: Panicky Rant Ahead!

*sigh* Girls, I think I may be out. Today is 8DPO... shouldn't I be feeling something!? I feel fine, and it is scaring the crap outta me! I mean, my boobs should at least be sore, or tired as shit, right? I had a dream last night that I tested and seen a +, and I felt myself get soooo excited that I literally had to wake myself up to come back to reality so I wouldn't wake up thinking it was true! And the red dot the other day, it was only 5DPO, so IB wouldn't be possible cause it was too early! I'm going crazy here! IDK if I can make it another week!!!! I need to know one way or the other so I can get on with life! My double chin is starting to come back, I need to get back in the gym if I'm not pg.... This has been the LONGEST week and a half ever! :cry: I'm literally loosing it!

Sorry.... I'm done now.
Stinas: That's great news! I hope the US went well, too.

SunUP: That all sounds fantastic, good luck!

SnowyBird: Gosh, it sounds like you have both really been through it, but thank goodness your DH well now. Well done on bagging an earlier appointment, here's hoping things will start moving!

WanB: Aww :hugs: What a nightmare! It's not going to help right now, but hopefully they can learn from this cycle and get it absolutely spot on for the next one. For now, more :hugs:

SND: Firstly :hugs: :hugs: but you go right ahead and rant away, that's what we're all here for. I can't speak from experience, but I know many ladies who have had NO symptoms at all then went on to get a BFP. It's still early days, too, but I know what you mean, this whole journey just seems to be about waiting. Please be kind to yourself and don't worry, we'll help you get through it :hugs:

Big :hi: to everyone else, hope you're all having a good week :hugs:

AFM we have our IVF/ICSI planning appointment on the 29th May.. I'm. So. Freaking. Scared. I keep reading about injections.. ladies who do this, how bad is it? I mean, really? Do you get your OH to help? I think my DH would faint even if I suggested it!

Love to all,

C xx
So sorry Wanb :hugs:

Snd - 8dpo is very early for symptoms. The ONLY symptom I had (and I only see that as a symptom in hindsight) was at about 11dpo when my sense of smell was crazily heightened. The red dot could have easily been a bit of blood left from the IUI procedure. You're not out of the running yet girl! :hugs:

Tiger - the injections really are fine. The main thing with me the first few times was sitting there for 10 mind plucking up the courage to stick it in. Once I'd plucked up the courage, it was barely noticeable. The needle is minute (don't be put off by the needle you use to mix / draw up the fluid!!!) and as long as you do it at the angle they tell you to and withdraw it steadily at the same angle, you'll be fine - I never even had a bruise (but that may have been to do with my nice layer of fat!). I have read enough stories of women on here who were TERRIFIED of needles and were besides themselves at the thought of having to inject, only to hear them doing it like a pro 2 days later!
Snd - sorry the terror of the 2ww has hit you. The second week is always the worst.
My symptoms started at 9/10 dpiui but tbh they just seemed to come and go to the point i wasnt sure if i was imagining it! and they still come and go now as well! So try not to worry, I know it's easier said than done but you just can't tell until you test! Xx
Thanks girls! I am just being a drama queen today! But it really hit me hard this morning after that dream! And hubby is NO help! He thinks I should be puking my guts out by now, and it just makes me wonder, ya know? :blush:
I didn't have any sickness until 6 weeks if that makes you feel better! And tiredness kicked in around the same time x
Just got the call on my progesterone test results..... 14.8! Last month they were 12.2, so she said that was great! Hope it's a good sign! :happydance:

I went to the dollar store on my lunch break and bought a $1 cheapie test, so might test on Mother's Day with it, but then again I'll probably be too chicken sh*t to test early, so IDK why I bought it! Just to say I have one I guess! If it's -, then I can blame it on being a cheapie! :haha: I'll buy "the good one's" when I go to Wal-Mart Sat. morning for Weds testing....
I didn't have any sickness until 6 weeks if that makes you feel better! And tiredness kicked in around the same time x

YES! That made me feel MUCH better! =) And so did Deb's smells....
WANBMUM, I am so sorry your cycle got abandoned! That must really, really suck! I hope that next cycle you'll have one big follicle take over!

snd80, oh, I do and don't envy you right now, all at the same time! lol
On one hand, so happy that you are TTC right now! How awesome is that?!?! On the other hand, I totally remember exactly what the TWW and testing feels like, and what can I say besides you're not out till the witch shows! Everyone/every preganancy is different, so all you can do is relax and be so very thankful that you are back in the TTC ring!!! FX'd for you!

SnowyBird, thanks for sharing your story with us, and very happy that you have a healthy DH! WAITING sucks...I am having a hard time getting an u/s appt book for my DH right now and it's driving me NUTS. Patience is not easy for me, so I hear ya...

AFM, still freaking waiting...and waiting...sigh...Hope everyone else is doing good!
Tiger - I'm the same way! I think I finally get up the nerve to accept I'll have to do injections and then I get all worried again. I am a HUGE needle wuss. Before all this TTC I couldn't even have someone talking about needles without getting the willies. Of course, with all the blood tests I've had just to get to this point I am getting a bit better. Someone once told me the way to get over a fear of needles was to get pregnant. Wow was that true! And, we're not even pregnant yet. My hubby is the same way too. Our RE told him he'd have to give me the trigger shot (the one in the butt!) and I am most scared for that one because he's so afraid of doing it.
You're right RD, and I'm sorry for being insensative to those who aren't at that point yet... just didn't think about "what if I was in their shoes?".

Have a good weekend everyone.
Hi girls,

Will this road ever become easy??? Our IUI this month has been abandoned. :( I went for my cd 12 scan today. I've got too many follicles,5 on each side so we have to abandon this cycle. I'm so upset.
It is funny really as I was so worried I would have none and now I have too many! Be careful what you pray for. Darn why did I pray for follicles!!!

WANBMUM, I am so, so, so sorry :hugs: I was very close to having my second cycle cancelled as my clinic only accept 2 follicles and there was a third looming its ugly head, but thankfully it stopped growing in time. I can't imagine how upset you must feel. I'm so sorry. But on the one hand at least you know you'll have no problems producing eggs. I guess you have to look at the silver linings or else you'd fall apart. That's how we all get through this azoo stuff, right? :hugs: Are they going to adjust your drugs so you don't get too many follies next time?

Thank you all for your welcomes.

Here is our story, hopefully I manage to keep it brief!

Hubby is azoospermic, although not completely unexpected. Cause is the side-effect of intensive chemotherapy 8 years ago. Fertility was expected to return but sperm banked as a precaution. (Hubby is thankfully completely healthy now and I will always be grateful for that)
Look forward to seeing some more successes soon, you definitely all deserve it.

Welcome, Snowybird. Lovely to meet you. I'm sorry about the chemo and the azoo, but it's fabulous that they got sperm banked :happydance: Great news! Hopefully the rest of your treatments will go quickly and they can get on with things and get the ball rolling. So many of us have delays with this diagnosis and it's so utterly frustrating because we all know trying naturally in the meantime is never going to work. Hope it goes quick x

Warning: Panicky Rant Ahead!

*sigh* Girls, I think I may be out. Today is 8DPO... shouldn't I be feeling something!? I feel fine, and it is scaring the crap outta me! I mean, my boobs should at least be sore, or tired as shit, right? I had a dream last night that I tested and seen a +, and I felt myself get soooo excited that I literally had to wake myself up to come back to reality so I wouldn't wake up thinking it was true! And the red dot the other day, it was only 5DPO, so IB wouldn't be possible cause it was too early! I'm going crazy here! IDK if I can make it another week!!!! I need to know one way or the other so I can get on with life! My double chin is starting to come back, I need to get back in the gym if I'm not pg.... This has been the LONGEST week and a half ever! :cry: I'm literally loosing it!

Sorry.... I'm done now.

Bless you :hugs: You're still early and I despise the 2ww because it just messes with your head. I've had 2wws with absolutely zero symptoms. I've had 2wws with loads of symptoms. I've seen BFPs from those with zero symptoms and BFPs from those with loads of symptoms. I wish there was a single symptom that we could all recognise as being a universal 'you're preggers!' symptom :haha:

Keep your chin up and I'm still keeping everything crossed for you.

AFM we have our IVF/ICSI planning appointment on the 29th May.. I'm. So. Freaking. Scared. I keep reading about injections.. ladies who do this, how bad is it? I mean, really? Do you get your OH to help? I think my DH would faint even if I suggested it!

Love to all,

C xx

I agree with Deb about the injections. I do them myself and no problems at all. I just take it slowly and it's no so bad.
Thanks silverbell. That's exactly it, I am so disappointed and could cry at the drop of a hat (pretty much like that since azoo confirmed anyway ha) but in the other hand at least I know meds work and if we ever need ivf at least i know i can produce follicles. The plan is next cycle to do no meds, but without meds I might only have one or even none!?! So it could be another disappointing month. I just have to wait and see. The waiting and seeing is what kills me. Ha
How are you doing silverbell? :)

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