Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi All,

Wow Rae, great that you've triggered already. We'll be keeping everything crossed for a great eggie haul & some great fert rates!

SND; sounds like a bitch of a week, you poor love. Hoping your good side plays ball this cycle hun & keeping all my bits crossed for you xx

CM, I am so happy that things are moving along for you. Choosing a donor is tough, but the girls on here have such great advice to offer.

Sun, my sweetie, I will be keeping everything crossed for you too, hopefully the changed protocol might be just the change you need xx

Deb, I totally understand the whole low libido thing. It's tough isn't it? :hugs: How did Terry find the Anastrazole? Simon is like a different man on the stuff. The irony is that now he wants :sex: & I'm too scared to because of our previous miscarriage. I hope that dr Ramsay can help you guys out hun xx
hey all

Rae good luck for egg collection

Snd hope things go right for you at the weekend

Deb sorry to hear you are feeling so alone, hope the docs can sort something out for you both

Canadian wow things are moving fast for you now, hope you can find a donor you like the sound of soon

afm I had collection yesterday they got 12 and 6 fertilised so happy with that just got to wait til tuesday now for transfer
hey all

Rae good luck for egg collection

Snd hope things go right for you at the weekend

Deb sorry to hear you are feeling so alone, hope the docs can sort something out for you both

Canadian wow things are moving fast for you now, hope you can find a donor you like the sound of soon

afm I had collection yesterday they got 12 and 6 fertilised so happy with that just got to wait til tuesday now for transfer

Wibble- :dust: :dust: :dust: May you implant some of these eggs to make new babies for us azoo aunties excited over. I hope Tuesday you get good answers and see some implant!
Hello everyone :hi:

I hope you're all fine and dandy :flower:

SND: Ah, hun :hugs: It never rains but it pours, eh? Good luck with the U/S, I hope the good side is ready for action this month!

Wibble: That's fantastic, hun! Fingers crossed all goes well and as DG said, us Azoo Aunties are hoping for some more babies to coo over!

Rae: Goooooood luck for the ER! I hope you get some lovely, ripe, healthy eggs!

Debs: I hope you get some good news from Mr Ramsey. I'm also sorry to hear Terry is down and you're feeling alone, it must be incredibly frustrating :hugs: DH's Test was normal (I wonder if we'll ever know the cause for the Azoo??), so when we got the results he was still 'up for it', but I was the one who didn't want to. Before the diagnosis, every month was about TTC, so it's all I could associate DTD with and I just didn't want to as it just brought it all home.. what was the point, we can't make a baby like everyone else? Azoo sucks!!! I'm sending you more :hugs: darling and I hope you can get through this :hugs:

CM: Wow! That's great news! I hope you can find a donor that you're both happy with, but how great is it that things are moving along?

Sun: Really sorry about this cycle :hugs: but here's hoping #3 is the one!! So many lovelies on here moving along at the mo', I hope we're heading for a bumper bunch of BFPs!!

DG: Gosh, you're so organised! Good luck with DH's biopsy, will be crossing everything that you get some good news!

Brandy: Hello :hugs: You've come to the right place, everyone here is so friendly and helpful. Everyone here knows exactly how you are feeling and what you're feeling is completely normal. It's a long, hard journey, but with tremendous support from these lovely ladies, you will get there :hugs:

StepM: I'm keeping everything crossed that the next cycle works for you, hun :hugs:

If I've missed anyone, I'm so sorry... as always I send much love and many :hugs: to you all.

AFM.. well, AF is here, so today is officially CD1 of my first ever ICSI/IVF cycle! I'm excited and freaked in equal measure. I don't start jabbing myself until the 19th July - husband is happy to do it... a little TOO happy I think! :haha: - I'm already worried about my wandering left ovary (will they be able to get to it), will the drugs works, will there BE any sperm when they defrost DH's sample... blah, blah, blah!! I'm such a worrier, why am I trying to have kids again??!:wacko: I was even panicking when I booked my first scan appointment today (2nd August). I guess like anything, you just have to go with it and hope for the best.

Have a fab weekend everyone!

More :hugs:

C xx
Tiger- Good luck! Hope AF is being kind this cycle. :dust: I hope that this cycle works for you but yeah, I hear ya on all the questions that is yet to be answered. Often I hear that the first cycle is usually a test one, then the second cycle or beyond is successful. :shrug:
WW-:happydance:! Looks like we will be in the 2WW together!!!!!! :thumbup:

I'm a go for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scan was great! 4 follies on the good side and 2 on the bad! Biggest "good" side one was 2.8!!!!!! I am soooo freaking excited!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: Plus got a + ov test this morning, so like Ice Cube, "Today is a Good Day"!!!!! :cloud9: Gotta be there at 8:30 in the morning, so we have to leave home at 4:00.... BOOOO! But it WILL be worth it!!! Just hope I don't end up with 4 babies.... or I'll be putting 2-3 of them on ebay! :rofl: J/K!!!! But that is the scary part. So we shall see!!! PMA Nikki, PMA!!!!

I'll update everyone Monday as to how it goes. Hope everyone has a good weekend and :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and keep me in your prayers!!! [-o<
Wibble Wobble - So thrilled for you! Praying and sending you lots of baby dust for a smooth transfer and sticky embryos

Tiger - Hooray for getting started! I was a worrier too. I worried through this whole process and I'm sure I'll keep on worrying but try to relax a bit (I know its hard!) It will be over before you know it.

snd - So glad you're a go for IUI. Praying it all goes well and works out perfectly for you! Boo to the tww several of us will have to get through shortly. But hopefully we all have good outcomes from it!

AFM - ER went great! I have just a bit of mild cramping but otherwise feel fine. I have to remind myself to take it easy. My dad ended up taking me in this morning since we still hadn't heard whether the frozen sperm from previous TESE made it so hubby was on stand by for a backup TESE. He got the call while I was in pre-op and texted my dad that the frozen ones survived so that was great news right before I went in and hubby came to the hospital straight away to be with me once I got to recovery. We got 15 eggs so I'm very happy. The hospital staff was all wonderful, my nurse talked to me through the IV so it was pretty easy just a little pinchy, and that was the worst of it. Excited to get the fertilization report tomorrow! ET will be either Monday or Wednesday.
Hey Everyone!!

I'm new here and would like to talk with others on the experience I am going through..

Im 26 Years old and my Husband is 33. I have a 6 year old son from a previous relationship and my husband doesn't have any.

We were trying to conceive over a year and didn't get prego, so went to DR- Everything seemed fine with me and I previously got pregnant and gave birth in 2005- which was unexpected and while I was on the pill

My husband went to a local urologist after several semen analysis which showed he didnt have any sperm at all.. Well months and months went by we were referred to an awesome Dr an hour from home and after many and many tests..They really couldnt find what was wrong so they decided to proceed with surgery where they removed testicles and GUESS WHAT... They found lots and lots and lots of sperm but there was a blockage...So Pretty much this is where we are now.. We are going to have to undergo IVF with ICSI.. I'm very anxious now that the time has come but also scared and just dont understand sometimes During all this and seeing what my husband has went through and us wanting to have a child so bad and then having to go through all this and its very expensive.

Well, the time has come and this is where I'm @ now...

IVF #1 and we hope and pray it will be successful

I Started BCP May 2012 and just finished them June 23

Started Lupron 20 units 6/20 along with Doxycycline 100mg twice a day

Ive been feeling a little loopy and emotional

I went to the DR today 6/28 for a Baseline Ultrasound and Bloodwork-- so far they said everything seemed and looked great

Tomorrow, 6/29 I reduce Lupron to 5 unites and Start GONAL-F 225 units

I then go back to the DR next Mon, Wed and Fri for bloodwork and ultrasounds

and I will probably have my retreival around July 9th ( My Birthday is the 8th)

I'm really not sure what to expect bc Ive never done this before and dont really have anyone to talk with bc we have pretty much kept this a secret from most of our friends and family.
SND: :yipee: That's faaaabulous! Oooh, you might get a 'buy one, get two free'! :haha: Good luck, hun!!

Rae: :happydance: I'm so happy for you! 15 eggs AND the sperm survived - I imagine them like Han Solo when they're frozen :rofl: poor little things! - come on little cells, get fertilizin'!! I've got everything crossed for ET!

DG: Thanks, darling :hugs: Yeah, a lot of people have said that the first one is like a test run. We get one cycle on the NHS (which is more than some people get.. grrrr!), after that it's down to money. It's such a shame that us Azoo gals are limited to TTC only when we can afford to. Oh, to be able to DTD every month like everyone else...

Laters, gorgeous ladies,

C xx
Rae: :happydance: I'm so happy for you! 15 eggs AND the sperm survived - I imagine them like Han Solo when they're frozen :rofl: poor little things! - come on little cells, get fertilizin'!! I've got everything crossed for ET!

Haha! That's so funny! I was telling hubby today they were like Stewie in Family Guy where the sperm were fighter ships blowing each other up :haha:
raelynn - Wow...thats a lot of back and forth craziness! Its worth it though!!!
Wonderful news!!!!! Keep us updated!!!!!!

wibble wobble - Yay! Great news!!!

Tiger - Isnt it weird being glad AF came so you can start your cycle?! I think im about a week or two behind you. Its only natural to be will all work out in the end! Good luck!!!

snd - FX its your cycle!!!!!!!

Shorty - Sorry to see you here, but you came to a great place with amazing women!!!! Congrats on finding sperm!!! Good luck with this seem to be soooooo close to getting that baby! Keep us updated!! It is hard to talk to other people about this. You only understand it if you are going through one gets it otherwise.

As for me....DH TESE is right around the corner! July super duper nervous and pray every day for sperm! I think AF is right around the corner as well, a bit earlier than I thought. Im a raging bitch and im ready to rip my boobs off they are soooo sore......but im happy because this means I get to start my BCP a little earlier than we thought! Lets get this show on the road!
SND: :yipee: That's faaaabulous! Oooh, you might get a 'buy one, get two free'! :haha: Good luck, hun!!

Laters, gorgeous ladies,

C xx

:rofl: I love bargins BUT.... that might be a little much!!! :haha: I told my mother (who is here for a visit from Oregon) that if I did get pg w/ 4 she would have to stay here for good and help me with all them!!! But I'll take the chance! Just quadrouple the chance of one taking!!!!! Right?!

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes!!! IDK what I would do without all my cheerleaders!!! :hugs:
wibble wobble~ Congrats for getting so many eggs! Fx for Tuesday.

tiger~ Yay for CD1! Not much longer for things to get started.

snd~ Yay for a positive opk. Good luck tomorrow!

raelynn~ I'm so glad everything went well. Sounds like you got many eggs! :happydance: Fx for you.

Shorty~ Welcome :hi: Not much longer for you.

Stinas~ Fx for you and your DH during the TESE. Sorry to hear that af is being rough and she hasn't even started yet.

AFM~ I had my scan this morning. Everything looked great and he said I have 2-3 on the left that are measuring around 19 and one on the right measuring 9. I got a trigger shot to take tonight and then I'll have the IUI on Sunday. I'm a little worried about the shot but I really shouldn't be. It's just the first one I've ever had to do myself. Hubby did one for me a few months back but he's still not home. Also my IUI is at 11:15 on Sunday but they gave me a window to take the trigger shot in. My paper says between 8-10 tonight. Isn't there usually a set time to take it? Any input on what time I should choose? It may not even matter but I was thinking around 9pm. :shrug:
Stinas - Will keep my fingers crossed for you that your DH's TESE goes well!

MrsC - I think you should be fine with 9. I know they time IVF exactly 35 hours after the trigger so you're right at the edge before ovulation so since your appointment is a couple hours past that 35 hour mark you should be fine regardless of what time you pick. Good luck!
Stinas - Will keep my fingers crossed for you that your DH's TESE goes well!

MrsC - I think you should be fine with 9. I know they time IVF exactly 35 hours after the trigger so you're right at the edge before ovulation so since your appointment is a couple hours past that 35 hour mark you should be fine regardless of what time you pick. Good luck!

Thank you! Knowing that the trigger with IVF is 35 hours helps me out a little.
Wibble – fantastic news – keeping everything crossed for Tuesday’s report

CM – glad things are progressing – I’m sure all the emotions are totally normal – you are both dealing with so much mentally

Tiger – so glad you’ve started the ball rolling with your cycle – my advice is, as hard as it is, just to take one step of the process at a time. The one and only thing you are allowed to worry about right now is responding well to the injections – once you know that, you are allowed to start worrying about the next thing – but only one worry at a time! :winkwink:

Snd – keeping you in my prayers and hoping that all went well with the dIUI

Rae – fabulous news about 15 eggs and dh’s sperm surviving! :dance: I hope the fertilisation report has been good

Welcome Shorty – sorry you have to deal with this all, but fantastic news about them finding loads of sperm to work with. That takes a huge pressure off you both :thumbup: Any questions you have, feel free to ask

Stinas – keeping everything crossed for the TESE

MrsC – hope all went well with the trigger and will be keeping everything crossed for you

I’m loving the fact that there are so many of you going to be going through the 2WW so close together. I just know we will get loads more :bfp:s!!

Hope I haven’t missed out anyone

Well ladies, of the 15 eggs retrieved, 11 were mature, but only 2 fertilized. I'm pretty crushed that we only have 2. I guess I should be happy though that we have any at all considering the azoo. Praying so hard that our two embryos make it! The clinic is also out of power because of crazy thunderstorms last night - not sure what that means for the lab.
Sorry you're disappointed Rae - we had 8, all were mature and we only got 3 fertilised, but those 3 all went on to be great blastocysts. Try not to get too obsessed by numbers, it's quality, not quantity that counts :thumbup:
Well ladies, of the 15 eggs retrieved, 11 were mature, but only 2 fertilized. I'm pretty crushed that we only have 2. I guess I should be happy though that we have any at all considering the azoo. Praying so hard that our two embryos make it! The clinic is also out of power because of crazy thunderstorms last night - not sure what that means for the lab.

I can understand being upset about having the 2 left. Those two are going to be very strong for you! I'm sure that the clinic has a backup power source. :thumbup: Try not to worry and just focus on the 2 growing. Will you put both back?

AFM~ Trigger went fine last night. I actually didn't even panic. :haha: When it come to all of this TTC business I think we all just do what we have to do.

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