Rae- We have decided to play like nothing ever happened. I'm
not gonna stress and just roll with the flow like any other day. Hubby has dialysis tomorrow, and I am off work for the one day, so I'm gonna grill some chicken and burgers to have ready for him when he gets home. Suprisingly I am very calm. Guess you live and learn!!!
DG- Praying for you both! Hope you get some good news!!!!! Us azoo girls are owed some!!!! If you wanna know the jist of my story, I will try to keep it short and sweet. We had to be there at 8:30, and we live about 4 hours away. Didn't sleep much the night before cause I was too excited, and plus had the alarm set for 3 am, tried to go to bed early but to no avail. Wound up getting up at 2:40 and went ahead and got ready, got hubby up at 3:30 and we left home at 4 running on about 2 hours of cat-napping sleep. Got there at 7:30, and waited in the car til 8. Went in a little early cause the lab lady called to make sure we were there. It was only her and the nurse that did the IUI there that day. Got in the room right at 8:30. Nurse told me the counts, and did the procedure. Didn't even feel much. I felt the scratching a little, but didn't even know when she was done. Hubby held my hand the whole time. When finished, I stayed elevated for about 20 minutes and left right at 9. Basically did a turn-and-burn. Laid back in the front seat with my feet on the dash for about an hour and a half. Got back home at 1 and went directly to bed with a pillow under my hips for about 3 hours. I was sooo tired!! Stayed up til 10 and crashed til 8 the next morning. Got lots of good rest! I needed it!!!! So there it is... in all it's glory!
Started the progesterone inserts this morning. I think I was nervous about it last night cause I dreamed I was fighting with my cousin b/c she was making me late of taking it! LOL! The discharge is the WORST part!!!! I feel icky!!! But if it brings me a
I DON'T CARE!!!!! And then it cost me $90 for a 2 week supply! Oh my!!!! I'm gonna go broke buying hormones!!!!
Hope everyone has a good 4th!!!!