Hello everyone
I'm sorry to see so many people struggling at the mo'

I wish we could all have answers, it's so, so cruel.
I had my supressed scan today - with a Dr who hadn't looked at my notes. Sheesh. His first question was "Have you had an operation?".. I knew where he was going with this. It's my left ovary, it's very high-up and even with pushing, it didn't want to co-operate. He also mumbled something about cysts, but even with that I'm starting the Gonal-F (just waiting for a call to tell me when/amounts and next test/scan).
I asked what can we do about my ovary and there's nothing, just have to see how it goes. What with my husband's one frozen, "twitchy" sperm and now what might be only one ovary working with me, I'm not feeling at all confident about this cycle.
My head really isn't in the right place at the moment - we're finishing up at my dad's home, so it really feels like I'm saying goodbye to my parent's all over again and I swear these ruddy hormones aren't helping.
Okay, mope over, I'm going to curl up on the sofa with a pack of chocolate chip cookies.
Sending all of you huge

and the strength, from somewhere, to get through this and make our dreams come true. We ALL deserve this so much!!
C xx