Dealing with azoospermia?

Dippy - Im sorry you got the azoo news. Whoever told you adoption would be easier should be smacked in the face!
TESE is kind of a rough procedure, but recovery is a couple weeks. It looks super gross, but 100% worth it. I am now newly pregnant because of a TESE.
My situation was a bit dh's levels were are normal, which made doc believe it was a blockage somewhere. We did TESE in July, first round of IVF in Aug which was a BFN, we did a frozen round of IVF in Oct, which was a BFN, third time was a charm this month!
So it IS just takes time. Azoo is a waiting game.
The chances of you falling pregnant naturally, pretty slim unless his SA changes. Its nice to hope and dream, but unfortunately for us azoo ladies, that does not happen too often.

Im sure some of the other ladies have more input on the meds!
Congrats again Stinas :happydance::happydance:

Dippycat - I'm very sorry you have to go through this :hugs::hugs:
I second Stinas re chances of becoming pregnant naturally. Realistically, it would be a miracle (unless something changes in his count, like Stinas said). You need millions of sperm for even an IUI, and many many millions to conceive naturally.
I'd say your DH needs some more tests ordered before even doing the mTESE - eg genetic testing (as these can determine to some degree what the chances of finding sperm are). But I'm assuming your specialist will order these.
The HCG might raise the testosterone, but that doesn't necessarily mean that his sperm count will go higher. I'm going to be straight with you - DH's urologist also mentioned that he could try HCG or clomid, and that it might improve his counts slightly. But he also said that very likely (with a 90% chance or so) it won't improve it enough to circumvent IVF. But I'd say - give it a shot and see, it won't hurt as you had a zero count anyway.
Either way, I wish you all the best, and keep us updated!

VerityBelle - exciting that you got your appointment on Monday! :thumbup:
I'm not sure if you really need a list of questions at the point in time (but I think there is one on page 1 of this thread). I can't recall exactly what tests your DH had done already, but I'm assuming the specialist will just order an array of more testing (genetics, imaging etc).

AFM - DH had his ICSI prep (expensive!!!) today to figure out if there is enough sperm in DH's sample to go ahead with IVF-ICSI, or if he needs to get an mTESE done. I'm really nervous about it :wacko:. Should know the results by mid next week.
I haven't been on this thread from the begining, but i just wanted to let all you girls know that it is possible. My husband has azoospermia. he went through a tese which he found not so bad as he had worked himself up so thats a good thing but we have done our first ICSI back in feb and we are now 9 weeks pregnant with twins. We are been through the dark times and there is light at the end of the tunnel when we think back to how we felt back then what a difference a year makes. Never give up hope and it's ok to feel like you have lost someone when you get the news but as times goes on the more answers you get the better it becomes. These forms are life savers. Sending positivity your ways and good luck with all your journeys xx
Congrats Stinas and wifeyw. Best of luck to rest of girls..our first appointment with urologist will be on 19th April.
I have seen that in our cases mostly pregnancies ended up wih twins.and I noticed them as girl and boy.
Wifey - Congrats!!! What were your beta numbers?? I will find out monday if its two in here!
Wifey & Stinas thats excellant news- your give the rest of us playing the game hope.

Verity-excited for your appointment- update us soon as you can???

Dippy- sorry to see you here but hopefully we will all be able to help you all along the way, Our next app is the 9th May with urology and hope to find out more about the likely hood of any sperm being found. The % will have to be high for us to go through this, we will be using donor if we dont think we can cope with any more knocks.

Auca- thats so exciting your well on the way to giving it your best shot.

hi to all the other girls here xx

AFM: our next app is 9th May- I Called our clinic today to ask if we could be added to the donor list as a back up and also if we could get the roll rolling for our own "donor" so least after hubby has finished all his tests if its another blow we have our back up sprm in place. Thry said they will call me me back Monday with an answer??!? Hopefully we will be allowed to do this

have a good weeeknd girls xxx
Stinas - Congratulations!!! It's so encouraging!

AFM - just wanted to drop in with a quick update.
Saw the Urologist yesterday, and despite the FS thinking there is no hope, the urologist feels that if we do a fresh cycle, with a second mTESE, they'll find sperm that can be used. He put my hubby on HCG shots 3000 IU/3 times per week. Hopefully that does something and improves his odds of finding sperm that are alive and healthy (previous mTESE the sperm were likely not usable for IVF). They still want him to come in for check-ups and do some more SA's just along the way, just in case.
We came to the decision that we would be okay with a donor back-up, so we've already picked out a donor. It became easier to choose a donor when the councillor said to us that we should pick a donor which would fit in at a family gathering... and that made it a lot easier, because then I wasn't trying to find someone who looked like my hubby.
The surgery date is set for August 6th. And the waiting begins again.
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

MrsG stay positive. I found this so so hard to do especially after husband had mtese and we were waiting for the results, you will get through whatever is thrown your way x x
Sinking today hun. Really feeling it.
I bet you are too- have they gave you any indiciation of what they will/wont find? xx
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

MrsG stay positive. I found this so so hard to do especially after husband had mtese and we were waiting for the results, you will get through whatever is thrown your way x x
Sinking today hun. Really feeling it.
I bet you are too- have they gave you any indiciation of what they will/wont find? xx
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

MrsG stay positive. I found this so so hard to do especially after husband had mtese and we were waiting for the results, you will get through whatever is thrown your way x x

We had bad news but received it back in feb. not to worry you but we were told 80% chance of finding sperm, but it didn't turn out that way. We are now going the donor route. Have our councilling session this week x
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

I know, it is SOOOO tough to wait for all these appointments, tests etc. I don't even know if using donor sperm is any quicker than going through mTESE. Did you hear back from the clinic yet?

I'm also extremely stressed right now over DH's results (of his ICSI prep). I really hope we'll find out if he needs to do mTESE tomorrow. I'm so stressed that I just want to crawl into a hole and wait, don't want to talk to anybody, because I just don't have the nerves for it. :wacko:
ah i didnt realise you were using Ds? you in the UK or overseas? thats worrys me i would hate to think 80% an then it be a no go, I dont know if my hubby could take that??

How is your Hubby? xxxxx
Sinking today hun. Really feeling it.
I bet you are too- have they gave you any indiciation of what they will/wont find? xx
having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

MrsG stay positive. I found this so so hard to do especially after husband had mtese and we were waiting for the results, you will get through whatever is thrown your way x x

We had bad news but received it back in feb. not to worry you but we were told 80% chance of finding sperm, but it didn't turn out that way. We are now going the donor route. Have our councilling session this week x

having a meltdown me- its been weeks since our last appointment and urology app isnt till 9th may. worried sick about the urologist will say/do- hubby just keeps saying the Dr will have to be pretty sure he will find sperm for us to go with it as if not we can go straight to donor- i think he is just thinking- "just get us pregnant by the quickest method possible"

im sitting here trailing through "xytex" and then keep thinking i dont know why im doing this. :cry:

I know, it is SOOOO tough to wait for all these appointments, tests etc. I don't even know if using donor sperm is any quicker than going through mTESE. Did you hear back from the clinic yet?

I'm also extremely stressed right now over DH's results (of his ICSI prep). I really hope we'll find out if he needs to do mTESE tomorrow. I'm so stressed that I just want to crawl into a hole and wait, don't want to talk to anybody, because I just don't have the nerves for it. :wacko:

I know when im listening to you's i feel selfish as i know your all going through it too. :hugs::hugs: Talk to me- I will listen hun :):hugs:
clinic said they would ring today but nothing as yet- im at work now but will call tomorrow and chase them up.
DS will only be quicker as its there ready and waiting, if my hubby decides to have the tests there is a 9 month wait?!?!?!?!
I know when im listening to you's i feel selfish as i know your all going through it too. :hugs::hugs: Talk to me- I will listen hun :):hugs:
clinic said they would ring today but nothing as yet- im at work now but will call tomorrow and chase them up.
DS will only be quicker as its there ready and waiting, if my hubby decides to have the tests there is a 9 month wait?!?!?!?!

You are not selfish at all! We're all on the same (or similar) path, which makes this thread so great, because we understand each other :hugs:

9 months, omg!!?!! That's another reason I'm so nervous about this result. If DH needs mTESE I also think it will add months of waiting again for us. Not sure if I could take it, but I guess I would have to. We're not quite ready for donor sperm at this point.
wish you ladies lives within "im going for a cuppa" distance haha
I know 9 longg long months! scares the shit out of me however i dont want my hubby to think id rather use DS than wait 9 months cos obviously I would not, but he says heisnt prepared to wait that long un less the % of finding anything is high?!?!? it worries me if he is not exhausting his own chnaces before moving onto DS but i dont think he can take any more knocks I understand that.

how is your Hubby?

what exactly are you waiting on? i dont eaxactly understand these tese/pesa/mtest procedures but i guess the teste is last resort?
I know when im listening to you's i feel selfish as i know your all going through it too. :hugs::hugs: Talk to me- I will listen hun :):hugs:
clinic said they would ring today but nothing as yet- im at work now but will call tomorrow and chase them up.
DS will only be quicker as its there ready and waiting, if my hubby decides to have the tests there is a 9 month wait?!?!?!?!

You are not selfish at all! We're all on the same (or similar) path, which makes this thread so great, because we understand each other :hugs:

9 months, omg!!?!! That's another reason I'm so nervous about this result. If DH needs mTESE I also think it will add months of waiting again for us. Not sure if I could take it, but I guess I would have to. We're not quite ready for donor sperm at this point.
MrsG I am in the uk, how about you. DH is fine about it, what will be will be, there is nothing we can do to change the situation so we just need to get on with it. We was told the wait for the retrieval was over 12 months, but DH reached the top of the list within 6 months, so that wasn't too bad x
Hi Step Mummy. I am in the same boat as you-exactly. I am 25 and my husband is 42. He has two daughters, 17 and 19. I got off the pill two months before the wedding so that we would be able to start right away (he joked that he wasn't getting any younger. lol). We went to the doctor right away because I have PCOS. After taking Clomid for six months we tested him. Three SA have come back with zero sperm. Our hearts broke, we couldn't believe it. He has two kids, what?? We are now waiting until May 2013 for a final SA before we move into a testicular biopsy/aspiration. We are scared because the biopsy's can be painful and a hard recovery, my husband is not thrilled with the idea. We have decided that if this SA comes back with zero despite the vitamins we have implemented we would fly to Seattle and see about biopsy's and aspirations so that they can freeze any sperm they may find for IVF. I have found that vitamins for sperm boosting are folic acid, L-Arginine, zinc, vitamin E and vitamin B-12. My husband is on all of these, including his normal vitamin C and D. It's a lot each day but we are hoping it makes the difference next month. Each change he makes takes three months to impact his sperm. Blah. If he has no sperm we have decided that donor sperm would be our next choice. I wish you the best of luck.

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