Dealing with azoospermia?

MrsG I am in the uk, how about you. DH is fine about it, what will be will be, there is nothing we can do to change the situation so we just need to get on with it. We was told the wait for the retrieval was over 12 months, but DH reached the top of the list within 6 months, so that wasn't too bad x

yeah i in the UK,Newcaste. ah thats good to know- what stage your at now?
6 months is not so bad- im fearful of what happened to you will happen to us, and i know that sounds awful- i just wonder how many more knocks poor hubby can take xxx
Quick update for you as we had an appointment today, they found some sperm :D so we have been referred for icsi and now we wait again but feeling quite happy atm xx
Quick update for you as we had an appointment today, they found some sperm :D so we have been referred for icsi and now we wait again but feeling quite happy atm xx

:thumbup: Great news! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Do you have an idea how long your wait will be?
Hi, I'm new here, just been doing some online research and found this forum and been reading some of your stories. We had our SSR (MESA/TESE) today. Nothing found in MESA so now waiting to find out tomorrow if there's anything at all from TESE. Very worried and although my husband was starting to realise I need to talk to my close friends to get through this (he deals with things very differently and doesn't like people knowing so much detail about us), he now doesn't want me to tell them any more in case it is bad news. Basically if we do decide to go with donor sperm he doesn't want anyone to know about it. I figured a forum might be the next best thing to being able to talk to my 'real life' friends and I can stay anonymous.

I can understand why he wouldn't want people to know but I don't think he realises (despite me telling him) that I will be devastated too even if we go on to use donors. I'd find it very difficult to cope with all of this without having the support of my friends since my Mum lives abroad. I've tried explaining that they are not judging him and they just care about us and what happens and helping me through it, I think it's hard for him to see as he doesn't need to talk about things the way I do.

I'm really scared there won't be any sperm since they have found nothing so far. We have no reason for there not to be but also, no blockages found and apparently everything looked normal during the procedure today but they can't tell us if they've found anything in the tissue yet. Does anyone know what the chances are? Can anyone give me any insight into deciding on donor sperm, he won't discuss it until we have to but I can't stop thinking about all the what ifs!

A bit of our background (I'm still getting used to all the forum abbreviations, sorry)...
We're both 31, been together 6.5 yrs, married for 21m, TTC for 20 months. Diagnosed with azoospermia in November, couldn't wait the 44 weeks we were told it would be just to get seen by a urologist to get any answers past the SA so have gone private. All bloods normal on his side, normal size testicles, no blockage felt (or seen in op today).
My ov assessment was normal on one side, possibly not on the other (maybe due to ovulating at time of scan - lots of large follicles, no small ones visible) but my AMH was only 2.8! We know this has slashed the odds of ICSI working even if we do find sperm as we might not get many, if any, eggs! I'm starting to feel like we're never going to get good news.
Hi MrsMo

Didnt want to read and run but your actually a little further ahead than we are. We had the azoo news in feb and we see the urologist on 9th may.My hubby has adult mumps so his is NOA too, im not hopeful from what we've been told so far about finding any sperm, however the other girls will come along to reassure you it and does/and can happen.
We have already dealt with the "donor" issue and have decided what will be will be however its an awful situation to be in and i understand totally how you feel. Im currently doing everything possible to make my hubby feel "not as bad" about things
I cant comment on on amh levels as im not even sure ive had mine done. I do however suffer from PCOS and generally our levels are too high.

Im with you on the "talking" ive told my 2 best friends and im so pleased i did, i dont think i could cope with this alone.

so sorry to find you here but we will all help as much we can xxxx:hugs:
Hi, I'm new here, just been doing some online research and found this forum and been reading some of your stories. We had our SSR (MESA/TESE) today. Nothing found in MESA so now waiting to find out tomorrow if there's anything at all from TESE. Very worried and although my husband was starting to realise I need to talk to my close friends to get through this (he deals with things very differently and doesn't like people knowing so much detail about us), he now doesn't want me to tell them any more in case it is bad news. Basically if we do decide to go with donor sperm he doesn't want anyone to know about it. I figured a forum might be the next best thing to being able to talk to my 'real life' friends and I can stay anonymous.

I can understand why he wouldn't want people to know but I don't think he realises (despite me telling him) that I will be devastated too even if we go on to use donors. I'd find it very difficult to cope with all of this without having the support of my friends since my Mum lives abroad. I've tried explaining that they are not judging him and they just care about us and what happens and helping me through it, I think it's hard for him to see as he doesn't need to talk about things the way I do.

I'm really scared there won't be any sperm since they have found nothing so far. We have no reason for there not to be but also, no blockages found and apparently everything looked normal during the procedure today but they can't tell us if they've found anything in the tissue yet. Does anyone know what the chances are? Can anyone give me any insight into deciding on donor sperm, he won't discuss it until we have to but I can't stop thinking about all the what ifs!

A bit of our background (I'm still getting used to all the forum abbreviations, sorry)...
We're both 31, been together 6.5 yrs, married for 21m, TTC for 20 months. Diagnosed with azoospermia in November, couldn't wait the 44 weeks we were told it would be just to get seen by a urologist to get any answers past the SA so have gone private. All bloods normal on his side, normal size testicles, no blockage felt (or seen in op today).
My ov assessment was normal on one side, possibly not on the other (maybe due to ovulating at time of scan - lots of large follicles, no small ones visible) but my AMH was only 2.8! We know this has slashed the odds of ICSI working even if we do find sperm as we might not get many, if any, eggs! I'm starting to feel like we're never going to get good news.
Hi MrsMo :hugs:
I can very much relate to the whole "DH doesn't want people to know anything" issue. Exact same situation here. I've made some really good "virtual friends" online though :) Men really do cope differently than women, and I can totally understand your desire to talk about it, as I'm the same way. I'm actually going to join an infertility support group here, maybe that's an option for you too?

One question I had reading through your story - did they ever run all the genetic testing? - cystic fibrosis, Y chromosome microdeletions, karyotype?
The reason I'm asking is that this can give you an idea about the chance you can expect them to find anything in a TESE.
And what about ultrasounds? Eg, my DH also has mostly normal hormones, no blockages, no genetic issues, but they found on his ultrasound that he probably had an infection in his childhood causing the whole crap.
Thanks Mrs G and AuCa, really appreciate the replies! To answer your questions first, yes we had all those blood tests done, nothing abnormal found. No ultrasound has been done but there's nothing in his history to explain lack of sperm.

We talked more last night and my husband explained why he was suddenly more concerned about me sharing details with friends again, I think it actually started to hit home that maybe there wouldn't be any sperm after the negative MESA and his concern is that people who we'll be around if we go ahead and have a baby with donor sperm might be awkward. His example was if one of them says oh he's got your eyes and then remembers oh he can't then it will be awkward for them and us. I can understand this and he has since mentioned he doesn't feel like less of a man as a result of this but if people knew about it he might as he'd be worrying about what they'd think of him.

Anyway, to update you - we got the call from the surgeon today about the TESE, there was no sperm and no germ cells. We're waiting on histo-pathology to confirm it but they think he's got 'Sertoli Only Syndrome' Has anyone heard of this? It's apparently really rare and everything else is normal but as there are only sertoli cells and no germ cells there are no sperm produced. According to one resource online it says the FSH would be raised which it wasn't so we don't understand it entirely but regardless, there's no sperm and never will be.

We're now talking about donor sperm and husband seems to be pretty much decided we should do it which surprised me. He seems to have accepted it already and is coping really well and actually talking about this all much more than he has been. We're obviously both disappointed but weirdly this is the first time I haven't cried at bad news.

We've both said we're finding this easier, possibly because we finally know and can move on. I wasn't coping well with the not knowing and waiting to find out. At least now we can look at other options properly as we have no other choice.

My close friends who knew about the procedure all now think it went well as he doesn't want anyone to know if we use donor sperm so I told them all was fine and a huge relief which is kind of true. I'm just grateful he's realised we need to tell our parents about the sperm. They know now and have all been very supportive. It obviously wouldn't be our first choice to have a baby this way, we just have no option any more and I think we'd prefer it to adoption as we'd still hopefully get to experience pregnancy like I've always imagined.

The next thing is just to find out more information about donor sperm so we can decide if we do want to proceed with that.
Thanks Mrs G and AuCa, really appreciate the replies! To answer your questions first, yes we had all those blood tests done, nothing abnormal found. No ultrasound has been done but there's nothing in his history to explain lack of sperm.

:hugs::hugs:Well, we didn't have anything in our history that would've indicated such an issue either, and our RE didn't want to order the u/s, but turns out that for us the u/s held the answer anyway (we got DH's family doc to order it). In our case it showed signs of suspected orchitis in childhood. Why or how this was never discovered/treated is a mystery to me/us.....
But reading through your post I see that you already got your diagnosis anyway.

I've heard of SCO syndrome, but don't know much about it personally. I'm very sorry that you received such bad news :hugs: But like you said, at least now you have an answer and you can make decisions.
I'm sure it's very tough to make the donor sperm decision, and I totally understand that your DH doesn't want your friends to know about it. It's great to hear that the two of you are on the same page about it :thumbup:
Hi day after tomorrow means on friday will be our first appointment with urologist idk what they ill do ? Those who had already gone through first appointment so my question is that did they do certain tests, or checkups directly or just had some consultation ? Then our review appointment ill be on 23rd april tuesday.
Hi day after tomorrow means on friday will be our first appointment with urologist idk what they ill do ? Those who had already gone through first appointment so my question is that did they do certain tests, or checkups directly or just had some consultation ? Then our review appointment ill be on 23rd april tuesday.
Hi tulip, at our first appointment with the urologist he just examined my husband and explained a lot of things about what could be wrong and what we can do about them. Then arranged blood tests. After that we just had to wait for results before we progressed to MESA/TESE. We never got an US but apparently they are sometimes arranged too. Good luck on Friday, it helped me get a lot of questions answered!
Thanks MrsMo....when did you had review appointment after your first appointment ? My prayers are with you and all other who are going through this phase may we all have a successful end ...all the best hun ...stay blessed .:):)
Good luck for your appointment Tulip! :hugs:
We saw a fertility specialist right away, and I'm not sure if they do things differently, but he ordered blood tests (including genetic tests) and a repeat semen analysis at the first appointment. The ultrasounds only got ordered later in our case, but I think it probably depends on the doc.
you seem more positive today and i guess it because you know one way or the other. I know its shitty news but least you can deal with it together and move on
y hubby had mumps as an adult which they think has caused huge trauma to the production of sperm. Will know ore come 9th May.
I am however not hopeful and am already deciding on a donor. (were debating if to use my Brother in law or Unknown) Lots of thinking and talking to do.
My own views are if we use BIL the more ppl know. If we go unknown we can just tell ppl the SSR was a success and we have used frozen sperm from my Hubby.
Pleased your hubby is coming round too the idea- i guess its the only way other than adoption we have.
Kepp us posted.

Auca- How are you hun? where you up too in the process?

Tulip- Good Luck for your app.

Afm- waiting game :(

Lots of Love xxx
Hi MrsMo,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My husband has Sertoli-Cell Only as well which is a real kicker! His FSH was raised. We were diagnosed after a minimally invasive fine needle aspiration but our doctor still wants to try mTESE as improvements in the technique apparently mean there is still a chance of finding sperm. I'm a little skeptic to be honest but since they gave us 20% chance of finding sperm we'll most probably go ahead with it. It's unlikely that they will find many sperm so it'll be done in sync with an IVF cycle so we can use fresh eggs and sperm.

It took me a while to get my dh to discuss the donor sperm option. I found a website that's called the Donor Conception Network and he was able to read stories written by the resulting children, parents and donors. He is now fully on board with that being our backup if we don't find sperm during our mTESE. At our clinic you also have to go to a mandatory counseling session if you are about to use donor sperm or eggs and this may help you.

Hi ladies.

For those who decide to go the donor sperm route, there is a cryobank based out of Seattle, Fairfax Cryobank, and they have facial recognition match options. You can upload a pic of your husband and they can compare the facial features in your husbands pic and the pics of all available donors and choose the ones that match. You can do the upload and search right on your computer at home. The results come back with a low, medium or high match.

This makes the donor sperm route a little easier because the child can still have facial features similar to your husband. My hubby was a little less unsure and uncomfortable about the donor sperm route because of this.

Good luck to you all with the testing. My hubby will be testing next month too.

Baby Dust

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