Hi, I'm new here, just been doing some online research and found this forum and been reading some of your stories. We had our SSR (MESA/TESE) today. Nothing found in MESA so now waiting to find out tomorrow if there's anything at all from TESE. Very worried and although my husband was starting to realise I need to talk to my close friends to get through this (he deals with things very differently and doesn't like people knowing so much detail about us), he now doesn't want me to tell them any more in case it is bad news. Basically if we do decide to go with donor sperm he doesn't want anyone to know about it. I figured a forum might be the next best thing to being able to talk to my 'real life' friends and I can stay anonymous.
I can understand why he wouldn't want people to know but I don't think he realises (despite me telling him) that I will be devastated too even if we go on to use donors. I'd find it very difficult to cope with all of this without having the support of my friends since my Mum lives abroad. I've tried explaining that they are not judging him and they just care about us and what happens and helping me through it, I think it's hard for him to see as he doesn't need to talk about things the way I do.
I'm really scared there won't be any sperm since they have found nothing so far. We have no reason for there not to be but also, no blockages found and apparently everything looked normal during the procedure today but they can't tell us if they've found anything in the tissue yet. Does anyone know what the chances are? Can anyone give me any insight into deciding on donor sperm, he won't discuss it until we have to but I can't stop thinking about all the what ifs!
A bit of our background (I'm still getting used to all the forum abbreviations, sorry)...
We're both 31, been together 6.5 yrs, married for 21m, TTC for 20 months. Diagnosed with azoospermia in November, couldn't wait the 44 weeks we were told it would be just to get seen by a urologist to get any answers past the SA so have gone private. All bloods normal on his side, normal size testicles, no blockage felt (or seen in op today).
My ov assessment was normal on one side, possibly not on the other (maybe due to ovulating at time of scan - lots of large follicles, no small ones visible) but my AMH was only 2.8! We know this has slashed the odds of ICSI working even if we do find sperm as we might not get many, if any, eggs! I'm starting to feel like we're never going to get good news.