Dealing with azoospermia?

We were told that although hubby's testosterone levels are low, they cannot give testosterone replacement therapy as this would convince his body that his levels are normal which means that his body would stop producing the little amount it is and then there would definitely be no sperm whatsoever
HI ALL.... my heart is so full today!! I took a test and got a BFP!!!! I am so overwhelmed with excitement, yet somehow it still creeps in my mind that something negative could still happen. I know I don't get on this site very often, but I am so grateful for the love and support of all you women. It is nice to chat with others about their experiences dealing with infertility.

Congratulations Dancer!! Very very happy for you!! Woohooo! xx
Hi Girls!

Sorry it has been a while again - I always read all your posts on my phone but only ever update when on the laptop which is why sometimes it takes me ages to post replies!

Looby - def need another bump pic please! Finishing work....woohoo!! That is so exciting! Do you feel like it's real or does it feel like a dream?? I should imagine it is still hard to believe! Just think soon you will have your :baby: I wonder if it will be Team Pink or Team Blue!

As for me and DH, we have already prepared ourselves that they may not find sperm and are 100% certain that we will use a donor if this happens (although I am a little worried that DH has got his hope up a bit...) The consultant did mention that we could go straight to IVF with donor sperm as back up, but he suggested the trial PESA instead as there is a massive shortage of DS in our area. I guess if we need it we may have to import it in (but we didnt go into that in any detail - cross that bridge when we come to it I suppose!)

Ginger - so sorry you were disappointed at your appt hun....I don't think you are being unreasonable at all because this whole LTTTC thing is so stressful and such a rollercoaster. It also seems to take over your whole life, and you can't think of anything else can you. If you have an appt in Sept then it will be here before you know it....until then plan lots of things to make the time go quickly and maybe a summer holiday?? Then hopefully in Sept they will start the ball rolling :hugs: Or have you thought about payng privately for a second opinion if it's getting you down - I think I would be tempted to

Hope everyone else is good xxx
thanks ladies, it really is a minefield! i just dont know what to do! tempted to pay privately but it would have to come out of our wedding fund at the moment so we going to wait until after the wedding to go private if we thought we needed to!
I think i am just going to have to put my trust in the doctors that they know what they are doing and hopefully in sept they will start some sort of treatment!
It feels like i am not getting the full story like there is something going on or things that have been missed that should of been done already you know what i mean? the doctor we saw on thursday was really shocked that we found out in April 2010 and have only just saw him! maybe they just cant figure it out! because i cant get any of the conditions that i read about to fit OH, other than this paturity gland thing shutting down his hormone systems form a head injury he had at 13 when he was in a coma!
but who knows! its like when we go into the appointments we become mute and than afterwards have a million questions!

One thing he did say was dont take any vitamins or natural supplements at all when your hormone systems are delicate they can knock them even more off!! so all vitamins in the bin!!

Hope your all having a good weekend! back to cleaning my cupboards for me :-)
I forgot to say apparently the last SA OH did in Jan showed a few live sperm!
although doc said 'may as well still be 0 as too few to really matter' :wacko:
Amy I know what you mean about becoming mute in appointments! Beforehand I am always ranting on to DH realing off what I'm gonna say and then when I actually get in there with the consultant all I can manage is 'OK', 'Right', 'Hmmm' etc!! I must look like a rabbit caught in the headlights!

At least you have your wedding to look forward to, which will help take your mind off of things :wedding:
Hi ladies :) I've been reading this forum for awhile, but had yet posted. My wonderful husband and I are high school sweethearts, and recently wed last year, we had ntnp for about six years, and really started "focusing" last year- I knew something might be up, so with the start of 2011, I made an apt to see a fs. Wow, how our world changed, my husband was diagnosed with an azf-a micro deletion. After seeing a urologist, the chances of them finding sperm through a tese, was sooo rare ( in fact most research I've read with this deletion, none has been found), so we decided to try Iui with donor sperm... However, I was diagnosed with reduced ovarian I'm currentlyntaking DHEA, along with acupuncture to hopefully increase my odds once we start our Iui cycles. ( we have to wait for at least three months, so looks like the end of may, we would hopefully start! Have any of you used DHEA and had good results? What about Iui with DS?
Hi ladies :) I've been reading this forum for awhile, but had yet posted. My wonderful husband and I are high school sweethearts, and recently wed last year, we had ntnp for about six years, and really started "focusing" last year- I knew something might be up, so with the start of 2011, I made an apt to see a fs. Wow, how our world changed, my husband was diagnosed with an azf-a micro deletion. After seeing a urologist, the chances of them finding sperm through a tese, was sooo rare ( in fact most research I've read with this deletion, none has been found), so we decided to try Iui with donor sperm... However, I was diagnosed with reduced ovarian I'm currentlyntaking DHEA, along with acupuncture to hopefully increase my odds once we start our Iui cycles. ( we have to wait for at least three months, so looks like the end of may, we would hopefully start! Have any of you used DHEA and had good results? What about Iui with DS?

Welcome to the group hun. So sorry you're going through this :hugs: I'm afraid I can't answer any of your specific questions but look forward to following your journey xx
so, I have my CD 10 bloodwork, u/s, and see if I have responded to the clomid- from the clomid challenge test, and a fasting lab to be done -all to do tomorrow at 7:15 am!!! Then I just will start testing for my lh surge on CD 12, then call, and I guess I go there and the give me my trigger shot of hcg, and then we will do the d-iui , I guess the next day...not really sure! But I will be getting the iui done befreo the end of the month...
I really feel like I have responded to the Clomid...
I swear I can feel it working...I have felt twinges in my ovary areas... On CD when I went in for the bloodwork and u/s the nurse said I have 7 follies on one side an 3 on the other... and that was without Clomid- so hopefully I will have responded well with the Clomid... I took 100 mg CD 5-9 ( today is my last day of it)...
I am really to get thing done!!! : )
Hi ladies :) I've been reading this forum for awhile, but had yet posted. My wonderful husband and I are high school sweethearts, and recently wed last year, we had ntnp for about six years, and really started "focusing" last year- I knew something might be up, so with the start of 2011, I made an apt to see a fs. Wow, how our world changed, my husband was diagnosed with an azf-a micro deletion. After seeing a urologist, the chances of them finding sperm through a tese, was sooo rare ( in fact most research I've read with this deletion, none has been found), so we decided to try Iui with donor sperm... However, I was diagnosed with reduced ovarian I'm currentlyntaking DHEA, along with acupuncture to hopefully increase my odds once we start our Iui cycles. ( we have to wait for at least three months, so looks like the end of may, we would hopefully start! Have any of you used DHEA and had good results? What about Iui with DS?

Hi there, welcome to the group!

I have had IUI with donor sperm, we ended up using IVF to actually get pregnant though. Although that was just in our case, there are plenty of success stories with IUI & DS, some on this thread!!!

Good luck!!!
Hi ladies, me again, the one with the DH who has had 6 months of infection following his failed SSR!

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to reply to this post - it made me shed a little tear because I too struggle to come to terms with not being able to have OH's biological baby. I think there's a strong primeval instinct that kicks in when you're choosing your spouse/partner, and you are definitely attracted to someone because you recognise parts of them that you want to pass onto your children. I don't really know what to do about it, because it will never get better. It will never be any less sad.

I know it's not the same, but I try to console myself with thinking about the ways that our children will be like him because he is their dad and he raises them. For example, my other half is really musical, and it gives me some peace to think of him teaching them to play the piano, or to read music. When I was little my dad left the family home for a while because of work. We saw him at weekends but that was all. When he found work closer to home and could move back home full time, my little brother (who at that point was about 12 or 13) immediately started mimicking my dad's mannerisms, sayings, intonations, attitudes etc. He became a proper mini-me just because he was spending so much time with his dad for the first time in a long time. So I think you will see your husband's personality traits in your children, even if they are not biologically his, because children learn how to live and how to express themselves from their parents.

I can empathise re the family members too, it's tough when everyone has an opinion and thinks they can tell you how to handle the situation. It puts a lot of expectation on your shoulders too. On top of my own disappointment and sorrow, and for my OH and the things he has to deal with, I also feel guilty sometimes that I won't be able to give my parents grandchildren. And lets not even get started on his parents!!

Glad to hear your hubby is getting better. Keep us updated.

Hope xx

Hi Hope

thanks for your lovely words, it's nice to know I am not alone, because sometimes I do think I should just get on with it, but I can't. And we've agreed now that I need to deal with it before we go any further, I would not want to get in the situation where I am feeling depressed after the birth because I have not dealt with it before, although I am sure as soon as I get a BFP it will all go out of the window and I won't care - I will just be so excited.

I am not one to get emotional very often, and I don't tend to cry in front of anyone, even my DH, but I did have a long chat with one of my sister in laws - she understands a bit more because she got right up to IVF then got a BFP, and then I had a breakdown with my DH, so he knows more about how I feel now which is good - I needed that!

It's weird I don't know what it is thats stopping my, but I am uncomfortable with the whole having that "stuff" put in me, even though its cleaned etc. I also have the problem with looking at the baby and not seeing Andrew and wondering "where did he get those eyes?" etc. Also we went to my DH's family at the weekend and they are all talking about family history and likenesses and personality traits that have followed through - we won't have that and that is what is really making me sad. DH already has a son, and I am so pleased that he has otherwise that would be so much worse - I feel for all of those DH's that have never had a kid - but as much as I love my step son (he is now19) that just makes me want DH's baby more, because his son is so like him and I love seeing the similar personalities - and I want that!
Are you in the same boat too Hope - you mention that you are not going to be able to give your parents grand children - are you waiting for IUI or do you have to do another route?

Best wishes and lots of luck for when you do start!
Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x
It's weird I don't know what it is thats stopping my, but I am uncomfortable with the whole having that "stuff" put in me, even though its cleaned etc. I also have the problem with looking at the baby and not seeing Andrew and wondering "where did he get those eyes?" etc.

I struggle with all these feelings and thought too :hugs:
Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x

Welcome Hayleigh

So sorry you're going through this and so sorry about the loss of your precious boy.

I don't have experience of SA's being ok and then suddenly not, but I do have experience of hospitals losing stuff. I really hope it's just a bad test for you or that you can get some answers. Are you waiting for another SA? xx
Hi Hayleigh, glad you have found us here...

So sorry to hear of your loss.

I would assume they'll do a 2nd sample for your OH, just in case there was a mix up or something. Esp if there has been sperm in previous tests, it's best to double check.

There is another girl on the thread whose OH has a child already, but then was diagnosed with a zero sperm count, not sure of the reasons though.

Hope this was just a one off for your OH, & another test shows better reaults. Good luck...
Thankyou the fs did say a mans testicals can just stop working...

He has another two tests... He has a high ph level to which we are trying to get downx
Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x

Hey Hayleigh,

Welcome... I'm so so sorry for your loss xx i was reading about your OH and zero sperm my DH had a SA done which came back zero sperm and he done another on Tuesday so we are awaiting the results so nerve wrecking he hasn't had a previous child though so i wouldn't say we are the same situation but keep us posted x What does your BMI have to be for IVF??

Just a question for everyone...Does anyone who has been in similar situation know what happens after the 2nd SA? will they do more bloods then refer us to FS? or refer us first then do more test. My DH asked the DR and he just said we will cross that bridge wen it comes to it.. not helpful at all:growlmad: so nervous and anxious! Just want to get the ball rolling to have our own little :baby:

Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x

Hey Hayleigh,

Welcome... I'm so so sorry for your loss xx i was reading about your OH and zero sperm my DH had a SA done which came back zero sperm and he done another on Tuesday so we are awaiting the results so nerve wrecking he hasn't had a previous child though so i wouldn't say we are the same situation but keep us posted x What does your BMI have to be for IVF??

Just a question for everyone...Does anyone who has been in similar situation know what happens after the 2nd SA? will they do more bloods then refer us to FS? or refer us first then do more test. My DH asked the DR and he just said we will cross that bridge wen it comes to it.. not helpful at all:growlmad: so nervous and anxious! Just want to get the ball rolling to have our own little :baby:


Our GP referred us to a urologist and to the fertility clinic at hte same time, then we saw urologist who did a couple of blood tests and repaired a variocele, then we were straight in with the fertility clinic who did a baseline scan on me which was fine and basically booked us for ivf straight away as we met all nhs criteria so funding was no problem. We first saw them in march last year, our ivf started in july and we are 5 weeks off having our much waited and longed for baby!

Wishing you all the best xxx
Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x

Hey Hayleigh,

Welcome... I'm so so sorry for your loss xx i was reading about your OH and zero sperm my DH had a SA done which came back zero sperm and he done another on Tuesday so we are awaiting the results so nerve wrecking he hasn't had a previous child though so i wouldn't say we are the same situation but keep us posted x What does your BMI have to be for IVF??

Just a question for everyone...Does anyone who has been in similar situation know what happens after the 2nd SA? will they do more bloods then refer us to FS? or refer us first then do more test. My DH asked the DR and he just said we will cross that bridge wen it comes to it.. not helpful at all:growlmad: so nervous and anxious! Just want to get the ball rolling to have our own little :baby:


Our GP referred us to a urologist and to the fertility clinic at hte same time, then we saw urologist who did a couple of blood tests and repaired a variocele, then we were straight in with the fertility clinic who did a baseline scan on me which was fine and basically booked us for ivf straight away as we met all nhs criteria so funding was no problem. We first saw them in march last year, our ivf started in july and we are 5 weeks off having our much waited and longed for baby!

Wishing you all the best xxx

That sounds amazing thank u so much for letting me know.. hopefully you will get that BFP soon then eh!!:thumbup: DO u mind if i ask what ur BMI is as I've heard it has to be a certain number. Well under 30 if you have to head the IVF route is that true? cause for my BMI to reach that i have to lose 14lbs so i was going to work hard now rather than get there and them saying come back when you have lost that amount. :shrug: Wishing you all the luck in the world and i'll be thinking about u xx:hugs:
Hello ladies can i please join you all?

Bit about me n oh...

Im hayleigh and im 23 and matt is 25, we have a beautiful angel son Logan-george who was still born at 43 +2..

We have been ttc now for 35 cycles and nothing.. We have had tests and scans then the doctor refered us to the hospital..

Well oh's results had been lost in the hospital movement so the fs asked him to produce a new sample..

We got the results on thursday and there is no sperm present :( but there waa in previous tests, has this happened to anyone else?

We are waiting for ivf i have to lose 2 stone yet to get it on the nhs but we are not sure about using a sperm doner... Still in talking at the moment

thanks for reading x

Hi Hayleigh

So sorry to hear about your loss and that you are going through this but welcome to the thread. We had been TTC for 15 months when we decided to visit the GP. My DH's first SA showed no sperm in November 2010 and 2nd in Dec confirmed the same. Our FS is hoping to surgically retrieve sperm and we are currently on the waiting list for IVF. It is a horrible situation to be in but we all try to support each other xx

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