Dealing with azoospermia? where to start so sorry if i go on alittle.. well...we went down for the results and got a junior doctor :shrug: he told us that the tests results came back more or less the same as the last time that there wasn't any sperm wat so ever there. :nope:

So he started asking about DH kidney transplant etc and past DH has had 3 hernia operations when he was 13 or so so we asked if that would have any affect and the doctor replied with " i don't know" ( at this point i looked over to DH and i could see he was getting emotional about the whole thing and trying to take everything in i just wanted to give him a massive hug) he didn't seem to know alot about anything. I was the one questioning everything.. ( i bet i seemed like a real nasty pasty but i just want to get all the information and blanks filled in) I know the FS will answer alot of them for us... ( but me being me i want it all done yesterday)

On that note he said he would refer us to FS yay! which could take 14 weeks or more depending on the list... I feel so relieved in a way that things will finally get started... but in the mean time he's sending DH for ultra sound scan and blood ( which i had to ask him for and the DR didn't know which bloods he was going to find out and then send for DH) but i think it's a good thing that they are doing that before referred to FS we wont have to go through more waiting and it will mean we will feel like somethings getting done rather than a big gap of nothing and worrying more aswell as dragging it out more.:thumbup:

Question for everyone in same situation.. When referred to FS did u and ur partner have to say to the others GP about it? Did your GP's have to refer you's seperately?

So i'm still unsure weather to go to my GP and tell him everything and say to him about the referral as my GP was the one who asked me to get DH to do a SA. I asked DH's GP if i needed to go to mine and he looked puzzeled ( uh did i say something wrong?) he said well yeah u can if want i don't see why not :-s so as soon as we got out i phoned my GP and there was a cancelation app for tomarrow at 4:40pm so i'm booked in and while i'm there i might ask for some weight loss tablets or something to get me down faster... does anyone know what they call the one that helps with weight loss for PCOS suffers?

Oh and my sister got her 1st scan today which my mum phoned me up to ask about how the GP went and i told her everything, and i asked about how my sisters scan went and she said that there's a fibroid ( which they thought it might been a twin that died) growing in with the baby and its bigger than the baby's head and they have to keep a close eye on everything and asked her to consider a planned C-section to deliver baby as going the natural way might harm it. and she might need a blood transfusion too. as much as i am really sad that shes PG and i'm not i don't wish any harm on any of them. I just sometimes think that my mum doesn't really truely understand what we are going through. she said tell DH that everything will be fine but she seemed more worried about what was going on with my sister than us.. i know that sounds so selfish but it was always the way.:cry: maybe i feel like this cause i was up worrying and never got any sleep.. i dunno. my heads a mess trying to stay strong for DH when we got home i tried to stay positive as DH is so down and he asked are u not upset or gutted, i said yeah course i am i know its hard to hear but i know we will get there in the end and at least this is the start of a long journey but we will get there and the baby will be so wanted and so loved which makes it even more special experience ( i was crumbling on the inside though i just wanted to be strong). i will keep everyone informed about tomarrow.

I'm sorry girlies that i've went on so long .. oh my i had'nt realised how much until i checked there now lol

Pink polly i'm just going to your journal to read wats been happening with u i hope everyones having a better day than us xxx

Sorry you got bad news again wifey but at least you know now. I wouldn't worry about having a Junior Dr that didn't know much, the GPs we saw were quite experienced in general but still knew very little about a zero count at all and were of very little help, they couldn't really answer many of our Qs as to causes etc. When we got to see the FS they were really knowledgable so you will find out so much more then.

As for the referrals.... when we got DHs results, my GP had already referred us to the FS so I told DHs GP this and he said that that referral would be for both of us and that he didn't need to refer us again. I did go back to my GP and told her the results to update my records. However, she said she would add a note to the file but as we had already been referred, they didnt really need to be involved anymore as it was in the hands of the specialists now. I think its probably wise to keep your appoibtment though and speak to your GP, even if only to update the file.

Also, I have seen some girls on here whose DH has been referred to a Urologist and then they have also been referred to an FS, so may be best to check (although that wasn't the case for us) Hope that helps.

My heart goes out to you, know exactly how you feel, I know it doesn't seem like it but you will feel better when you get to see the FS :hugs:
Hey girlies how are you all came on for another rant i've had another one of those down days just doesn't seem to b getting better at all.

I had got a cancelation appointment at my GP today and they were so busy they forgot about me i was siting 1 hour 10 mins waiting - i was so MAD!!! I was telling him about everything about DH and no sperm he asked "no sperm at all?" i said no he said "well.. looks like ur going to have to think of donor sperm" ( not even saying that theres other options nothing) ... my DH and i have already talked abit about it but then he said " u know that theres very little donor sperm about here ( in northern ireland) because they can't stay anonymous anymore the only places is Dublin in ireland or holland ok so as soon as he said that i felt so sick because even though i'm not prepared to go to donor sperm unless we have excusted every option to have our own bio child i always knew it was a plan B... but now that feels like everythings getting worse...

AF is due and im so emotional as it is i just feel so down i couldn't help it i burst into tears on my way home from the GP got back home and DH was already home from work and he was asking what was wrong and what he said and i told him... and i didn't want to break down in front of DH as i know he feels bad and that he feels as if its all his fault and he said to me last night he feels less of a man, he asked if i wanted to go and get someone who can give me a family and i broke down even more how can he think that way? he says he wouldn't want me to not have a family because of him

I just can't wait to the FS hopefully whenever we do test and get to the bottom of things there might be hope somewhere. we are also considering tellin our immediate family. My mum is the only one who knows and DH mum has past away and he's very closest to his eldest brother so i said for him just to tell his bro for now and then whenever we know more or if the others ask then tell them.

Has anyone else said to their families before referred or when did u's tell them?

I think i'm just going to go for a hot bath and climb into bed and hopefully wake up tomarrow feeling better and more positive!

Hey wifey...

My DH's GP was also useless, hadn't even heard of there being no sperm in the SA!!! It's the same in the UK for sperm donors, they can all be traced once the child turns 18. Although there are still donors available, our clinic had a few donors & there are some available through the NHS too. We got ours from the European Sperm Bank as they had better matches for my DH.

Hope you are feeling a bit better & try not to bother about your ignorant GP!!!!
Hey wifey...

My DH's GP was also useless, hadn't even heard of there being no sperm in the SA!!! It's the same in the UK for sperm donors, they can all be traced once the child turns 18. Although there are still donors available, our clinic had a few donors & there are some available through the NHS too. We got ours from the European Sperm Bank as they had better matches for my DH.

Hope you are feeling a bit better & try not to bother about your ignorant GP!!!!

Hi flakey, i'm glad we rn't the only ones feel so bad moaning about it. Its the NHS way we are going through what way does the european sperm donor work if u don't mind me asking? xx
So sorry you've had a bad day hun

I know it's horrible when you are faced with an ignorant GP who makes such flippant comments, but try to think of it like this - a GP is just your first port of call for any medical problems - they cannot be experts in everything and I guess we can't expect them to be, which is why there are specialists that we can be referred to. Most of them will admit that they don't know much detail about it, but the problem comes when they claim to be the fountain of all knowledge and make comments such as your GP.

I'm sure you will feel in better hands once you see a specialist

Hope tomorrow is a better day xx :hugs:
Hey girlies how are you all came on for another rant i've had another one of those down days just doesn't seem to b getting better at all.

I had got a cancelation appointment at my GP today and they were so busy they forgot about me i was siting 1 hour 10 mins waiting - i was so MAD!!! I was telling him about everything about DH and no sperm he asked "no sperm at all?" i said no he said "well.. looks like ur going to have to think of donor sperm" ( not even saying that theres other options nothing) ... my DH and i have already talked abit about it but then he said " u know that theres very little donor sperm about here ( in northern ireland) because they can't stay anonymous anymore the only places is Dublin in ireland or holland ok so as soon as he said that i felt so sick because even though i'm not prepared to go to donor sperm unless we have excusted every option to have our own bio child i always knew it was a plan B... but now that feels like everythings getting worse...

AF is due and im so emotional as it is i just feel so down i couldn't help it i burst into tears on my way home from the GP got back home and DH was already home from work and he was asking what was wrong and what he said and i told him... and i didn't want to break down in front of DH as i know he feels bad and that he feels as if its all his fault and he said to me last night he feels less of a man, he asked if i wanted to go and get someone who can give me a family and i broke down even more how can he think that way? he says he wouldn't want me to not have a family because of him

I just can't wait to the FS hopefully whenever we do test and get to the bottom of things there might be hope somewhere. we are also considering tellin our immediate family. My mum is the only one who knows and DH mum has past away and he's very closest to his eldest brother so i said for him just to tell his bro for now and then whenever we know more or if the others ask then tell them.

Has anyone else said to their families before referred or when did u's tell them?

I think i'm just going to go for a hot bath and climb into bed and hopefully wake up tomarrow feeling better and more positive!


Hi WifeyW
We were told it was important to share our journey with those closest to us, and althogh I was very keen on this, My DH was not so, we decided that we should tell brothers and parents. Unfrotuantely we have had trouble though, DH's brother decided to tell someone else, and we did not want another living sole to know other than those we chose, that we were using a donor, and this was very upsetting, fortunately the person he told is very close to us. This then lead us to having to tell more of our family. It has been very tough, becasue we are trying to be so secretive but at the same time sharing with those closest to us. My borther and sister-in-law decided to put pressure on us and kept telling us to just get on with it, (they have 2 beautiful young girls and feel PG straight away so had no idea) and we have recently had to sit them down and tell them how difficult this all is and how I am struggling greatly with the whole donor thing, and although we will do it, I just can't handle or deal with at teh moment. But on the other hand it is good to have someone to talk to, and as relatives to our child we felt that they had a right to know.

So I think chose carefully who you tell, and if you are trying to keep it a secret, then you are asking a lot of those you do tell, who then have to lie to others to keep your secret.

The outcome for us is - that if no-one has faced this - they have no ideea how hard it is!

As you say you do need someone other than your DH to talk to, because they feel guilty - I had the same offer - did I want to find someone else!!!No I am so upset because I want HIS baby SOOOO much!!!

Good luck,
Hi Wifey!

Just want to say so sorry you have had the same news again! but atleast you were kind of prepared for it!! its really is a shit time for everybody especially the hubbys! mine went through eactly the same thing you should leave me for somebody who can give you a child, i am not a reall man etc! thankfully that has gotten better with time but it has been a year!

I had exactly the same thing with my OH GP (Yep we have different one too :thumbup: i did tell mine but only because my tests all came back ok and they didnt need to do any more fertility tests on me) he said he had never came across anybody with 0 sperm before and referred us to a urologist who was completely useless who then reffered us to a urologist surgeon and then we finally got reffered to a fertility specalist!

I think the best thing you can do is prepare that is is going to take some time, its takes many appointments to find out what is actually wrong we are nearly 1 year down the line and its been about 10 appointments in total and 4 with feritility clinic and we still dont know what the problem is! i know its annoying when the doctors say this is a long and difficult journey and i wont lie it really is! you come out of the appointments so frustrated because you just want the problem to be fixed and nothing seems to be moving forward but i think its quite hard to diagnose the problem because the treatments are all so different!!

I was so impatient at first i remember and have prob wrote it in my journal but then a read some IVF stories etc and know it can take a few years for all the waiting lists and things so started to be a bit more realisitc that this probably wasnt going to happen for us until 2012 and now i feel a lot less pressure!! its still upsetting when it seems like everyone is pregnant around you i struggled with that for sometime but it does get better! i know it will happen one day for us and in the mean time we are going on great holidays planning a massive wedding and making the most of the extra money lol!! i used to hate it when ppl said that but it does help and now when ppl say i knew this bloke who got told he couldnt have kids because his sperm count was low and now he has 19 children or when people just brush you off and say i know it will happen or you dont need to worry i have realised they are just being nice and positive because they really do believe it will happen for you not because they dont care!!

sorry just realised how long that was!!
anyway hope everybody is well and enjoying their weekend!!

update on where we are: just waiting for an appointment for another SA (the 5th one lol) although OH doesnt seem to mind the fertility clinic SA rooms much better then the urologits one mainly because of all the porn i think ha ha!! after the first time he went there his brothers phoned to see how he got on and all he wanted to tell them about was the loads of porn lol :haha:

So sorry you've had a bad day hun

I know it's horrible when you are faced with an ignorant GP who makes such flippant comments, but try to think of it like this - a GP is just your first port of call for any medical problems - they cannot be experts in everything and I guess we can't expect them to be, which is why there are specialists that we can be referred to. Most of them will admit that they don't know much detail about it, but the problem comes when they claim to be the fountain of all knowledge and make comments such as your GP.

I'm sure you will feel in better hands once you see a specialist

Hope tomorrow is a better day xx :hugs:

I guess ur right i knew he didn't the reason i got so upset was he commented even though he knew little about it he should just said we will get to the bottom of it when the FS does the necessary test. He is a good GP though if i have a problem he usually doesn't stop until he find the cause and he refered me even though DH has referred us both so i guess that was good of him. It's just a waiting game with the FS they said 2-3 months but i know it will be longer. oh well sorry i was just so upset the other day.

That u though that's a good way to look at it!

How are things with u Debs?

Hey girlies how are you all came on for another rant i've had another one of those down days just doesn't seem to b getting better at all.

I had got a cancelation appointment at my GP today and they were so busy they forgot about me i was siting 1 hour 10 mins waiting - i was so MAD!!! I was telling him about everything about DH and no sperm he asked "no sperm at all?" i said no he said "well.. looks like ur going to have to think of donor sperm" ( not even saying that theres other options nothing) ... my DH and i have already talked abit about it but then he said " u know that theres very little donor sperm about here ( in northern ireland) because they can't stay anonymous anymore the only places is Dublin in ireland or holland ok so as soon as he said that i felt so sick because even though i'm not prepared to go to donor sperm unless we have excusted every option to have our own bio child i always knew it was a plan B... but now that feels like everythings getting worse...

AF is due and im so emotional as it is i just feel so down i couldn't help it i burst into tears on my way home from the GP got back home and DH was already home from work and he was asking what was wrong and what he said and i told him... and i didn't want to break down in front of DH as i know he feels bad and that he feels as if its all his fault and he said to me last night he feels less of a man, he asked if i wanted to go and get someone who can give me a family and i broke down even more how can he think that way? he says he wouldn't want me to not have a family because of him

I just can't wait to the FS hopefully whenever we do test and get to the bottom of things there might be hope somewhere. we are also considering tellin our immediate family. My mum is the only one who knows and DH mum has past away and he's very closest to his eldest brother so i said for him just to tell his bro for now and then whenever we know more or if the others ask then tell them.

Has anyone else said to their families before referred or when did u's tell them?

I think i'm just going to go for a hot bath and climb into bed and hopefully wake up tomarrow feeling better and more positive!


Hi WifeyW
We were told it was important to share our journey with those closest to us, and althogh I was very keen on this, My DH was not so, we decided that we should tell brothers and parents. Unfrotuantely we have had trouble though, DH's brother decided to tell someone else, and we did not want another living sole to know other than those we chose, that we were using a donor, and this was very upsetting, fortunately the person he told is very close to us. This then lead us to having to tell more of our family. It has been very tough, becasue we are trying to be so secretive but at the same time sharing with those closest to us. My borther and sister-in-law decided to put pressure on us and kept telling us to just get on with it, (they have 2 beautiful young girls and feel PG straight away so had no idea) and we have recently had to sit them down and tell them how difficult this all is and how I am struggling greatly with the whole donor thing, and although we will do it, I just can't handle or deal with at teh moment. But on the other hand it is good to have someone to talk to, and as relatives to our child we felt that they had a right to know.

So I think chose carefully who you tell, and if you are trying to keep it a secret, then you are asking a lot of those you do tell, who then have to lie to others to keep your secret.

The outcome for us is - that if no-one has faced this - they have no ideea how hard it is!

As you say you do need someone other than your DH to talk to, because they feel guilty - I had the same offer - did I want to find someone else!!!No I am so upset because I want HIS baby SOOOO much!!!

Good luck,

Hey step mummy, That's what bugs me about people the little comments they make some i guess r just speechless and trying to comfort and say things like, don't worry u will get there and stay positive it will happen or i know these people who had IVF and they have couple children what they don't really realize is that these other people didn't have 0 sperm count they just had un-explained fertility all there test came back fine... can't believe they said "just get on with it" how rude...

I'm so sorry that you are having bad time with donor option, to be honest i do to we have talked about it. I so badly want to see how our little one would be like, who it would take after looks and brains wise etc. ( hope not my brains lol) right now at our point i said to DH i can't have someone else's baby i married u to have ur baby, our baby.. i said right now because we have tests to go i can't say i'm in that position to be ok with donor but if all the test came back saying we can't have DH child who knows i don't think i'd be ok but u never know how ur feelings by then.

soo... over the weekend DH said he was going to tell his bro's and sis's and dad which i thought was a bad idea but i thought if that's what it takes for him to help him deal with it then i guess i'll be ok as long as he is. I get what u mean it is alot to ask of people i don't want it to go past our immediate families for now... i'm afraid that they will tell we said not to but it will be a knock on affect then everyone will know and we aren't even sure whats happening at all at the moment without getting tests done and a FS. Having said that they all were very understanding to a point that they could cause i don't think anyone who hasn't been through it would understand or feel how people in our situation would.. and we don't expect them to. His 2 sis's were crying and hugging... one of his sisters said i don't know if i should tell u this right now and DH asked what it was and apparently as i've said before at aged 16 DH had a kidney transplant and the DR said that one of the risk factors to the operation might cause him to have fertility problems later in life. but his mum pasted away when he was 21 so we can't ask her more about this but his sister said she think her mum said that he was to young to say anything to and because it was a MIGHT along with other risk factors they thought nothing of it plus he wasn't wanting a child a 16 no one knew his mum would pass before then and i'm sure she never thought that either. DH wasn't annoyed about it all he thought it was just one them things the DR warns you about before operations but what is the chances??

Thank u for the advice... sorry i went on alittle i always seem to do that once i get started:blush:

How have you been?? xxx
I'm doing ok thanks hun. Had a nice weekend which always makes Monday morning not quite so bad :thumbup:

Just to answer your question about the ultrasound that you mentioned in Pink's journal - my hubby never had an ultrasound either and after reading about people on here whose hubby's had it, I questioned our urologist. He said that because hubby's FSH level was slightly high, there was no need to do an ultrasound because his body knew there was a problem and had slightly raised his FSH to try to compensate. If there is a blockage, sperm would be being made normally, but just not getting through so all blood test levels would be normal.

I will double check in my notes tomorrow that I've got that right, but hope it at least makes sense! :thumbup: xx
Hi Wifey!

Just want to say so sorry you have had the same news again! but atleast you were kind of prepared for it!! its really is a shit time for everybody especially the hubbys! mine went through eactly the same thing you should leave me for somebody who can give you a child, i am not a reall man etc! thankfully that has gotten better with time but it has been a year!

I had exactly the same thing with my OH GP (Yep we have different one too :thumbup: i did tell mine but only because my tests all came back ok and they didnt need to do any more fertility tests on me) he said he had never came across anybody with 0 sperm before and referred us to a urologist who was completely useless who then reffered us to a urologist surgeon and then we finally got reffered to a fertility specalist!

I think the best thing you can do is prepare that is is going to take some time, its takes many appointments to find out what is actually wrong we are nearly 1 year down the line and its been about 10 appointments in total and 4 with feritility clinic and we still dont know what the problem is! i know its annoying when the doctors say this is a long and difficult journey and i wont lie it really is! you come out of the appointments so frustrated because you just want the problem to be fixed and nothing seems to be moving forward but i think its quite hard to diagnose the problem because the treatments are all so different!!

I was so impatient at first i remember and have prob wrote it in my journal but then a read some IVF stories etc and know it can take a few years for all the waiting lists and things so started to be a bit more realisitc that this probably wasnt going to happen for us until 2012 and now i feel a lot less pressure!! its still upsetting when it seems like everyone is pregnant around you i struggled with that for sometime but it does get better! i know it will happen one day for us and in the mean time we are going on great holidays planning a massive wedding and making the most of the extra money lol!! i used to hate it when ppl said that but it does help and now when ppl say i knew this bloke who got told he couldnt have kids because his sperm count was low and now he has 19 children or when people just brush you off and say i know it will happen or you dont need to worry i have realised they are just being nice and positive because they really do believe it will happen for you not because they dont care!!

sorry just realised how long that was!!
anyway hope everybody is well and enjoying their weekend!!

update on where we are: just waiting for an appointment for another SA (the 5th one lol) although OH doesnt seem to mind the fertility clinic SA rooms much better then the urologits one mainly because of all the porn i think ha ha!! after the first time he went there his brothers phoned to see how he got on and all he wanted to tell them about was the loads of porn lol :haha:


Hi waitingginger, Thank you so much for writing that, i showed DH and it's just straight to the point which i love. scarey how much u have been through already.. why didn't they send you to a fertility specialist aswell? I don't get that :nope: As for the waiting and long journey i knew deep down inside that it would be a long hall i said prob 5 years we might get somewhere it is soooooo frustrating :cry:i just feel like crying every time that i think about how long it will take to get to the end or even just to get the answer to one question. I just wish we had done a SA sooner before we got married. I asked DH to go back at march / april last year so we can rule out if it's just me we have to deal with my PCOS or if the two of us. and maybe we would be a little further on.
I know that little comments annoyed me and how people say things that is so frustrating cause they don't prob never will understand but u just wish they could step into ur shoes for a little while to let them know or understand but at the same time i know theres not alot that people can say to comfort us and it's not their fault. I guess if they say comments on a down day everything seems worse than it is sometimes than it would if we were having a good day.
Are you going private or NHS id u don't mind me asking? DH got to do SA at home and bring it into to clinic do they not allow that there? GL and thank u for spending time to tell me everything it really was really helpful :hugs: xxx
I know lots of you have already seen this in my journal but not sure if I ever posted it here and thought it might be helpful to the new girls we have had join us.

Just close the advert window that opens up in front of the viewing screen
I know lots of you have already seen this in my journal but not sure if I ever posted it here and thought it might be helpful to the new girls we have had join us.

Just close the advert window that opens up in front of the viewing screen

holding back the tears watching that it just says it all - it's a lovely video debs very touching and soo soo truexxx
we are NHS at the moment, we are at the fertility clinic at St Marys hospital in Manchester! it has been a long road to get to where we are now but i am fairly confident they know what they are doing :winkwink: have agreed with OH will see how the NHS pans out and if we are really not getting any answers at all we will look at private treatment at the start of 2013! giving us such a big time frame has really helped!

I am glad my comments helped i was worried i was to straight forward but from my expereince it does take time! i really was frustrated at cried at every appointment but it really does get easy although it doesnt feel that way at the moment! in fact the past 2 appointments i havent cried at all :smug: lol!

at first you need to go through a grieving process and while i think we sit here and know what our men are going through and can imagine how painful it is just as painful for us because we have spent every month for perhaps years wondering if this is the time AF doesnt show up and could it be this month we have lives and breathed getting pregnant for a long time and to suddenly have that taken away from you with a 0 sperm count its such a shock!

Our nephew was bron 2 weeks after we had that first result i couldnt look at him without crying! i am in a much more stable place now and can see my best friend getting ready to become a mom and feel realy happy for her!

I know it will happen and i know all of the ladies on here will have their baby one way or another its just not going to happen in the way every one thinks but i think if anything that means our babies will be extra loved and extra special because of all we will go through to have them!

you will cry, your OH will feel like shit, you will come out of appoinments feeling like it was a waste of time and nothing is happening it is a shit time for both of you nobody will understand they will always say dont worry it will happen! but you stay strong for each other, your learn to cope and you just end up agreeing with those ppl who dont have a clue!

at first you need to go through a grieving process and while i think we sit here and know what our men are going through and can imagine how painful it is just as painful for us because we have spent every month for perhaps years wondering if this is the time AF doesnt show up and could it be this month we have lives and breathed getting pregnant for a long time and to suddenly have that taken away from you with a 0 sperm count its such a shock!.........................

you will cry, your OH will feel like shit, you will come out of appoinments feeling like it was a waste of time and nothing is happening it is a shit time for both of you nobody will understand they will always say dont worry it will happen! but you stay strong for each other, your learn to cope and you just end up agreeing with those ppl who dont have a clue!


Hi Ginger - how are you>? Hope you're doing OK. Reading your comments there was amazing because that is exactly what I think as well. Shows how we are all going through similar things even though we have slightly different situations. :hugs:
Hi Pink lolly! how are you??

I am fine thanks! i thought i would just be honest and say it how it is lol!! the whole thing is so frustrating!! we have been TTC 2 1/2 years now and have found out last april about the Azoospermia and i can finally say i am in quite a good place at the moment!! even joked to my OH last if we never have any children can we turn the spare room into a walk in wardrobe ha ha!

for those just starting out on the journer our endocronologist who is the doctor who deals with hormone systems did say to OH not to take any vitamins or anything it wont make any difference in an azoospermic man and can effect your hormone levels so the real cause of the azoospermia is missed!! mine always forgot to take his vitamins anyway lol!!
Well we've had some potentially interesting news today. Terry has been to collect his recent blood test results from the Dr's ready for our private specialist. His prolactin is WAAAAY too high! I don't have them in front of me but something like should be under 410 and his is 925

So, good old google tells me that men with high prolactin levels are likely to be azoospermic and that high prolactin levels are related to hypothyroidism (which Terry has) and that high prolactin levels can be very successfully treated!

Now we're not getting our hopes up as we're no experts (even though it feels like it sometimes) but I actually feel like we have some possibly really positive news - and this feels like it ould be that missing link that we've always felt has something to do with his thyoid problems / pituitary gland

Will keep you posted! xx
Wow deb that is brilliant news!! i have read about prolactin levels too with suspecting W has a paturity gland prob!!! and they can treat it!! is this the first time in the year since you found out that he has had his prolactin tested? i dont think W has ever had his done either!!
No he's had his prolactin tested before - but I need to dig out the results to see what they were. I think they may have been slightly high, but nothing this extreme. Mind you they say your blood test results are only as good as your worst level so I guess it's this etreme one that counts
Hi Deb, really good to hear you are having some progress with the test results. Luckily they can treat most hormonal problems quite effectively nowdays. Definitely the high prolactin can be lowered! when's your FS private appointment?

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