Pink Lolly
Newly Pregnant xx
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- 0 where to start so sorry if i go on alittle.. well...we went down for the results and got a junior doctorhe told us that the tests results came back more or less the same as the last time that there wasn't any sperm wat so ever there.
So he started asking about DH kidney transplant etc and past DH has had 3 hernia operations when he was 13 or so so we asked if that would have any affect and the doctor replied with " i don't know" ( at this point i looked over to DH and i could see he was getting emotional about the whole thing and trying to take everything in i just wanted to give him a massive hug) he didn't seem to know alot about anything. I was the one questioning everything.. ( i bet i seemed like a real nasty pasty but i just want to get all the information and blanks filled in) I know the FS will answer alot of them for us... ( but me being me i want it all done yesterday)
On that note he said he would refer us to FS yay! which could take 14 weeks or more depending on the list... I feel so relieved in a way that things will finally get started... but in the mean time he's sending DH for ultra sound scan and blood ( which i had to ask him for and the DR didn't know which bloods he was going to find out and then send for DH) but i think it's a good thing that they are doing that before referred to FS we wont have to go through more waiting and it will mean we will feel like somethings getting done rather than a big gap of nothing and worrying more aswell as dragging it out more.
Question for everyone in same situation.. When referred to FS did u and ur partner have to say to the others GP about it? Did your GP's have to refer you's seperately?
So i'm still unsure weather to go to my GP and tell him everything and say to him about the referral as my GP was the one who asked me to get DH to do a SA. I asked DH's GP if i needed to go to mine and he looked puzzeled ( uh did i say something wrong?) he said well yeah u can if want i don't see why notso as soon as we got out i phoned my GP and there was a cancelation app for tomarrow at 4:40pm so i'm booked in and while i'm there i might ask for some weight loss tablets or something to get me down faster... does anyone know what they call the one that helps with weight loss for PCOS suffers?
Oh and my sister got her 1st scan today which my mum phoned me up to ask about how the GP went and i told her everything, and i asked about how my sisters scan went and she said that there's a fibroid ( which they thought it might been a twin that died) growing in with the baby and its bigger than the baby's head and they have to keep a close eye on everything and asked her to consider a planned C-section to deliver baby as going the natural way might harm it. and she might need a blood transfusion too. as much as i am really sad that shes PG and i'm not i don't wish any harm on any of them. I just sometimes think that my mum doesn't really truely understand what we are going through. she said tell DH that everything will be fine but she seemed more worried about what was going on with my sister than us.. i know that sounds so selfish but it was always the way.maybe i feel like this cause i was up worrying and never got any sleep.. i dunno. my heads a mess trying to stay strong for DH when we got home i tried to stay positive as DH is so down and he asked are u not upset or gutted, i said yeah course i am i know its hard to hear but i know we will get there in the end and at least this is the start of a long journey but we will get there and the baby will be so wanted and so loved which makes it even more special experience ( i was crumbling on the inside though i just wanted to be strong). i will keep everyone informed about tomarrow.
I'm sorry girlies that i've went on so long .. oh my i had'nt realised how much until i checked there now lol
Pink polly i'm just going to your journal to read wats been happening with u i hope everyones having a better day than us xxx
Sorry you got bad news again wifey but at least you know now. I wouldn't worry about having a Junior Dr that didn't know much, the GPs we saw were quite experienced in general but still knew very little about a zero count at all and were of very little help, they couldn't really answer many of our Qs as to causes etc. When we got to see the FS they were really knowledgable so you will find out so much more then.
As for the referrals.... when we got DHs results, my GP had already referred us to the FS so I told DHs GP this and he said that that referral would be for both of us and that he didn't need to refer us again. I did go back to my GP and told her the results to update my records. However, she said she would add a note to the file but as we had already been referred, they didnt really need to be involved anymore as it was in the hands of the specialists now. I think its probably wise to keep your appoibtment though and speak to your GP, even if only to update the file.
Also, I have seen some girls on here whose DH has been referred to a Urologist and then they have also been referred to an FS, so may be best to check (although that wasn't the case for us) Hope that helps.
My heart goes out to you, know exactly how you feel, I know it doesn't seem like it but you will feel better when you get to see the FS