Gem - Its such a frustrating process!! Our first time around we were able to freeze one embryo
.doc said in normal circumstances they wouldn't have froze it due to quality. We did a FET and it didn't work. We were devastated once again, and thinking back now, I wonder if it was even worth freezing
.it was like a tease, not to mention thousands of dollars (no coverage here, all out of pocket). Our second fresh cycle we were able to freeze 3 embryos
..which we used during this successful FET.
Thankfully we had an amazing re! Our urologist did the TESE in '12, he found a couple sperm, then the embryologist at the fertility clinic we went to searched for sperm that was good enough for IVF. He found 3/4 vials. Apparently you only usually need one per cycle?
Our second fresh cycle we got success, which ended in MC. Our second FET was also a success, which is this pregnancy. So DH only had to go through the TESE once.
If you do not feel 100% with the way they are handling his TESE sperm
.you need to go somewhere else! Our RE was great and they wanted to freeze as much as possible so we won't have to deal with another TESE! Thats the attitude you want from them.
DH's suggestion is not bad
.use DS for now then try again with his. Never thought of that route. Taking a little break wouldn't hurt. It made me feel better! Sometimes infertility can take over your life a bit.
snd - I am over the moon for you!!! Huge congrats!!