Hello ladies,
Thank you all for the kind words of support. This was not our first go, but our second using IVF/ICSI. I just feel so frustrated after spending the last four months eating organic, following a fertility diet, doing acupuncture, taking vitamins, no caffeine, no alcohol, and no success. Its so damn frustrating. I know it takes many times before you have success, but its a hard decision to know when to stop using DH and consider a donor. Our insurance will cover about 6 trials, which I am truly thankful for. But we have to be careful as we dont want to exhaust all of our attempts and leave without a baby. Its frustrating to have nothing frozen, no embryos, no sperm, nothing. I look at alot of your signatures, and many of you have done many FETs, I guess I'm wondering why we never have any left over? Have your DH had multiple TESE procedures? My H is more than willing to do the surgery again, but he needs lots of time to recover from this one. They literally cut right down the center and were very aggressive this time in hopes of finding lots of sperm. Because of this, he needs a lot more recovery time, which means more waiting, which is even more frustrating.
From here, I think we need to find a specialist for him, because the way they have been doing this just doesn't seem optimal to me. His doctor, a urologist performs the surgery, then gives the tissue to an embryologist at my RE. He then searches to find sperm. Now this man handles ALL the cases, so he has lots of other women to tend to. Therefore, he is just finding what he needs to cover my eggs, and not looking for anything extra. They also keep saying its not worth it to freeze the sperm they find. Then WTH are you choosing to be aggressive to find extra sperm if you're not even gonna look or freeze? It just doesn't make sense.
I'm considering looking into acupuncture for DH. I have heard this can be beneficial in boosting sperm count. Has anyone done this? The hard part is finding one. I have found many in NYC but that commute is just too much for DH to do regularly. It's not possible to work and get to NYC each week. So I will focus my energy on that for now, because I have to do something!!!!
In the meantime, DH suggested maybe doing DS now, giving him time to recoop, then trying again with him in a couple years. I'm considering that option. But I think I want to find a different donor. I'm not sure I really like the person we chose. It seemed that the two places my RE suggested had hardly any options. So, I will also look into other sperm banks as well.
The only thing I can do to keep myself from sobbing is to try to keep busy. I can't get pregnant, but I can damn sure research a way to make sure I can someday!
Other options:
Go on vacation
Remodel our house..I'm thinking a pool!
Make the best of what we have in life now.
Sorry for the long post. I am just so frustrated, sad, angry and confused.
Sharon, I am SO very happy for you. You definitely did make the 2ww your bitch!
Congratulations to you!!
Thanks again ladies for your kind words and for being there for me. I would be in a much darker place without all of you.