We finally have a concrete plan, and I couldn't be more excited! DH has been on anastrozole for 2 months. He goes for semen analysis on January 30th. If the medication has worked, and there's enough sperm to freeze, he'll go for a 2nd semen analysis a week later and they'll freeze what they find. This is best case scenario. If there are still only a couple immotile sperm, than he goes for a TESE surgery on March 19th. We paid $7500 out of pocket for this. We get the $ back if they are able to use sperm from his semen, but if not at least the surgery is scheduled. On my end, I've had the saline ultrasound, blood work, HSG, and mock transfer. Everything looks perfect. I got for the IVF consultation with my infertility doctor on February 2nd. I will start birth control pills shortly after. I'm paying $11,900 out of pocket for the IVF + ICSI. They said meds will cost 3k to 5k, hoping since the problem is him, and not me I'll be on the lower side for medication. My actual IVF cycle begins April 19th. Case manager says I'll be on birth control for a month or two, start stims (meds) around April 9th, and retrieval + transfer will occur the week of April 19th. So if all goes as planned, I should know if I'm pregnant or not by the first week of May. Ahhh, I'm so excited and nervous! After depleting our savings account, and paying $23,000 after all is said and done, I'm praying this works the first time. I know I have high hopes, but I'm trying to stay positive. I bought the book "the secret". I'm going to read it and keep a positive state of mind throughout this whole process. I've also looked into acupuncture to prepare our bodies for this journey. I can't believe everything is finally going to happen.