Dealing with azoospermia?

Congrats Arzoo!

Sorry this FET didn't work, sunup, but you sound really positive about trying again! Best of luck!

Trying4miracle, hoping for the best for you; don't give up if this cycle isn't it!

I'm going back to work full-time tomorrow, so I'm going to be even busier, but I think of all of you lots! Happy New Year and all the best for all of us in 2015!
Hi ladies
Thanks for your words of encouragement. Test today was a BFN as expected but doesn't make the sting any less. Our doctor is on vacation so we will wait until next week to schedule to meet with him. I'm trying to focus on the fact that we have one frozen embryo and hopefully we have frozen sperm at the urologists office. Our fertility clinic was unable to freeze what was left once they fertilized my eggs. It's been a long five years but this is the closest we have ever gotten. I need to focus on that. Good luck to all you and thanks for being so supportive. It's so much easier to come to this board as no one in my family or friends have ever had to deal with infertility.
hi everyone
today we had our first app at Jessop sheffield it went very well. They said next month they will first do something with help of needle then another followup in march they gave us dates ... and yes my hubby fsh is 11.5 they said its not 13.2 which I thought it was but I was wrong so dr said that its very near to normal so there is a hope.
so anyone whose hubby FSH was round about 11.5 and found some sperms ?
Tulip my DH has fsh of 11 and he has sperm :) (I need to find exact fsh#) a few but they are there! Good luck with your appt!

I started injections today for #2.
Tulip my DH has fsh of 11 and he has sperm :) (I need to find exact fsh#) a few but they are there! Good luck with your appt!

I started injections today for #2.

Wow hun you truly gave me some hope. Thanks a lot.
wish you all the very best :hugs:
We finally have a concrete plan, and I couldn't be more excited! DH has been on anastrozole for 2 months. He goes for semen analysis on January 30th. If the medication has worked, and there's enough sperm to freeze, he'll go for a 2nd semen analysis a week later and they'll freeze what they find. This is best case scenario. If there are still only a couple immotile sperm, than he goes for a TESE surgery on March 19th. We paid $7500 out of pocket for this. We get the $ back if they are able to use sperm from his semen, but if not at least the surgery is scheduled. On my end, I've had the saline ultrasound, blood work, HSG, and mock transfer. Everything looks perfect. I got for the IVF consultation with my infertility doctor on February 2nd. I will start birth control pills shortly after. I'm paying $11,900 out of pocket for the IVF + ICSI. They said meds will cost 3k to 5k, hoping since the problem is him, and not me I'll be on the lower side for medication. My actual IVF cycle begins April 19th. Case manager says I'll be on birth control for a month or two, start stims (meds) around April 9th, and retrieval + transfer will occur the week of April 19th. So if all goes as planned, I should know if I'm pregnant or not by the first week of May. Ahhh, I'm so excited and nervous! After depleting our savings account, and paying $23,000 after all is said and done, I'm praying this works the first time. I know I have high hopes, but I'm trying to stay positive. I bought the book "the secret". I'm going to read it and keep a positive state of mind throughout this whole process. I've also looked into acupuncture to prepare our bodies for this journey. I can't believe everything is finally going to happen.
We finally have a concrete plan, and I couldn't be more excited! DH has been on anastrozole for 2 months. He goes for semen analysis on January 30th. If the medication has worked, and there's enough sperm to freeze, he'll go for a 2nd semen analysis a week later and they'll freeze what they find. This is best case scenario. If there are still only a couple immotile sperm, than he goes for a TESE surgery on March 19th. We paid $7500 out of pocket for this. We get the $ back if they are able to use sperm from his semen, but if not at least the surgery is scheduled. On my end, I've had the saline ultrasound, blood work, HSG, and mock transfer. Everything looks perfect. I got for the IVF consultation with my infertility doctor on February 2nd. I will start birth control pills shortly after. I'm paying $11,900 out of pocket for the IVF + ICSI. They said meds will cost 3k to 5k, hoping since the problem is him, and not me I'll be on the lower side for medication. My actual IVF cycle begins April 19th. Case manager says I'll be on birth control for a month or two, start stims (meds) around April 9th, and retrieval + transfer will occur the week of April 19th. So if all goes as planned, I should know if I'm pregnant or not by the first week of May. Ahhh, I'm so excited and nervous! After depleting our savings account, and paying $23,000 after all is said and done, I'm praying this works the first time. I know I have high hopes, but I'm trying to stay positive. I bought the book "the secret". I'm going to read it and keep a positive state of mind throughout this whole process. I've also looked into acupuncture to prepare our bodies for this journey. I can't believe everything is finally going to happen.

I wish you the best! This plan sounds similar to ours. DH had varying sperm counts, some as low as 3, some as high as 100,000, but they never thought that was even enough to freeze. They had him on clomid for a while, which helped some with his testosterone levels, but didn't help much with his sperm count. We finally decided to move forward with IVF and the plan was to do a TESE the day of my ER if they weren't able to get enough sperm from his sample. We felt so lucky that he had enough sperm in his sample the day of my ER and he got out of the TESE! I hope the same for you all!
We finally have a concrete plan, and I couldn't be more excited! DH has been on anastrozole for 2 months. He goes for semen analysis on January 30th. If the medication has worked, and there's enough sperm to freeze, he'll go for a 2nd semen analysis a week later and they'll freeze what they find. This is best case scenario. If there are still only a couple immotile sperm, than he goes for a TESE surgery on March 19th. We paid $7500 out of pocket for this. We get the $ back if they are able to use sperm from his semen, but if not at least the surgery is scheduled. On my end, I've had the saline ultrasound, blood work, HSG, and mock transfer. Everything looks perfect. I got for the IVF consultation with my infertility doctor on February 2nd. I will start birth control pills shortly after. I'm paying $11,900 out of pocket for the IVF + ICSI. They said meds will cost 3k to 5k, hoping since the problem is him, and not me I'll be on the lower side for medication. My actual IVF cycle begins April 19th. Case manager says I'll be on birth control for a month or two, start stims (meds) around April 9th, and retrieval + transfer will occur the week of April 19th. So if all goes as planned, I should know if I'm pregnant or not by the first week of May. Ahhh, I'm so excited and nervous! After depleting our savings account, and paying $23,000 after all is said and done, I'm praying this works the first time. I know I have high hopes, but I'm trying to stay positive. I bought the book "the secret". I'm going to read it and keep a positive state of mind throughout this whole process. I've also looked into acupuncture to prepare our bodies for this journey. I can't believe everything is finally going to happen.

I wish you the best! This plan sounds similar to ours. DH had varying sperm counts, some as low as 3, some as high as 100,000, but they never thought that was even enough to freeze. They had him on clomid for a while, which helped some with his testosterone levels, but didn't help much with his sperm count. We finally decided to move forward with IVF and the plan was to do a TESE the day of my ER if they weren't able to get enough sperm from his sample. We felt so lucky that he had enough sperm in his sample the day of my ER and he got out of the TESE! I hope the same for you all!

Yes, very similar. My DH has only had 2 full semen analysis' and the first only had 5 sperm, and the 2nd only 2. So I do think TESE is what we'll have to do. His urologist said he only uses frozen sperm, he thinks it's better. I have no idea why. The studies I read say fresh is better, but he said those studies are outdated and new studies show frozen is better. So who knows... My DH's testosterone has gone from 400 to over 1200 on anastrozole. It's more than tripled. I was actually worried it was too high but the doctor said this is good. It means his brain is working well. haha. Well, I want his testicle to work well! I guess we'll find out more with his next semen analysis. If/when they do the TESE surgery in March, they'll freeze what they find there, and use it with my IVF cycle in April. Just praying they find good, usable sperm. If no sperm is found, I'll cancel my IVF cycle, get my $$ back, and use my insurance to do IUI with donor sperm. We only get one shot at this. :/ I see IVF worked for you the first round! That's so exciting. Any tips you can give me? Where are you located?
nicole we are paying that same amount out of pocket (minus the tese)....but I have to pay for some diagnostic test for infertility my insurance didnt pay for. its awful it cost so much!! We have officially spent almost all our savings on having a baby and maternity leave since it took so much to have baby #1 and now we are trying for #2. Paid the bill last week. Good luck with your appointments!
Mo! When's your estimated transfer expected? Or do you have an estimate?
Hey sun up! I'm thinking retrieval around feb 4th of cycle goes like my last with transfer on the 9th :)
Yes, very similar. My DH has only had 2 full semen analysis' and the first only had 5 sperm, and the 2nd only 2. So I do think TESE is what we'll have to do. His urologist said he only uses frozen sperm, he thinks it's better. I have no idea why. The studies I read say fresh is better, but he said those studies are outdated and new studies show frozen is better. So who knows... My DH's testosterone has gone from 400 to over 1200 on anastrozole. It's more than tripled. I was actually worried it was too high but the doctor said this is good. It means his brain is working well. haha. Well, I want his testicle to work well! I guess we'll find out more with his next semen analysis. If/when they do the TESE surgery in March, they'll freeze what they find there, and use it with my IVF cycle in April. Just praying they find good, usable sperm. If no sperm is found, I'll cancel my IVF cycle, get my $$ back, and use my insurance to do IUI with donor sperm. We only get one shot at this. :/ I see IVF worked for you the first round! That's so exciting. Any tips you can give me? Where are you located?

Hey Nicole! We did have success during our first IVF and I feel so grateful for that. I know how lucky we got. I think it helped that we did ICSI because they only needed and not sperm for the eggs they retrieved. So for us it is they only need it 12 quality sperm. It was easier to get that than a full sperm sample that they would need without ICSI. I think that is how we got out of the TESE. We cycled in Atlanta when we were living there. Shortly after I got my BFP, we moved back home to Kentucky. If we have to do an FET later, will probably go back to Atlanta for it. As for tips, I think a lot of it is a learning process. We got lucky that I stimulated relatively well the first time around. The doctor had some concerns that I could be a little responder but I turned out to be pretty average. We were also worried that there could be a chromosomal problem with the sperm and were never able to do the DNA testing of the sperm. So we learned a lot during fertilization. But really, that all could've gone either way. I think it's good that you all are already open to donor sperm. We were almost there too if the situation have required it. We certainly wanted to try everything we could before going down that route but we were ready to do an IUI cycle with donor sperm if we learned during IVF cycle that our odds of success otherwise were zero. I really do wish you the best. It can be extremely frustrating on both sides during this process. I think it's important to support each other no matter what.
Hi ladies! I had ER today. The results were a little disappointing. I began the cycle with 35 follicles. Half of those were growing and were over 10mm and the others were lagging. On saturday 19 follicles were ready to go and the other 17 they counted were lagging behind. I blame this on a medication error. I was on a much higher dose before and this cycle they cut me down because my estrogen from the start was okay but my 48 hour level didnt double and they told me to continue the same amount. I should have questioned it but I followed the drs orders. Today they were able to collect 22 eggs. Unfortunately DH produced a sample and it contained zero sperm. A few hours later he did another with zero sperm. They had 4 frozen vials and were able to fertilize what were mature- 13 eggs. 5 eggs were not mature and 4 were degenerating already so they did not inject those. Tomorrow we should know fertilization results. I am a bit disappointed more were not collected since we started with so many and upset with myself for not speaking up when I thought changes should be made. This is the last IVF cycle DH and I will go through so these results are weighing heavily on my heart. I want a sibling for DS so bad and I am realizing I may not have that chance again. So please hope for us, pray for us that our 13 injected with ICSI will become something and we will have a couple to use at least. I hope everyone else is doing okay!
Hey Mo! I am sorry to hear that the results weren't what you expected! I know how hard that can be. Keep hope though! Maybe the best of the best survived! We only got 12 eggs from my retrieval and even with DH's crummy sperm, still ended up with 1 blast to transfer and 3 to freeze. I am 20 weeks pregnant now with the one we transferred!
thats great!! with our last IVF cycle (Same protocol) we got 6 blasts from 12 embryos also and froze 4 but it took all of them to get my DS! (MC, 2 chemicals and a bfp)! So we are keeping our fingers crossed. Thank you for the words of encouragement!
Mo, don't worry about numbers. I went thru the same worry during our cycle Bd dh kept reminding me saying - t's quality and not quantity that matters. We started with 18 eggs and today I mum to twins :)

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