Dealing with azoospermia?

It's your last IVF so of course you're feeling the pressure, girl! 13 eggs to fertilize is a pretty damn good number; hopefully your fert report is fantastic! FX'd!
I have a question for you ladies. I met with infertility doc yesterday. He said that most women going through IVF want the "aggressive" protocol when it comes to medication and the stimming period because they want as many eggs as possible. However, I'm worried about OHSS. I don't have any issues. I've had the saline sonogram, blood work, and the HSG. My tubes and uterus are clear, and my hormones are perfect. Obf we are doing this because of the DH, which he knows. I told the doctor my fear, but I told him that I trust his expertise. He said he would take it all into consideration. I'm still months away from stimming. I'm just worried either I won't get high enough dosages now to produce enough eggs (since I opened my big mouth) or I'll over stimulate and have to cancel the cycle. Cancelling this cycle is my worst fear. I want this to move forward, no matter what. I just have no idea how my ovaries will react to the medication. In other news, I start BC pills around Feb 9th (2nd day of my next period). I just applied for Compassionate Care and First Steps to help with the cost of medication. I was feeling really overwhelmed looking at the calendar that my case manager put together for me. I'm scared about doing injections. And I still have to talk to my boss about the time I'll need off. So much to think's stressful :/
Nicole, unfortunately, there is just no real way to know how your body will respond until you start stimming. Everything was perfect on my end, and we ended up getting a crap number of eggs, high estrogen, half a trigger, and a Hail Mary throwing in two embryos that were perfect but didn't stick. Going into my second IVF, I'm more confident in making decisions, and I also am letting go of trying to control anything, cause you just never know how it's going to work out. It sucks cause we want it to work SO bad, and it's such a high cost, emotionally, physically and financially. It's kinda a step-by-step, learn through experience kinda thing. I read a LOT before, and it helped when it came to asking the right questions. All I can say is good luck, it's a roller coaster! But a roller coaster a lot of us have no problem hopping back on, time and time again :)
Nicole it is a balance. The dr will change your meds based on estrogen levels after you start. They won't do anything intentional to harm you. If you do hyper stimulate they can do the transfer in a couple cycles when you heal. I wish my re would have been more aggressive this time but if he would have been I probably would have hyperstinulated.

So we have 9 embryos growing. Saturday is et. Re suggest one embryo but I want two. Depends on quality. If they won't freeze one that is a blast then I want 2. If they can freeze the other blasts then one is okay.
I agree with the others, Nicole. It's a balance. My RE suggested he would do a medium aggressive protocol if I hit certain numbers on one of my tests, which I did hit. But he put me on the more aggressive protocol anyway. I was concerned about overstimulating, but in the end I only had 12 eggs, so that was really not a necessary concern. IVF, unfortunately, is sometimes an experimentation especially the first time. Even if you hit road bumps, you learn a lot along the way!

Mo- Hoping the embryos grow grow grow!!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Yesterday we transferred one perfect grade A blast. Today we received a call 5 embryos were frozen! I absolutely can not believe this and I am amazed. I never thought we would have frozen embryos again. My OTD is feb 16 so please keep everything crossed that we get our bfp!!! I'm off work the next 3 days because I don't want the stress so hopefully I stay sane. I took hcg 2500 units this morning as a booster so I can't test for several days :(
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Yesterday we transferred one perfect grade A blast. Today we received a call 5 embryos were frozen! I absolutely can not believe this and I am amazed. I never thought we would have frozen embryos again. My OTD is feb 16 so please keep everything crossed that we get our bfp!!! I'm off work the next 3 days because I don't want the stress so hopefully I stay sane. I took hcg 2500 units this morning as a booster so I can't test for several days :(

Good luck!!
My beta is tomorrow however its going to be negative or very very low. Ive had positives for several days that were getting darker but last night started getting lighter and today it was very light. I suspect negative by tomorrow. So we will be discussing a FET cycle soon. Hopefully I can start meds with my AF this cycle.
I am curious if anybody has dealt with azoospermia possibly the doctors think caused by elevated prolactin? My DH has been on Cabergoline for 6 months and still no sperm have returned. Has anybody had the same issue and if so how long did it take for sperm to return or if they never did? Any insight would be great.
Ljbea, sorry, I'm no help, hopefully someone here has some info for you...

Mo, I'm hopeful for you that those betas will start to double! Wishing for the best for you!!
yesterday was my hubby first ssr so first they took fluid part twice from storage area so they said nothing found then they moved towards testicles tissue and they said its a good sample. Then they brought back my hubby to the room and nurses told me its a brilliant news. We were so happy that at last something we found. But after 1 and half hour the doctor and other staff member came to the room and said that we are sorry after further examining the sample we didnt find anything. But we asked them first you said its good and now not how did it happen. They said so mostly the tissues which makes pockets and inside these the sperms are embedded if these tissues looks good heathy so we assume there must be sperms present and most of the time it is there so when we saw healthy tissues so we were confirmed sperms would be there but later on we didnt find anything. Now they have send it to histology department . So just for a short time we were happy. Is there anyone here who went through such phase and still found some sperm later on. Is this the end of journey or what ? Should we carry on further tests or should we consult dr Ramsey ? I am totally broken and my hubby fsh is 11.5 and all other tests are normal.
ljbea - I really cannot comment on that. We don't know if DH ever had sperm for it to "return" - at least in higher and more healthy quantities, than what have occasionally been found. He has had spermiogrammes with nothing found, and some, where the have found a few hundred thousand (I think 250K was the max), but all with little to no motility / very poor morphology.

Tulip - I am sorry to hear that this has happened! :( So frustrating that they gave you a light of hope, just to shoot it down again! All I can say from our experience is, that DH had the odd sample, where they found enough sperm to fertilise for ICSI, but that was it. Our final try (last year February), he underwent TESE on the day of my egg retrieval. I was already prepped for the surgery and the nurse came in to tell me, that the TESE sample was completely useless - so for fertilisation, they would be thawing three straws of sperm we had frozen.

I have no idea about Dr. Ramsey - living in Germany - but I have heard of many people, who have had success with him.
Tulip I so sorry there were no sperm. My dh never had ssr so I haven't any advice or insight. I've heard dr Ramsey is excellent as well.
Tulip : we were under the care of mr Ramsey. Happy to answer any questions you have.

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