So I took my last OCP last Wednesday andstill hasn't shown up. Phoned the clinic today as I thought it may affect me starting my stims on Thursday but the IVF nurse spoke to a Dr to clarify and apparently it's fine. I was only on the pill for just over 2 weeks and my lining was only 3.4 (I think) when I had my scan the other day so apparently my lining didn't have time to get very thick before I stopped the pill, so I may spot a bit (which I am - a TINY bit), I may get
or I may not, but I'm fine to continue as planned
Mobaby-Sorry things are not going well. Dr's can be so frustrating sometimes!
Deb-You are so close to starting stims, so exciting! I was told that the period after stopping birth control didn't really matter, it was more of a formality that they even wanted to know about it.
AFM-the TESE went well and sure enough the urologist said there is a lot of scar tissue in there from the hernia surgeries DH had when he was a child. He is now 99% positive this is the cause of the problem. We got 14 eggs from me and enough sperm to fertilize those 14 eggs plus freeze 6 vials! Our fertilization report wasn't as good as we had hoped but we had 4 eggs fertilize normally. So we now have 4 little embryos growing in dishes! Transfer will be on Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to transfer 2 and freeze 2.
I hope Wibble Wobble got some good news yesterday!
Hey everyone, thanks for thinking of me and sending best wishes.
The results on Monday were the worst news,no sperm found. We're both cut up about it,but we'd already talked about the possibility of this happening and we're happy to go ahead with our dream of having a baby using donor sperm. It's going to take a while to get used to the idea of having a strangers baby and I have loads of questions that need answering,but for the moment we're left in limbo land while we wait for the hospital to process us for diui (if my hsg comes back clear) I'm hoping the don't leave it too long to write.... I need to know whats happening next
Mobaby-Sorry things are not going well. Dr's can be so frustrating sometimes!
Deb-You are so close to starting stims, so exciting! I was told that the period after stopping birth control didn't really matter, it was more of a formality that they even wanted to know about it.
AFM-the TESE went well and sure enough the urologist said there is a lot of scar tissue in there from the hernia surgeries DH had when he was a child. He is now 99% positive this is the cause of the problem. We got 14 eggs from me and enough sperm to fertilize those 14 eggs plus freeze 6 vials! Our fertilization report wasn't as good as we had hoped but we had 4 eggs fertilize normally. So we now have 4 little embryos growing in dishes! Transfer will be on Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to transfer 2 and freeze 2.
I hope Wibble Wobble got some good news yesterday!