Dealing with azoospermia?

Flake-y, that completely makes sense to me.

We have used the same donor all 4 times we have attempted IUI, but we order each vial monthly. Our donor has 20+ vials available and if it works for us, we too want to use the same donor for all our future children. The place that we order the sperm from will actually store the sperm we buy for as many years as we want (it does cost some of course).

Sperm donor definitely can get complicated and it has been a roller coaster of emotions for us. I really hope IVF works for you the first time!!
Flake-y, that completely makes sense to me.

We have used the same donor all 4 times we have attempted IUI, but we order each vial monthly. Our donor has 20+ vials available and if it works for us, we too want to use the same donor for all our future children. The place that we order the sperm from will actually store the sperm we buy for as many years as we want (it does cost some of course).

Sperm donor definitely can get complicated and it has been a roller coaster of emotions for us. I really hope IVF works for you the first time!!

It really is a rollercoaster!!!

We bought all the sperm from our donor, he's now sold out!!! :rofl:
Hi Flake-y, sorry you are having such a tough time, I really hope the IUI works for your before you have to get as far as IVF.

Have you been given the all clear on health, is it just DH that has the problem? As I thought on someone healthy the odds were quite good? If thats the case then hopefully the next go will be the one that works for you

fingers and everything crossed for you both,
Hi Deb,

Doesn't the NHS make your blood boil?! :growlmad: They've messed me up big time with PCOS so personally I have no trust in them and so far we've been going private.

Is this something you considered? May be if a fertility specialist in the US has very different opinion to the NHS so will the private guys here in the UK?

All it may take is one IVF for you and BAM - you have your very own baby!

The NHS do only do the minimum. Unfortunately there's no funding to treat each case separately and try their best, they need to set threshold and can sort of understand that.
For us they said that to just get the first fertility appointment on the NHS is more than a 6 months wait in the south-east because all the money has been spent till spring 2011!!
Hi Flake-y, sorry you are having such a tough time, I really hope the IUI works for your before you have to get as far as IVF.

Have you been given the all clear on health, is it just DH that has the problem? As I thought on someone healthy the odds were quite good? If thats the case then hopefully the next go will be the one that works for you

fingers and everything crossed for you both,

Hi Angela,

We're actually just going to do IVF next cycle, cause we've only got 3 vials of sperm left & would rather use it on something with a higher success rate.

I've got no fertility probs, apart from very mild pcos, but that doesn't cause me any problems apart from long and occ irregular cycles.

The odds for IUI are not brilliant though, even if you have no fertility issues; it's not that much different from ordinary sex, which is about 20% each cycle.

In fact, the FS told me the odds for IUI were 10-25%, which is why we're doing the IVF next time with odds of 55% which is so much better!!!!

Doing IVF doesn't bother me at all though, just looking forward to getting started!!

Hope you're doing ok, have you had any more thoughts on using a donor?
Hi Everyone...

Do you mind if I join you? Flake-y directed me to this thread as I have just found out that my husband has azoospermia.

Here is a little about us -

Me (27) and DH (30) have been ttc for 15 months. I have had the initial blood tests which came back OK, but DH had his SA results last week which showed no sperm - needless to say we were both devestated and very anxious about what happens next...

He has to do another SA, then will be referred for a biopsy to see if its a blockage or if he just doesn't produce any.

Then it's either onto ICSI or the donor route if they don't find any....

I'm feeling very anxious and a bit dauted about what lies ahead - but have found comfort in knowing there are others out there with the same situation (in the nicest possible way...)

Thank you Flake-y for introducing me to this thread x
Hi Pink

I'm so sorry you've had to join us here, but you're very welcome. It really is very daunting and I don't really feel I'm still coping very well with it all. Sometimes I feel like I'm just numb and in a bubble and everything else is going on around me and without me. Sometimes, I just feel very angry.

Has your DH had blood tests done? They need to be checking for
- cystic fibrosis
- LH levels
- FSH levels
- Y chromosome micro deletion
- testosterone levels

These will tell them alot about whether there is a blockage or not before you go ahead with any operations. They will also need to check if there is any sign of a varicocele or absence of the vas deferens.

Also ask them whether they centrifuge the SA?

I'm sure you probably know a lot of this so sorry for repeating it all if you do.

I'm sure there are some other things that hubby's also been tested for so I'll check through my notes later.

Wishing you all the best
Deb x
Hi Pink

I'm so sorry you've had to join us here, but you're very welcome. It really is very daunting and I don't really feel I'm still coping very well with it all. Sometimes I feel like I'm just numb and in a bubble and everything else is going on around me and without me. Sometimes, I just feel very angry.

Has your DH had blood tests done? They need to be checking for
- cystic fibrosis
- LH levels
- FSH levels
- Y chromosome micro deletion
- testosterone levels

These will tell them alot about whether there is a blockage or not before you go ahead with any operations. They will also need to check if there is any sign of a varicocele or absence of the vas deferens.

Also ask them whether they centrifuge the SA?

I'm sure you probably know a lot of this so sorry for repeating it all if you do.

I'm sure there are some other things that hubby's also been tested for so I'll check through my notes later.

Wishing you all the best
Deb x

Thanks for the info Deb - I didn't know all of that. I can't remember the GP mentioning blood tests but to be honest I don't remember much of what he said....I think we were so stunned when he told us the result, it was like he was talking but we couldn't hear him.

DH has to repeat the SA which should be within the next couple of weeks, then we're going back to the GP. This time we will (hopefully) be feeling a bit more level headed and less shocked so we can find out a bit more.

What is your situation - did they find sperm or are you using a donor? We have talked about a donor and will be going down that route if they find nothing. It's not ideal but we have both decided if it's our only option then it's the best chance we have.

Thank you xx
Thanks for the info Deb - I didn't know all of that. I can't remember the GP mentioning blood tests but to be honest I don't remember much of what he said....I think we were so stunned when he told us the result, it was like he was talking but we couldn't hear him.

DH has to repeat the SA which should be within the next couple of weeks, then we're going back to the GP. This time we will (hopefully) be feeling a bit more level headed and less shocked so we can find out a bit more.

What is your situation - did they find sperm or are you using a donor? We have talked about a donor and will be going down that route if they find nothing. It's not ideal but we have both decided if it's our only option then it's the best chance we have.

Thank you xx

You will probably find that once your GP refers you to a urologist for the biopsy, he will carry out the tests I mentioned. I will check out the other info I have when I get a chance - in the middle of decorating at the moment and have no idea where my folder of info is! :dohh: xx
IUI attempt #4... BFN :(

Taking the month of December off since we are so busy with the holiday season. In January we will meet with our Dr. for a consolation to discuss what steps/procedures we want to take next.

Welcome Pink Lolly, it is all definitely difficult to take in and I wish I could tell you that it gets easier, but I am still daily reminded about what we can't have.... our own biological child. Hope you have some good news next SA!
So sorry Dancergirl. I wish there was soemthing I could say to help, but just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you x :hugs:
So sorry the IUI didnt work out for you dancer:hug:

And welcome pink lolly!! i am in the early stages like you!!

We had the 2 SA results in april/may time and found my partner had no sperm. He has had blood tests and an ultraousnd scan which have come back 'normal' but havent had any further info on them!

We have our first consultation about the Surgical Sperm Retireval on 22nd dec! and i think the waiting list for it is about 8-10 months! then its on to what ever we need to do next!!

How is your OH handling it? i think you are a bit shell shocked at first and for me i wish i could say it gets easier to live with in time but actually i think it gets harder and harder every day! my OH is getting more and more upset as the time passes! and in the past 2 weeks he has broken down twice and i have never seen him cry he is such a big strong man you would never think it!!!

Do you ahve any idea why your OH may have Azoospermia? Mumps or undescended testicles?.

I send you tons and tons of :hugs2: for you and OH because i know how hard it is!!!!
x x x
So sorry the IUI didnt work out for you dancer:hug:

And welcome pink lolly!! i am in the early stages like you!!

We had the 2 SA results in april/may time and found my partner had no sperm. He has had blood tests and an ultraousnd scan which have come back 'normal' but havent had any further info on them!

We have our first consultation about the Surgical Sperm Retireval on 22nd dec! and i think the waiting list for it is about 8-10 months! then its on to what ever we need to do next!!

How is your OH handling it? i think you are a bit shell shocked at first and for me i wish i could say it gets easier to live with in time but actually i think it gets harder and harder every day! my OH is getting more and more upset as the time passes! and in the past 2 weeks he has broken down twice and i have never seen him cry he is such a big strong man you would never think it!!!

Do you ahve any idea why your OH may have Azoospermia? Mumps or undescended testicles?.

I send you tons and tons of :hugs2: for you and OH because i know how hard it is!!!!
x x x

Hi waitingginger,

Thank you - :hug: to you both too - it really was the most devestating news we could ever have imagined. Had the appointment time through for the second SA this morning and it's 21st December which is a shame coz we were hoping to get the results back before Christmas but never mind - we know they'll come back the same anyway so I don't suppose it matters!

DH had one undescended testicle which was corrected when he was 4 or 5. The GP said he didn't think this would be the cause, as the other one should still be working OK but I wonder if it may be related, otherwise it's quite a about your DH?

I'm sorry your DH is finding it hard - mine has been putting on a brave face. The main problem is that he feels guilty and keeps saying that it's all his fault and that he feels useless - nothing I say seems to help that either and I don't know how to make him feel better.

To be honest I can't imagine how awful it must be for the boys. We have been talking about using a donor (if we need to) and DH is preparing himself for that to avoid being disappointed - that way if they do find sperm and can use it it will be a bonus! He has been great and is prepared to do whatever it takes but it must be so hard.

Have your investigations been funded by the NHS or are you self funding? We are thinking about self funding to speed it up, but it all depends on the costs and what we can afford. The problem is where we live there are few clinics so I think that makes the waiting times are longer.

Keep in touch - it will be good to share our experiences xxx
So sorry to hear about the bfn Dancergirl, hope you are ok.

Pinklolly; it really is hard for the men, my DH was being positive the whole way through, but I think he was expecting to get sperm from the op, even though I kept saying to him to be prepared in case there wasn't. He took it very hard & was really ill after his op, probably partly from stress & upset.

I tried to get it in my head from day one that we might have to use a donor, so when it came down to it I had already thought loads about it. But it was still awful when it happened, although we feel absolutely fine about it now!!!

Time will fly till your dec appt, hope you get some answers then!
So sorry the IUI didnt work out for you dancer:hug:

And welcome pink lolly!! i am in the early stages like you!!

We had the 2 SA results in april/may time and found my partner had no sperm. He has had blood tests and an ultraousnd scan which have come back 'normal' but havent had any further info on them!

We have our first consultation about the Surgical Sperm Retireval on 22nd dec! and i think the waiting list for it is about 8-10 months! then its on to what ever we need to do next!!

How is your OH handling it? i think you are a bit shell shocked at first and for me i wish i could say it gets easier to live with in time but actually i think it gets harder and harder every day! my OH is getting more and more upset as the time passes! and in the past 2 weeks he has broken down twice and i have never seen him cry he is such a big strong man you would never think it!!!

Do you ahve any idea why your OH may have Azoospermia? Mumps or undescended testicles?.

I send you tons and tons of :hugs2: for you and OH because i know how hard it is!!!!
x x x

Hi waitingginger,

Thank you - :hug: to you both too - it really was the most devestating news we could ever have imagined. Had the appointment time through for the second SA this morning and it's 21st December which is a shame coz we were hoping to get the results back before Christmas but never mind - we know they'll come back the same anyway so I don't suppose it matters!

DH had one undescended testicle which was corrected when he was 4 or 5. The GP said he didn't think this would be the cause, as the other one should still be working OK but I wonder if it may be related, otherwise it's quite a about your DH?

I'm sorry your DH is finding it hard - mine has been putting on a brave face. The main problem is that he feels guilty and keeps saying that it's all his fault and that he feels useless - nothing I say seems to help that either and I don't know how to make him feel better.

To be honest I can't imagine how awful it must be for the boys. We have been talking about using a donor (if we need to) and DH is preparing himself for that to avoid being disappointed - that way if they do find sperm and can use it it will be a bonus! He has been great and is prepared to do whatever it takes but it must be so hard.

Have your investigations been funded by the NHS or are you self funding? We are thinking about self funding to speed it up, but it all depends on the costs and what we can afford. The problem is where we live there are few clinics so I think that makes the waiting times are longer.

Keep in touch - it will be good to share our experiences xxx

Pink, your DH's reactions sound much like my DH's. He was exactly the same, in the end he'd already decided there would be no success with the SSR as he found it easier just to expect to use the donor. He still says things to me sometimes about everything being his fault and i know he found it really hard having to watch me inject myself once and twice a day when doing the ivf. i just try to make him know all the time how much i love him and how we can get through anything together, it can't get alot worse than the last year! and for information DH had bilateral undescended testicles as a little boy which were corrected at about age 5-6. Seems that one was more damaged than the other as they only had success at the SSR from one (can't remember which!) although GP etc didn't think that this would affect it, but obviously it had. take care xx
Yep my OH says 'he isnt a real man' and things like that!! i feel so sorry for him!! i cant decide whether he has got his head around using a donor or whether he is trying to stay positive by thinking they will get sperm from the SSR but i dont want to knock his positivity and send him into a depression or something by going on about a sperm donor when its prob gonna be about another year away!!

Pink exactly the same as you my BF had one undescended testicle corrected when he was 6!! doc reckons as it was only one shouldnt have made much difference and the ultrasound showed the other testicle had alwasy been in the right place doc even said the operation had been done really well!! very strange its one testicle the same as your OH!!!

We have discussed going private but going to go to our intial consultation first see how long the SSR wait is because IVF has a maximum wait of 18 weeks! so thats not too bad!! plus need to save the money!!
CARE manchester which would be our private clinic offers egg sharing which means if you donate your eggs you get your IVF half price which is what we would do as i dont have any problems and would love to help other couples having problems! i think there are a few CARE centres around the country perhaps you could look at this if you would like to go private?!!x x
hey there- just checking in... DH has his testicular biopsy scheduled for Jan 6, 2011...
DH and I were TTC for a year before DH was diagnosed with azoospermia in Nov 09. We were told that he had no sperm and therefore he would not be able to have biological children. We went down the donor sperm route and I became pregnant 1st cycle in jan but sadly miscarried early on.
We have just started to try using DS again last month.
I am very frustrated that my doctor never mentioned any of the techniques mentioned here to give DH the chance to have bio kids.
Good luck to everyone.

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