Dear Mr Storky... write your letter to Mr Storky too!

Dear Mr Storky,
I thought you were with me for the last 4 months only to have my angel go to heaven way to soon. Please bring my :bfp: by the end of April as we can only :sex: since last Tuesday. We are using protection until I get my AF so as soon as that is completed I would love a visit. I have quit smoking and in the process even lost a few pounds. I and my DH would love to meet the wonderful package you bring in the form of a healthy full term baby.
Lots of love and wishes,
Hey Storkie!
Please bring me a little baba, I don't care if it's a boy of a girl (but I do like pink!) :winkwink: And bring the other girls on here some luck as well please!

Dear Mr Stork,

Please please please bring me a little angel. We have been trying for so long now and it means to much to us both. it just doesnt seem fair. i am so happy with every other aspect of my life and this would just make it complete and make me and my h2b complete. i hope your not too busy and will squeeze me in soon.

lots of love

ok Mr Stork. Ill forgive you for not coming last month if you come next month... How bout it?
Please Mr stork - if you see :witch: up there on your travels - blindfold her so she cannot find me!

I would be so happy if you were to bring me a pink or blue bundle very soon! In 12 days I would like to see a :bfp:.

Prettty please with sugar on top.

Dear Mr Storky Please could you visit me and give a :bfp: that im so desperate to have. On january i had a ectopic pregancy :cry: so im hoping better things this time around.:baby:

I just want a healthy Girl or Boy :pink::blue:

Thank you :dust::hug:
Please please can you come and visit me this month, I am soooooo DESPERATE, never knew it could be possible to want something this much. Jo xxxxx
please mr/mrs stock could you come bless me and my partner danny with the most wounderful gift of life.... thank you so much jem and danny xxx :hugs:

n good luck ladies too xx
Dear Mr/Mrs Stork

Me and my OH would love to have another :bfp: as the last one didnt make it. We promise to love it with all of our hearts and to give it a very fufilling life to the best of our abilities pretty pretty please???

No :witch: :witch: :witch: for everyone!!!
Dear Storky, please visit me soon (maybe in 5 days?). I feel like I already miss the little precious baby that I do not have yet. Please make it a sticky little thing and please visit the other wonderful waiters on here as well with the same great news! P.s. any symptoms you want to throw at me, go for it! XO
You know we want this more than anything in the universe...

Please bring our little one to us. Weve all been ready and waiting for a long time now. Is it our turn now?

We get tears in our eyes whenever we think about our little boy or girl
Dear Mr storky

You have tried 7 times now but they didnt make it, please could you send me a real sticky bean this time, maybe wednesday! That would be a great day for me! Pretty please xxxx

Good luck ladies xxx
hi mr storky
me agian im kinda sad as im not well and im still trying my best to have my little angel..............i know my :baby:is waiting for the right time to come down from ready now and so want my :baby:...........
I am trying my best to not cry and get stressed but time is not on my side so i need your help.............
let me have the :happydance: and the :bfp: i would so be the bessssssssssst mummy in the world!!!
thank you
Dear Mr Stork

If u're really out there please please bring me either a a :blue: or a :pink: i really honestly do not mind. Just please please make me get a :bfp: and no :af:

I had a prayer said for me 2 weeks ago by a lovely little elderly lady - I just pray someone was listenin. I've been patiently waiting for 2 WHOLE YEARS and am just desperate to be blessed with a :baby:

:dust: to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Storky,
Please bless us with a little bundle of joy, W has had so much heart break and loss in his life I'd like him to have his own little reason for happiness and peace at home. I know its what his Mom and Brother would want for him.
Thank you,
Just want to say thank you Mr Storky for giving me a little one - please let it be a sticky one!

And hurry to all these other ladies too!!! :dust:
Dear Mr Storky,

You know I think you are the most beautiful feathered friend in the whole wide world, so would love you to come to my house for a visit!!!!!!!! If you do manage to find my house can you please bring a tiny little present, just a teeny weeny little :baby:.
Looking forward to your visit
Love Jemma :kiss:
Dear Storky,

Please can u bring me and DF a :baby:, we have been so patient and really, really want our own little bundle of joy. U have visited lots of people around us, can we please be next.
Many thanks and hope 2 see u soon storky. :af:

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