Debate and Discussions about symptoms, OPKs, HPTs, and anything else to distract!


Pregnant with #2
May 1, 2011
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Hello everyone, as I read the posts about the symptoms and HPTs I wonder why we all have to be tortured every month with the 2 WW. So I thought I would start a thread where we can discuss things that interest us not only related to TTC but also as parents and women.
So I will start and hopefully you will find comfort in this thread. I daydream about bringing my anticipated baby home one day and how my life is going to change with 2 children. I want to use cloth diapers, breastfeed only, and baby wear this time. Any advice??
I don't have anything to share on the parent front yet :( unless you count dogs :)...but I can discuss women issues at length :).
Great! I think anything aside from the usual material would be considered a pleasant change to help everyone get their mind off things.
I have a papillon he is almost 2 yrs old and such a sweet dog! He is my other baby right now! BTW cute pic!
hi! this topic is a good idea.. not a mom yet, so dont have much of ideas!!! But I had a dog.. her name was Ilona.. she was a mini schnauzer. She died at age 9, because a moron hit her with her car! :(
So I will start and hopefully you will find comfort in this thread. I daydream about bringing my anticipated baby home one day and how my life is going to change with 2 children. I want to use cloth diapers, breastfeed only, and baby wear this time. Any advice??

I want to be a cloth diaperer too!! Before we were even TTC I would look up info about cloth diapering. There are SO many options out there its insane :wacko:. I'd be the first of the family to do so, the rest have disposable-diapered. Hubby doesn't even know that's my plan, and I really don't think he'll like the idea at first hehe. :haha:Tough I say!
So I will start and hopefully you will find comfort in this thread. I daydream about bringing my anticipated baby home one day and how my life is going to change with 2 children. I want to use cloth diapers, breastfeed only, and baby wear this time. Any advice??

I want to do the same. :) There's a great blog you might could check out (she has it organized by category) She has a blog entry, including video, on cloth diapering.
Great everyone!
LittleOnes- I know about the cloth diaper thing! I guess I was curious about the all in one options versus the buy different pieces versus the old fashioned burp cloth!
Stash77 I will check that out, thanks! Pola- sorry about your pup, I had a friend who had the same thing happen. :(
I think this will be a great opportunity to talk about our fears adding children into our lives and what we think will be the greatest changes. I know that I have a preschooler who is going to be going to Pre-K around the same time "baby" (hopefully) will be about 6 mos. I am so afraid he will think I'm sending him away to get a kick back at home. The whole sharing mommy thing scares me too. I want my kdis to be close not jealous of one another. Anyone w/ or w/o kids have advice I would appreciate it. I would also like to know those of you with animals like myself are you going to do anything special before bringing baby into their lives? My dog was purchased when my son was 2 and when I babysat my friend's 3 month old all he did was bark!
I don't really have any advice, but I do have a step son (soon to be 11) and he's not keen on DH and I having any children together. That's mostly because his mom has had several other children and he thinks he has too many brothers and sisters. He likes being the only child when he's here with us. I am a little nervous about his reaction when we do finally fall pregnant, but figured we'd cross that bridge when we get there.
Hey ladies!! I have two dogs, 1 is a 120lb rottie, the other 50lb pit bull... Scary huh? No they are not at all mean dogs. Everybody freaks when I tell them I have those breeds and a 3 year old. It's not the breed it's the owner.. Anyways we showed our dogs who was boss, before we brought our daughter home. We had her baby stuff sitting out so the could get use to it before I gave birth, after our DD was born DH brought home her blanket that she had been wrapped in at the hospital so they were familiar with her scent. We also introduced the dogs to the baby at a neutral location, when coming home from hospital.
I have several friends that are cloth diapering these days, I'm not so sure its worth the $ savings to me. They do have some cute things these days not just boring burp cloths. So we shall see, guess I will do a little more research, but I kind of feel like it's disgusting.. LOL.
I def plan on nursing again. I nursed my daughter til she was 17 months. I don't know if I would do it that long again or not. I feel though that I have been blessed with a super healthy kid and I'd like to take some credit for that because of my commitment to nursing. At 3 years she has never been sick, no ear infections, no diaper rash, no colds, etc. the only thing we have had to deal with is a minor allergy to insect bites.
I am a little nervous about bringing #2 home as well. I was hoping that I would have already had #2 so that there wasn't such an age difference. I feel like my daughter has been super spoiled by everybody (first baby on Dh side) so she's a little on the bratty side, we also live far away from everybody we know so she doesn't get much interaction with other kids. So I'm hoping she will welcome the new baby... We discuss it often. Some days she wants a baby and some days she says NO. But we did just have a couple new babies in the family and she loves holding them and I can kind of see her more mature when she's with them,, only time will tell!
I know my DS will but it's a matter of will he all day long? I think 11 is a great age to be a big helper! Although like you said he may miss his alone time, but with a little brother or sister comes more independence for older children. Hey what urged you to use clomid? I'm starting to wonder why this isn't working. We have been actively trying for a long time, and pin pointing O for 3 cycles now.
Snowangel- my son is 3 also, he is VERY spoiled and just the thought of having a little one come in and take over his things makes me nervous! Are you planning on baby having their toys and DD having her's? Guess it depends on gender kind of but I would prefer for them to share everything, seeing as though we have spent lots of $$$ on toys!Thanks for the dog advice, mine is a small yappy thing so anything that might calm him down will be put into action! I try to explain while playing with DS that we may not be able to do this with a baby or we will have to take breaks sort of thing. But if your DD is already saying no (lol) you may want to let her play mommy role. Does she like baby dolls?
I think we cloth diapering it is all about lifestyle. I stay home with the kids and I know I won't be using daycare for a while, if any (I believe most do not do cd). My son used disposable and I found I was buying diapers like crazy. The BumGenius and FuzzyBunz seem really great. Yes it is gross esp. if you are at a party or out. Basically you keep the diaper in a bag until it goes in the wash...not sure exactly. I nursed my son until 6 mos. but he had acid refulx and needed a thicker formula. I was heart broken. I agree with you snowangel it does prevent illness and from research I have read it says breastfed babies speak better and have higher IQs. I'm not an expert though.
I know my DS will but it's a matter of will he all day long? I think 11 is a great age to be a big helper! Although like you said he may miss his alone time, but with a little brother or sister comes more independence for older children. Hey what urged you to use clomid? I'm starting to wonder why this isn't working. We have been actively trying for a long time, and pin pointing O for 3 cycles now.

I have PCOS with irregular and mostly annovulatory cycles. I was referred to our FS after 9 months of ttc due to blood work pointing to PCOS. We've been trying now for 18 months, heading into our 19th and finally was able to start on clomid after a few hiccups. :) It does get disheartening at times, but I just try to stay positive. Most of my friends have fallen pregnant by "surprise" (I like that word better than accident - better connotation), which was a little hard for me at first. But now, I see them with their LO and they don't take one day for granted. Plus, now I have a sounding board for when we do have a baby. :)
I think we cloth diapering it is all about lifestyle. I stay home with the kids and I know I won't be using daycare for a while, if any (I believe most do not do cd). My son used disposable and I found I was buying diapers like crazy. The BumGenius and FuzzyBunz seem really great. Yes it is gross esp. if you are at a party or out. Basically you keep the diaper in a bag until it goes in the wash...not sure exactly. I nursed my son until 6 mos. but he had acid refulx and needed a thicker formula. I was heart broken. I agree with you snowangel it does prevent illness and from research I have read it says breastfed babies speak better and have higher IQs. I'm not an expert though.

Did you check out that blog I posted about? I think the only downside for me is the fact of having to laundry more often. My friend cloth diapers, and she loves it (and the nursery doesn't smell at all). I'm leaning towards the BumGenius and FuzzyBunz as well (the one size seems more economical). Just having to get DH used to the idea. :haha:
Hey ladies!! I have two dogs, 1 is a 120lb rottie, the other 50lb pit bull... Scary huh? No they are not at all mean dogs. Everybody freaks when I tell them I have those breeds and a 3 year old. It's not the breed it's the owner.. Anyways we showed our dogs who was boss, before we brought our daughter home. We had her baby stuff sitting out so the could get use to it before I gave birth, after our DD was born DH brought home her blanket that she had been wrapped in at the hospital so they were familiar with her scent. We also introduced the dogs to the baby at a neutral location, when coming home from hospital.
I have several friends that are cloth diapering these days, I'm not so sure its worth the $ savings to me. They do have some cute things these days not just boring burp cloths. So we shall see, guess I will do a little more research, but I kind of feel like it's disgusting.. LOL.
I def plan on nursing again. I nursed my daughter til she was 17 months. I don't know if I would do it that long again or not. I feel though that I have been blessed with a super healthy kid and I'd like to take some credit for that because of my commitment to nursing. At 3 years she has never been sick, no ear infections, no diaper rash, no colds, etc. the only thing we have had to deal with is a minor allergy to insect bites.
I am a little nervous about bringing #2 home as well. I was hoping that I would have already had #2 so that there wasn't such an age difference. I feel like my daughter has been super spoiled by everybody (first baby on Dh side) so she's a little on the bratty side, we also live far away from everybody we know so she doesn't get much interaction with other kids. So I'm hoping she will welcome the new baby... We discuss it often. Some days she wants a baby and some days she says NO. But we did just have a couple new babies in the family and she loves holding them and I can kind of see her more mature when she's with them,, only time will tell!

My friend has a pit mix and her parents have a pit as well. They are the most loving sweethearts. They get a bad rap due to their history of being fighting dogs, but it really depends more on the owner. If you don't raise them to be aggressive, they're fine. :)

I was 2 1/2 when my sister was born, and my parents got me involved in the pregnancy from the get-go (apparently) and built up how important of a job I would have being a big sister. Now, almost 30 years later, we're best friends (and were best friends all through childhood and adolescence). I'm thinking about getting a list of three names for baby when the time comes and having my SS get the final say in the name. I haven't run that by DH yet, but I don't think he'll have a problem with that at all.
I was 2 1/2 when my sister was born, and my parents got me involved in the pregnancy from the get-go (apparently) and built up how important of a job I would have being a big sister. Now, almost 30 years later, we're best friends (and were best friends all through childhood and adolescence). I'm thinking about getting a list of three names for baby when the time comes and having my SS get the final say in the name. I haven't run that by DH yet, but I don't think he'll have a problem with that at all.[/QUOTE]

My daughter is just now getting into baby dolls etc. She's kind of funny she'll shut the light off and if I say anything to her she'll say SHHHHHHH!! Baby's sleeping. LOL. If only it would work when I tell her that.. :haha: I def plan on having her involved throughout the pregnancy going to scans etc. I might let her pick the baby name after we dwindle it down to a few choices. My brother and his wife had a baby 2 days ago and they let my nieces pick the baby's name. They had Charlie picked for a girl! LOL thank goodness it was a boy and they named him Ayden. :) I think at my daughter will warm up to the idea, she just has her days of saying No.. but then there are times she will say "is there a baby in your belly?" or "did God give us a baby?" its so cute, I think to myself how can God not give us a baby when such an innocent lil one is asking for one.. :haha:

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