December ivf/fet for a Christmas miracle

Serenyx- Glad you got the appt moved to help with work. It is hard going through this and getting time off work! Got you down on our calendar!!

TCreasey- That is so great!!! So close. So approx sat?! :dance:

Gdane- Got you in on the calendar! :thumbup:

Kayla- I'm on the fence as if I want to test early or not. I'm thinking I will test on xmas eve and hope and pray for a Christmas BFP!! I also do alarms on my phone and thank God I do cause otherwise I would forget!! My clinic has us only doing it on our bum and advises DH or someone else do it. Luckily, I haven't had a problem with him missing it or being gone because I can't imagine twisting around to get it! And I was also wondering how the multiquote works. Serenyx uses it!!!
This is off topic - but can anyone explain how to "multi-quote" a message?
I use this feature quite a lot :)

To multi-quote you find the posts you want to quote and click the multi-quote button (the button should go grey). You keep choosing multi-quote until you get to the last post you want to quote then you press the Reply to post button. This will give you a reply box with all the posts you want to reply to in it :) It can be a bit fiddly to get the formatting right, especially if you are chopping up posts to only quote part of it (hence why a lot of my posts seem to be edited :haha: ) but I prefer to use it :flower:

And I was also wondering how the multiquote works. Serenyx uses it!!!
I do use it a lot, but it is a bit of a pain when I am trying to reply on my phone :haha:

Serenyx- Glad you got the appt moved to help with work. It is hard going through this and getting time off work! Got you down on our calendar!!
Thanks :flower:
Well I have just got back from my progress scan :) My lining looks fine - the words of the lady doing the scan was "oh that has fattened up nicely" :haha:

I am currently at 11.3mm and they like to see anything over 8mm, so we are ok to go ahead as planned with our transfer next Monday :happydance:

For those ladies wondering if a lining can be too thick, I asked about this too and they said that no, there is a minimum thickness but no maximum.

So I need to take my last dose of Buserelin tonight and then start my Cyclogest on Wednesday. I am staying on the Progynova and Aspirin.

My clinic only thaw the embryos on the day of transfer so I won't know what time my transfer is until the actual day. They will thaw one initially and if all looks ok with that one then that will be the one they put back. It doesn't sound like we will get a choice of 1 or 2, they really advocate SETs. The clinic gave us a conservative thaw success rate of 65% - 70%, so just need to keep everything crossed it works out ok :flower:
I love this! I am starting a bit earlier than anticipated- start stimming tonight! so first scan on Saturday, egg collection may well be next week now!! eeeek! so excited now! Not looking forward to 2 injections tonight though! Any tips on stimming anyone? xx

That's great you're starting earlier! As far as tips for stimming..I don't have great advice. I felt like it went soo quickly and I was at the clinic so much that time flew. I have heard that it's good to stay hydrated - helps with bloating. The injections themselves were not too bad - I remember having to inject the Menopur very slowly as it burned a bit (not sure if you're taking this). It's impossible not to worry along the way about the # of eggs, embryos, etc - but try to distract yourself and be easy on yourself in the process.. :hugs:

Thanks :) I keep thinking about how many eggs/how many will fertilise, think the 2ww will be abreeze compared to that bit - wait, no it won't lol :dohh: xx
Well I have just got back from my progress scan :) My lining looks fine - the words of the lady doing the scan was "oh that has fattened up nicely" :haha:

I am currently at 11.3mm and they like to see anything over 8mm, so we are ok to go ahead as planned with our transfer next Monday :happydance:

For those ladies wondering if a lining can be too thick, I asked about this too and they said that no, there is a minimum thickness but no maximum.

So I need to take my last dose of Buserelin tonight and then start my Cyclogest on Wednesday. I am staying on the Progynova and Aspirin.

My clinic only thaw the embryos on the day of transfer so I won't know what time my transfer is until the actual day. They will thaw one initially and if all looks ok with that one then that will be the one they put back. It doesn't sound like we will get a choice of 1 or 2, they really advocate SETs. The clinic gave us a conservative thaw success rate of 65% - 70%, so just need to keep everything crossed it works out ok :flower:

That's fantastic news! lol at the 'fattening up nicely!' I feel like all of me is fattening up nicely... getting my 'winter layer' early! lol. Only a week to go! xx:happydance:
Serenyx- Glad you got the appt moved to help with work. It is hard going through this and getting time off work! Got you down on our calendar!!

TCreasey- That is so great!!! So close. So approx sat?! :dance:

Gdane- Got you in on the calendar! :thumbup:

Kayla- I'm on the fence as if I want to test early or not. I'm thinking I will test on xmas eve and hope and pray for a Christmas BFP!! I also do alarms on my phone and thank God I do cause otherwise I would forget!! My clinic has us only doing it on our bum and advises DH or someone else do it. Luckily, I haven't had a problem with him missing it or being gone because I can't imagine twisting around to get it! And I was also wondering how the multiquote works. Serenyx uses it!!!

Yeah first scan this sat, then every other day, so mon/wed and then hopefully e/c next weekend, maybe even before, they say 7-10 days don't they? The whole prospect is slightly terrifying when I write it down! lol.

Did anyone who's had eggs collected have general? Would you say it's necessary? xx
I am currently at 11.3mm and they like to see anything over 8mm, so we are ok to go ahead as planned with our transfer next Monday :happydance:

For those ladies wondering if a lining can be too thick, I asked about this too and they said that no, there is a minimum thickness but no maximum.

My clinic only thaw the embryos on the day of transfer so I won't know what time my transfer is until the actual day. They will thaw one initially and if all looks ok with that one then that will be the one they put back.
Sounds like the appt went great!! Sounds like your clinic has a good plan! And that rate is good too!! 1 more week!! And thanks for the help. We will see if I got the hang of it, once I post!

TCreasey- That is so great!!! So close. So approx sat?! :dance:

Yeah first scan this sat, then every other day, so mon/wed and then hopefully e/c next weekend, maybe even before, they say 7-10 days don't they? The whole prospect is slightly terrifying when I write it down! lol.
Did anyone who's had eggs collected have general? Would you say it's necessary? xx

I had conscious sedation for mine and it worked well. I didn't wake up...well I don't remember waking up!:shrug: How far do you live from your clinic?
Cali: Thanks for the calendar! It helps a ton! :)

TCreasy: I was put out for mine and I was glad! I fell asleep and woke up in recovery, and only had AF Like cramping afterward. But I was so anxious and nervous that day, I'm glad I didn't have to be awake! I also feel myself fattening up nicely! Lol :)

Kaylakin: endometrin is a progesterone suppository. I only do 1ml of PIO cause I have such a hard time with it, so I do suppositories as well. Yes I ice it before, then put heat on after. I also try to stretch/rub it in! But I'm still freakin sore so who knows if any of that helps! And if you can do a PIO yourself, you go girl! I hate needles so there's no way I could. Plus it's an awkward angle... But yes I do mine in the evening as well, the morning is too chaotic!

Serenyx: Glad you are progressing well!! Lining number sounds great! My dr pushed for is to only transfer one the first round but we did two. This time I only wanted one but the dr wants us to do two! I think it depends a lot on the quality of the embryo(s)!

Cjohnson: if you feel one is right for you then go with it! You know yourself/body best! :)

AFM : had another blood draw today! Only 3 more days!! I can't believe it's almost here and I can't wait for BFPs to start being posted! :)
mmbelle- Are you feeling better?

CJohnson- Yay for getting the first PIO shot out of the way. You are getting so close!! Whatever you end up deciding will be the best decision.

cali- I am bummed to report we no longer have the same transfer date!! :nope: My baseline scan did not go according to plan and they have put me on birth control for the next week and I have a repeat baseline scan next Tuesday! I love your calendar thing though. So helpful. Anyway we can get it put on the firsst page so it's easy to find?

serenyx- It's too bad you can't push for the number of embryos you want to transfer but I have heard transfering 2 does not significantly increase your chance of a pregnancy but does significantly increase your chance of multiples? That's great that your lining looks amazing! Woohoo! Fx for you.

tcreasey- Yay for starting stims!! This time flies by so fast your EC will be here before you know it! I stimmed for 10 days I think. My clinic uses conscious sedation (fentanyl and midazolam) and so they say I was awake during the EC, I have zero recollection of what happened. I just remember waking up and feeling tired and sore. I don't really have any tips for stimming. Just stay hydrated and busy. Try not to overanalyze things (although I know it's easier said then done)! Ditto on the "fattening up" comment you made. Just wait until after EC and you won't be able to get your pants on! :haha:

kaylakin- Not sure why I couldn't do the baseline on cd3 but my clinic has always done it on cd2 :shrug: Of course things didn't go according to plan at the appointment and things are going to get delayed. :growlmad: The initial plan was to go in for baseline to check E2 and progesterone levels, to check the lining to make sure it was low, and to check the ovaries for cysts. If all clear I would start estrogen supplements and check in again in 10 days. Good suggestion on the phone alarms. I suppose I did that for my fresh cycle but I was only on follistim and cetrotide so it seemed easier than these FETs.

AFM- My baseline scan was not so perfect. I did get the 7:30 appointment but it was nearly 8 by the time I saw the doc! They were just "squeezing me in" so I wasn't mad. Work went fine too, so that was the good part! My lining was fine (thin) at the scan but I had what is likely a few corpus luteum that hadn't resolved from my fresh IVF cycle. Although at the time they weren't sure if they were a few cysts or not. E2 levels came back a bit too high (75ish) and progesterone was still a bit elevated (1.5). When I asked what the goal E2 levels were the nurse couldn't tell me- any of you know?? So they think the corpus luteums are still secreting some hormones and I am not quite ready to start building up the lining :nope: They have me taking bcp starting today and I will go in for another baseline scan next Tues (12/10). HOPEFULLY things have quieted down by then and if so, I may be set up for a christmas transfer!! They say this is pretty common if you have several eggs collected (I had 24). Perhaps this will be the best christmas present ever?!

Glad to hear everyone elses appointments went well today!
I'm so sorry I haven't responded to anyone yet. I feel like complete crap. I don't know if it's the flu or side effects from meds but I'm nauseous, have diarrhea and stomach cramps. Had my first check up today (day 5 of stims) and my ultrasound was perfect. Lining at 8.13 with lots of blood flow and I had 2 lead follicles on one side and 3 lead ones on the other side. 32 follies total and my e2 was at 298...not sure if that's good or not but as far as I know, they're keeping me on the same medication. Oh I should say, they're thinking my egg collection date might be moved up to sunday the 7th EEK
Sorry I have not responded lately. Its hard keeping up with everyone lol. I am on day 4 of stims. I had blood work yesterday and they said my E2 was at 293 so they dropped my dose of Follistim to 150 instead of 225. Supposedly my number was nothing to worry about….
I'm so sorry I haven't responded to anyone yet. I feel like complete crap. I don't know if it's the flu or side effects from meds but I'm nauseous, have diarrhea and stomach cramps. Had my first check up today (day 5 of stims) and my ultrasound was perfect. Lining at 8.13 with lots of blood flow and I had 2 lead follicles on one side and 3 lead ones on the other side. 32 follies total and my e2 was at 298...not sure if that's good or not but as far as I know, they're keeping me on the same medication. Oh I should say, they're thinking my egg collection date might be moved up to sunday the 7th EEK

That's great your egg collection may be moved up! Sounds like you're making good progress. Are you taking antibiotics by any chance? I'm on my third day of them and I also have GI problems...just looked up the one I'm on and apparently it's really strong and not a first choice. I couldn't take doxycycline because of the side effects from last time so I guess I'm screwed either way! Either way, maybe your symptoms are separate bc I don't know that the stim meds would cause that? Hope you feel better soon...
Cali - how are you feeling with the PIO shots? Also what length is your needle? I don't know if I could do them alone..trying to avoid that though. It's funny because my mom is a nurse and could probably help but we're keeping this round a secret! My husband is doing well so far so ...we'll's only been 2 days -agh!
mmbelle- Are you feeling better?

CJohnson- Yay for getting the first PIO shot out of the way. You are getting so close!! Whatever you end up deciding will be the best decision.

cali- I am bummed to report we no longer have the same transfer date!! :nope: My baseline scan did not go according to plan and they have put me on birth control for the next week and I have a repeat baseline scan next Tuesday! I love your calendar thing though. So helpful. Anyway we can get it put on the firsst page so it's easy to find?

serenyx- It's too bad you can't push for the number of embryos you want to transfer but I have heard transfering 2 does not significantly increase your chance of a pregnancy but does significantly increase your chance of multiples? That's great that your lining looks amazing! Woohoo! Fx for you.

tcreasey- Yay for starting stims!! This time flies by so fast your EC will be here before you know it! I stimmed for 10 days I think. My clinic uses conscious sedation (fentanyl and midazolam) and so they say I was awake during the EC, I have zero recollection of what happened. I just remember waking up and feeling tired and sore. I don't really have any tips for stimming. Just stay hydrated and busy. Try not to overanalyze things (although I know it's easier said then done)! Ditto on the "fattening up" comment you made. Just wait until after EC and you won't be able to get your pants on! :haha:

kaylakin- Not sure why I couldn't do the baseline on cd3 but my clinic has always done it on cd2 :shrug: Of course things didn't go according to plan at the appointment and things are going to get delayed. :growlmad: The initial plan was to go in for baseline to check E2 and progesterone levels, to check the lining to make sure it was low, and to check the ovaries for cysts. If all clear I would start estrogen supplements and check in again in 10 days. Good suggestion on the phone alarms. I suppose I did that for my fresh cycle but I was only on follistim and cetrotide so it seemed easier than these FETs.

AFM- My baseline scan was not so perfect. I did get the 7:30 appointment but it was nearly 8 by the time I saw the doc! They were just "squeezing me in" so I wasn't mad. Work went fine too, so that was the good part! My lining was fine (thin) at the scan but I had what is likely a few corpus luteum that hadn't resolved from my fresh IVF cycle. Although at the time they weren't sure if they were a few cysts or not. E2 levels came back a bit too high (75ish) and progesterone was still a bit elevated (1.5). When I asked what the goal E2 levels were the nurse couldn't tell me- any of you know?? So they think the corpus luteums are still secreting some hormones and I am not quite ready to start building up the lining :nope: They have me taking bcp starting today and I will go in for another baseline scan next Tues (12/10). HOPEFULLY things have quieted down by then and if so, I may be set up for a christmas transfer!! They say this is pretty common if you have several eggs collected (I had 24). Perhaps this will be the best christmas present ever?!

Glad to hear everyone elses appointments went well today!

I hope it does fly by! So what does that mean? They will transfer once your lining is good? xx
I'm so sorry I haven't responded to anyone yet. I feel like complete crap. I don't know if it's the flu or side effects from meds but I'm nauseous, have diarrhea and stomach cramps. Had my first check up today (day 5 of stims) and my ultrasound was perfect. Lining at 8.13 with lots of blood flow and I had 2 lead follicles on one side and 3 lead ones on the other side. 32 follies total and my e2 was at 298...not sure if that's good or not but as far as I know, they're keeping me on the same medication. Oh I should say, they're thinking my egg collection date might be moved up to sunday the 7th EEK

Sorry to hear youre not feeling good :( hopefully you'll feel much better after e/c! wow sunday is so close! bet you're excited! 32 follies, cant wait to see how many eggs you end up with! xx
Well I have just got back from my progress scan :) My lining looks fine - the words of the lady doing the scan was "oh that has fattened up nicely" :haha:

I am currently at 11.3mm and they like to see anything over 8mm, so we are ok to go ahead as planned with our transfer next Monday :happydance:

For those ladies wondering if a lining can be too thick, I asked about this too and they said that no, there is a minimum thickness but no maximum.

So I need to take my last dose of Buserelin tonight and then start my Cyclogest on Wednesday. I am staying on the Progynova and Aspirin.

My clinic only thaw the embryos on the day of transfer so I won't know what time my transfer is until the actual day. They will thaw one initially and if all looks ok with that one then that will be the one they put back. It doesn't sound like we will get a choice of 1 or 2, they really advocate SETs. The clinic gave us a conservative thaw success rate of 65% - 70%, so just need to keep everything crossed it works out ok :flower:

Sounds great - lining is progressing nicely! Thanks for asking the lining question. It sounds like if the embryo thaws well you should have a good chance of success! Are you doing a 5 or a 3 day transfer? I'm doing a 3 day...
Just got off the phone with the clinic...going to have transfer at 11 tomorrow morning - oh my god! They said in the past that they thaw the embryos over night and watch them so they can thaw another if needed in the AM..the nurse did say they rarely lose any embryos bc they only freeze good quality ones, so I'm hoping they do well. I just got really freaked out..the FET process is a lot of waiting and now all of a sudden it's here..crazy. I hope they give me a pic of the embryos like they did last time :-D
Just got off the phone with the clinic...going to have transfer at 11 tomorrow morning - oh my god! They said in the past that they thaw the embryos over night and watch them so they can thaw another if needed in the AM..the nurse did say they rarely lose any embryos bc they only freeze good quality ones, so I'm hoping they do well. I just got really freaked out..the FET process is a lot of waiting and now all of a sudden it's here..crazy. I hope they give me a pic of the embryos like they did last time :-D

yay!! good luck :) xxx
Hate- Oh no.. my transfer buddy! Unfortunately, we can't add it to first page, because I didn't post on the first page originally, otherwise I could edit and add this. Just think lucky 21.. that is the page number it is on!! I am no help with E2 levels, as my clinic doesn't use em..atleast to my knowledge. Well I hope you have a Christmas transfer!!! Has to be good luck, right?

Gdane: I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. :hugs: Yay for the 8th! Hope you feel better soon!

Girl- Happy to hear things are moving along! When is your ER?

Kayla- I haven't started my PIO just yet. That experience was from the last couple times. I was using a 1" needle, but think I am going to move to a 1.5" because I have gained weight this year from all the stress and fertility meds. I want to make sure it gets down to the muscle. How are you doing with keeping it a secret. I'm hanging in there. Sometimes I do want to tell because it will make sense of my moodiness and impatience! I am soooooo excited for you!! It is crazy how it is here already... you are going to be PUPO!!! :dance: :wohoo: Are you on east coast? Just want to know when exactly you are transferring! I am in cali!

AFM- I lost my patience yesterday. The pharmacy didn't give me enough needles for my lupron and they had to ship overnight. I was irritated that they didn't supply enough and the girl kept questioning me like I lost them or something. Placing blame on me. I was so irritated.:growlmad:Thankfully, I got them this morning! Other than that, I am moving along. Transfer in 2 weeks!! Progress scan in a week!!!:happydance:

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