We had our follow up scan today to look at additional anatomy that couldn't be seen at our last appointment. We learned that baby has a slightly enlarged left kidney, which was diagnosed as Pyelectasis. From what the doctor said and from what I've read, this is a fairly common finding during 2nd tri and is more prevalent in males. There's about a 90-95% chance that it will resolve on it's own, but if not, baby may need surgery later on. We have another appointment in 6 weeks to get more measurements and see where things are at. Everything else was fine and he's growing as he should, so that was a definite plus. I've been feeling okay about it so far, but there's still that thought that something is "wrong", which is a little unsettling. I'm trying not to read into it too much for now until we have more answers, but I'm good at overthinking things, so it's hard! Just crossing my fingers that all will be okay when we return.