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December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

I'm not sure if you ladies ever had restless leg syndrome but it feels a lot like that. Mostly cramping up the backs of my legs... Kinda strange!

This is like in top 10 pregnancy things. Haha God damn annoying in the 3rd tri.
Finally caught up! Now I need a nap :) This thread moves quickly!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

I also wish I could stay team yellow but knowing me I will find out as soon as I can. For some reason I'm thinking pink, but maybe it's just because on my mom's side all we have are boys (4 of 4 grandsons).

I had the runs (sorry, TMI) at the start of my last pregnancy but have so far remained normal.

I also had terrible allergies with my first pregnancy (went through 10+ tissues a night) and fear the same will happen with this one - already seeing signs :(.
Brit - i get rls everytime im pregnant... Its one of my symptoms i hate it but love it as makes me feel tgat everything is ticking along nicely.

I love Weymouth we go haven too every Easter & oct half terms. Its fabulous down there.

I did a digi today & only got 2-3 weeks but then that eould be right wouldnt it, was hoping for 3+ but think i tested too early. Not sure if i should go get betas done? Going to book doc appointment for when im about 8 weeks as hoping to get reassurance scan.

The digitals are talking about 2-3 weeks past ovulation, NOT total weeks (from LMP). So you are right on track!
So guys, just got a call from our landlord and they aren't renewing our lease and on top of all of that, we have until midnight tomorrow to move out. I'm an emotional wreck over here and hubby is upset because I'm upset. I just don't think they can legally do this…….
So guys, just got a call from our landlord and they aren't renewing our lease and on top of all of that, we have until midnight tomorrow to move out. I'm an emotional wreck over here and hubby is upset because I'm upset. I just don't think they can legally do this…….

Definitly not legal. Are you in Canada or USA? I know the laws aren't THAT much different, and in Canada he is required to give you three months notice.

Don't freak out, just don't move out, and pursue your options today/tomorrow with a clear head. Do you have a notice in writing? Get it in writing, and take it to legal aid, or contact tenants's rights. You have rights!

PM me to discuss (I'm a landlord in Canada)
So guys, just got a call from our landlord and they aren't renewing our lease and on top of all of that, we have until midnight tomorrow to move out. I'm an emotional wreck over here and hubby is upset because I'm upset. I just don't think they can legally do this…….

Definitly not legal. Are you in Canada or USA? I know the laws aren't THAT much different, and in Canada he is required to give you three months notice.

Don't freak out, just don't move out, and pursue your options today/tomorrow with a clear head. Do you have a notice in writing? Get it in writing, and take it to legal aid, or contact tenants's rights. You have rights!

PM me to discuss (I'm a landlord in Canada)

I'm in the US. The landlords go through a realtor and the realtor called me because my husband is at work and he can't be on the phone at work. He was really rude, too. Said "Your lease is up tomorrow at midnight" So no, we didn't get it in writing, just over a phone call. I wish I would have recorded the conversation because he was a real jerk about it, and me being the hormonal, bitchy pregnant woman I am, went off in return. That pissed my husband off and then he called him (after I called his work phone as an emergency) and he told him off for upsetting me because I'm pregnant. So now I'm a mess over here trying to calm myself down but can't help but think this is all horrible timing!!!

oh! and he apparently told my husband "We never intended to renew your lease anyway." Which, in my unprofessional opinion, he should have told us about a month or 2 ago so we could have time to find a new place….not tell us THE DAY OUR LEASE IS UP.
Sending lot of :hugs: your way Brittahnee!

I'm not expert, although I do have tenants, and pursued a realtor license 10+ years ago, but I'm pretty sure that if you did not renew your 12-month lease it automatically becomes a month-to-month, in which case I would treat it as a 30 day notice. Definitely worth looking into! But have your DH do it. It's not worth getting more upset over it.
Britt that cannot be legal!! He can't expect you to be out of a home that fast.:dohh: I feel so bad for you, this is the last thing you need to be going through right now. Is there anything you guys can do there? I know where I live there is no way that is even legal. I hope everything will work out, make sure to update on what is happening.
Hi All,

Sorry to repeat myself here but I have made a December 2015 FB Group page :) Please feel free to join :) You can do this by adding me to facebook and then I can add you :) its Kellie Capell my username :) xx
Kellie I will for sure add you if I know for sure that I am still in this. Got my second beta levels drawn after work today so we'll see if they double from 151 on Wednesday. I should find out by this weekend or Monday.

Britthanee there is no way that it is legal for you to have one days notice. I would call a lawyer if he pushes the issue. It has to be in writing or in the lease. Look at the copy of the lease and see if there is anything about notice. Also I would start looking as soon as you can for new places because you probably only have about a month legally to move but at least its more than a day.:hugs: things will get better
Hi All,

Sorry to repeat myself here but I have made a December 2015 FB Group page :) Please feel free to join :) You can do this by adding me to facebook and then I can add you :) its Kellie Capell my username :) xx

I will join but maybe not until after I announce it on FB…just in case people can see. :blush:

ugh, I am so crampy and constipated (TMI, sorry!) and I can't help but feel like all this stress is the reason!

thanks for the help ladies, I have my mom talking to a lawyer, and hubby will read the lease when he gets home. He told me to not get involved in this at all and I can't say that I mind. It's too much for me to handle right now!! :wacko:

but, on the bright side, I have zillow open and am looking at some lovely houses I'd love to buy. <3 Everything happens for a reason, right? :shrug:

If there's any positive to this shitty day, my diaper bag came in....but I missed the delivery and need to go pick it up in the morning...
Wow, Britt, that sure is a shitty way to end the week. I can't really offer any advice. I know my lease went to month-to-month after the initial 12 months, but I have no idea if that's how it is always/everywhere. But I'm glad your mom and DH are there to help take care of it.

AngelOb, I'm crossing my fingers for your test results. Hopefully you get them back before monday.

Kellie, I'm not on FB (well I have an account, but only check it once a month or less), otherwise I would join.

What is a brand of digital pregnancy test sold in the US? Is it correct that they tell you how many weeks pregnant you are? Are they pretty accurate? How many week out do they go? ... I think I might like to do one.
Elma, you can try the ClearBlue digital with week estimator.
For me it has been quite accurate,:thumbup: and I personally like the nice big display stating Pregnant and then estimating what week after conception you are. In the States you could get it at Walmart and a lot of different stores carry it. It will show up to 3+ weeks after conception. Meaning if your fetal age is more than 3 weeks, it will simply show 3+.
The only confusing thing about those tests is that they say weeks of conception but when you could how far pregnant you are you add on two weeks so 1-2 = 3-4 weeks preg, 2-3 = 4-5 weeks preg and 3+ = 5 or more weeks preg. Why they couldn't just make it be the same is beyond me, just a way to confuse people!
The only confusing thing about those tests is that they say weeks of conception but when you could how far pregnant you are you add on two weeks so 1-2 = 3-4 weeks preg, 2-3 = 4-5 weeks preg and 3+ = 5 or more weeks preg. Why they couldn't just make it be the same is beyond me, just a way to confuse people!

Dates in pregnancy are very weird. I agree! My husband was so confused our first pregnancy when I started talking about 4 weeks pregnant... 2 weeks after ovulation! Haha
Little update guys...landlord is standing by his statement that we have 24 hours to move out So I have been working with my mom and godmother packing all afternoon and night, then I have to get up and start it all over. Packing a 3 bedroom, 1800 square foot house in 24 hours is virtually impossible.... Especially when you're pregnant...... Told the landlord I was pregnant and he didn't care at all. Heartless asshole. Karma will punish him.

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