December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

I'm kind of going the opposite where I'm trying to reduce what I'm eating! But only because I've been eating too much junk food - not good for baby anyways. Back on the healthy food train, lots of small meals and such. *sigh*
I'm not too bad with eating at night I find im hungry through the day but by early evening I'm not fussed so I try to eat what I need early on in little bits.

Aw so exciting about everyone's 3d scans, ours is on the 26thband I can't wait. It's getting done at 27 weeks which was the same as our first DS so it will be nice to compare the pictures.

Hoping we can get some sleep suits after the appointment as its in mothercare as I have everything else just not many sleep suits. I'm not keen on all the light blue so I'm struggling.

Other than that we managed to get a baby monitor for £80 in the sale, it was £200 in toys R us! Also picked up the Isofix for our newborn seat so I think everything is just about sorted. It seems so long until due date though so I'm getting impatient as well. But we have managed to book a day off for OH is November to go and get all the Xmas shopping :blush:

Oh gosh Christmas shopping, it's a nightmare this year. Gosh knows how we are going to afford it with all the complete rubbish that's been going on with child tax credits yet again completely screwing up the claim then telling me they have over paid me by hundreds ... Every single year at least once a year they completely screw me over. I give them 100% correct and upto date info yet the idiots are so pathetic at doing their jobs they mess everything up. I have been giving info for the same change of circumstance repeatedly for 6 weeks now and they keeps saying it's not been done, not sending out forms they want me to fill in. Sick to death of calling them to sought out their cock ups. Council tax has messed up too and taken 4 attempts to come close to sorting that out and they have still put the info in wrong and we will have to go in again. I put a cheque in and bank said it would clear on the 23rd then they bounced a direct debit on the 24th because the cheque apparently had not cleard so now got charges for that. It's beyond a joke. i never get more than a couple months with out stupid things like this going on just because people don't do their jobs properly. They don't get how seriously they screw up people's lives pulling these stunts.

Just so stressed out now. OH's grandma was asked to feed my guinea pigs whilst we was away for the weekend and I put 2 tubs of food in the fridge and told her one tub to be put in each cage and to put more hay in. Come back and she had put half of one tub out only, was a bit of hay in one cage and nothing in the other at all so most likely she only fed the pig in one cage and didn't even bother with the others at all. They were all absolutely starving. :(

Keep getting so many trapped nerves it is so painful.
Yikes, I hadn't even thought about Christmas shopping this year. Hopefully our families will understand that we've just had babies and can't necessarily afford all the stuff Christmas usually brings with it.
Oh that sounds like a lot of stress Twinmum! I hate banks when it comes to cheques.
thankfully I don't have to deal with tax credits as we aren't entitled now but for the few months we were it was nothing but hassle with them and when you ring it's like going round in circles, when they actually answer the phone that is. I used to hate waiting on hold for 15-30mins even when they had just opened.

I'm hoping and praying baby is either early or a few days over as I have lots to do and some very unhelpful in laws who do not understand the need for space.

We're doing minimal Christmas shopping. She's due Christmas day - there's nothing more important.
It would be nice if she comes a couple of days early :)
Not only are we doing minimal shopping I have already informed hubby we are not doing any visiting outside the house for Xmas, if people want to see us they can come here!
Oh that sounds like my idea of heaven Luna!

Unfortunately it's our year to go to the in laws, as of next year we are staying home it's just too much hassle to try and fit everyone in.

I couldn't do a minimal Christmas I don't think, I love it too much, plus DS is already super excited, I don't think he realises how far away it actually is.

Luna, cheers to that! My in-laws are great about understanding boundaries, but my mom's family... Not so much. But she's just going to have to accept that with a brand new vulnerable baby I think we're going to have a just-us Christmas. I really don't want to expose her to all those germs, plus I'm not about to try wrangling a toddler, trying to breastfeed in peace, etc. No thanks!
I am worried about just being able to buy for the kids. Usually they get £75 each spent on them. Just get something little for parents and siblings thats it.

We are still doing family visits this year but I am due right at the start of December. Doubt we would if I was due later on. I have a feeling I will go a week early too. Plus we all live on the same block as OH's family and my mum is not far away. OH's Aunt does christmas eve, his mum does new years eve and his gran does new years day. The travel cot is extremely easy to fold and has wheels for transport and a waterproof bag to go in so really easy to take that along for baby to sleep in and they are not like loud music and everyone getting bladdered gatherings. It is just general chit chat and a little drink so nothing that would disturb baby. If it was a full on party we wouldn't go with baby so young.
Luna, cheers to that! My in-laws are great about understanding boundaries, but my mom's family... Not so much. But she's just going to have to accept that with a brand new vulnerable baby I think we're going to have a just-us Christmas. I really don't want to expose her to all those germs, plus I'm not about to try wrangling a toddler, trying to breastfeed in peace, etc. No thanks!
Exactly! I vividly remember how tough that first month was, sure this may be an easier baby but either way I still plan on spending a lot of time in bed for that first month, no way I'm packing up a toddler and a newborn and heading an hour away for an entire day, it was bad enough with just Devyn when he was 2 months old he was miserable being out all day :nope:
Minimal Christmas for us too. We have siblings, parents, nephews etc to buy for but I won't be spending what I usually do on them, not when I'll be out of work! Def staying home for Xmas dinner this year, actually looking forward to it just a being our little family of four :cloud9: Every year we pack up and spend Christmas dinner/night at one side of the family and then the day and night after at the other side. I swore after last year I was done with that, I feel awful letting DS open his presents then having to pack up and take him away from them for two days. Will prob do some small visits but they can come to us this year!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas. Last year we drove far away to spend Xmas with my parents, and the year before we drove far away to spend in with DH's parents. This year, people can come to us! DS1 will be old enough to hopefully do some fun Xmas activities, crafts, etc. And DS2 will be about a month old, and hopefully we'll be somewhat settled (though surely sleep deprived). I just hope I have the time and energy to do stuff with DS1. I desperately hope this baby sleeps better that DS1 did!
LOL Christmas I might be pushing out a baby! Official due date according to 6 week scan is Christmas Day but as we did IVF I know the dates and going by the original it's Christmas Eve. Either way, it could be a Christmas Day baby! We'll be hanging at home by ourselves - doing DH's family Christmas a week before with presents & food and may do the same with my family. Then we can just spend time together either with me in labour, or at home trying to get into labour :) x
We're really uncertain about what to do for Christmas as we're due at the inlaws this year which is about a 300 mile trip with a 3 year old and a newborn! I'm due early December which makes it technically possible (hopefully) to go but I don't know how practical it will be. I hadn't even thought of being there exposing baby to germs but I guess that will happen especially as my OH's nephews will be there who are 6 and 4. It makes much more sense for us to stay at home and have a quiet Christmas but I much prefer being away and I loved spending Christmas at the inlaws last time we did it. Argh...
I agree with you laura, my present to everyone is the sweet new baby! I'll put a little bow on his head :)

For us, Christmas is going to be at our house this year. My in-laws and my brother and sister in-law are coming from France (with their three kids) for about two weeks total. Hopefully the baby will be a few weeks old by then, and I'll be in decent shape. I'm actually really looking forward to it, because they are wonderful people and I'm sure they will help me with cooking, cleaning and everything. They are very active and like to go out and do things too, so I think I'll get a lot of breaks where it will just be me and the baby at home. I think it's going to be good, a perfect welcome for baby to the world :)
I forgot to update but I'm now due 6th Dec with a pink bump :)

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