December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Thanks Kate :) was just having a really bad day then woke up this morning to hear a girl I know is in labour :( she was due just 3 days before me. Just home
From a big long power walk & even had sex this morning too lol ! Goin to do some cleaning now have a bath then get on my ball after I pick LO from school .

I want some progress , I'm hearing of everyone getting bloody shows &I in so jealous haha !

Any update knees ? Hope ur good ?

Hope everyone else is hanging in there okay x
Well apparently baby had other plans and didn't want to be induced! I started getting painful contractions this morning at around 2 am and they continued to get worse. Once they hit about 4 minutes apart we rushed to the hospital and I was dilated to 5 cm so I've been admitted, had an epidural, and waters ruptured! Baby is on her way!
Eeeeeek good luck justplay!!!!

Midwife appt for me this morning. BP still borderline. Trace protein in urine (which is new) so they sent that off and did pre e bloods just for safety. Baby is head down and VERY low. Midwife thinks she will be early. Back in on Friday for monitoring and will get the urine and blood results then
Good luck just play! Ooh exciting :)

I'm just getting back ache and feeling totally crap but thats more to do with adjusting to life with my oh around :( it's ok until I'm on my own and then I brood :(
Well I got out car at 4pm and just as I straightened up there was a long load of gushes and my waters broke! I started getting contractions about an hour later and am regularly soaking pads (and clothes). Contractions still not regular enough to justify contacting hospital but relieved they happened as Google search shows some people have to wait a day or two!

Soaked three pairs of trousers so now given up and am sitting on sofa in pants, pad and a towel on bottom half!

Mother in law here now and I'm hoping contractions will pick up so I can get this over with!!
Good luck wishingonastar and justplay! Knees, any news?

Willow, I'm glad all is well, but damn! That's sounds dramatic. Are you home with baby yet?

I've been home for 3 days with lil man, and my nipples hurt, and I'm ridiculously sleep deprived, but OMG I'm so in love! :happydance:
Baby Zoella Rue was born at 2:29 pm CST after a quick 7.5 hour labor, weighing 7 lbs 3 oz! Everyone is doing great! I'll try to attach a picture later.

Good luck, Wishing!!!

I'll be back to check on the rest of the December babies a lot! And if anyone is wondering... Membrane strips WORK!!!
Aww congrats justplay!!.

I was just coming on to ask you ladies about a sweep working. I had one today. Midwife said she could feel babys head and I am 1cm dilated thought I might have been more oh well lol . What are the chances of the sweep working?. I have been having cramps since but nothing else.

On a bum note my DD has come down with bad flu this evening !! Sods law!!. Xx
Congrats Justplay!!! Glad you had a quick labor!!

Babybump, with my first I had a sweep when I was only 1 cm dilated,and I went into labor that evening. But it was two days past due date, so maybe it was just time. If you're having cramping that's a good sign!
Elma - if nips hurt best thing you can do is get lansinoh (available on prescription if you're in uk). It's only safe natural ointment that you can put on literally before baby feeds and don't have to wash off for the feed. It is amazing:
- stops friction from the feed
- heals any cracks
Huge congrats just play :)

Well I went to the hosp as I called just after posted having read online they like to check you when waters have gone. Got there at 10.30pm and as I was leaving house my contractions picked up big time and when I arrived were literally about every 2 mins. Midwife did all the outside checks then about 11pm ish said she'd then do internal to see how dilated I was. I got her to wait for hubby to connect tens machine as I was getting desperate by then and hadn't thought to plug it in. Hubby said both midwives gave each other a knowing look and then one said 'I can see hair' so I asked if she meant mine or the baby's :dohh: turned out I was fully dilated and head on way. She was amazed as I didn't have any urge to push so I said I wanted to wait it out and see if that came (never had it with first two either) so stood at bedside puffing on good ole gas and air and then it got to 11.45ish and I said stuff it I feel like I need a huge poo, the contractions are awful let's just do it. Pushed her out which was horrific but hubby said from me trying to her arriving was only 4 mins so happened a lot faster than felt at the time!

She was a 9lb 6oz chunk! No name yet as we can't agree on girls one...very strange just calling her baby :(

Wish I could sleep but hosp bed so uncomfortable.

I hope all you ladies have smooth deliveries x
Wow wishing, congratulations! What a nice quick birth for you. I TOTALLY feel you on the hospital bed thing. I am so ready to get home and really hoping they'll let us out tomorrow. I am insanely exhausted right now!
Congrats Justplay and Wishing! Sounds like you are both doing fab!

It's so nice to come on here to all the baby news

Justplay - is everything ok as I notice you said you're hoping to go home tomorrow? I was free to go as soon as had baby but opted to stay overnight as saved me having to return to see consultant...figured I may as well stay and enjoy a night of peace from my hyper other two! We're just sitting waiting around...well I is sparko!

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