December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Congratulations on all the beautiful new babies. Lots of 6lb ones too!

I've been having contractions and backache since 11 am but fortunately they've not got regular enough to need timing. I say fortunately as both hubby and I really want it to be a little late (not due til 1st dec and would like it to be a week or two late). That way his leave falls over Christmas which would be lovely for him and help me out massively over Christmas hols with entertaining our two other children!

I took my girls to cinema and panto today as been looking forward to the panto for months and figured might as well long i lasted! Hubby had to pack my hosp bag while i was out and it's lucky I didn't have to rush to hosp as he forgot my notes and tens machine despite me writing a clear list :dohh:
This is so exciting! I am so happy for all of you! Love checking in to see the new babies!
Eeek so many pretty babies! Congratulations everyone!

I might be joining you soon. My BP has been climbing rapidly and my swelling is up, went to the hospital yesterday as I had it taken at a pharmacy and it was 150/92. BP was about 140/88 on average at the hospital, and she said my cervix wasn't really ready for labor so since my BP wasn't dangerously high yet she wanted to give me until at least my next OB appointment (which is this Tuesday on the 1st) to see if my cervix can ripen up before induction, but that I will most likely end up getting induced this week or next if my BP doesn't go down.

I have to admit I'm just excited to have him. I'm much more prepared mentally for induction this time around. I just want him out, so uncomfortable and I am dying to meet him!
Ladies I have to say it.

I've headed to bed at 35+4 and, to the best of my knowledge - I AM NOT IN LABOUR.

Tomorrow marks unknown territory for me.
Sorry to hear about the blood pressure knees but at least you are prepared and they are letting you go a little longer but knowing you will have him here in the next week is a lovely thought.

Yay congrats Fliss. Hopefully baby stays put a little longer

Ladies I have to say it.

I've headed to bed at 35+4 and, to the best of my knowledge - I AM NOT IN LABOUR.

Tomorrow marks unknown territory for me.

Hope baby stays put a little while longer!

Hmmm.....I'm 39+1 now with no signs of labour. With DS I was in the throes of labour at this point and he was born at 39+2. Looks like this baby is in less of a hurry!
I am right there with you willow, 39+2. Which is how far I was when I had dd. All of my previous signs of a possible pending labor have disappeared. Beginning to fear I might go over.

Congrats on all of the beautiful new babies. Hope your labor was easy and recovery is smooth.
Eclaire and Willow82, I'm in the same place! 39+2 and no labor signs! No dilation, effacement, or even Braxton Hicks contractions. Seems like baby is overly comfortable in there. Unfortunately, I have GD and neither myself or my doctor are comfortable with me going over 40 weeks. So this little one has exactly 5 days to decide to come on her own!
Ladies I have to say it.

I've headed to bed at 35+4 and, to the best of my knowledge - I AM NOT IN LABOUR.

Tomorrow marks unknown territory for me.
I'm past where I made it to last time too, weird feeling!
Congrats to all the new mummies :)

I'm on twice weekly monitoring for BP as it went up to 160/100 last week and everyone flipped... Luckily no protein in urine or similar. But lots of monitoring in my future. If it goes up that high again they will be looking at inducing between 37 and 38w. If it stays high but not that high (above 140/90) they will likely induce around due date if she's not here by then.

Except for that, just uncomfortable...
I had my son at 39 weeks so I too am past where I was last time! It's weird and kind of frustrating, but oh well.

Laurac, hope the BP stays down for you. It's hard not knowing when baby will be here, but I suppose that's the case for most people!
Fingers crossed for all you ladies who have had previous early babies. My first was 3 days late so I'm expecting it to be the same this time round.

Same as you ladies I'm at the exact day that DS was born, 39+3, and nothing to report! Feeling cramps on and off yesterday with some back pain but didn't amount to anything!!
Well my contractions stopped altogether last night and not had any today just back to braxton hicks! Googled it as wasn't sure they could stop but now see they can...grr

I want it to be late but I also don't want it messing me around until!

My first were both exactly 2 weeks late so it's funny reading how you ladies have reached and gone past date you had your last as I have never experienced that and unlikely to this time!

Hope everyone with blood pressure problems is ok
Hi wishing I had that Sat night aswell, was getting them 10 mins apart. Dropped down to 8 and was bouncing on my ball at 11pm. Decided to go for a bath then poof! All gone. Which was a shame as my mum was already in the house and kids were asleep. We were discussing how/where I'd set up for home birth! :)
Hi wishing I had that Sat night aswell, was getting them 10 mins apart. Dropped down to 8 and was bouncing on my ball at 11pm. Decided to go for a bath then poof! All gone. Which was a shame as my mum was already in the house and kids were asleep. We were discussing how/where I'd set up for home birth! :)

Lol you too! Strange to have them start and stop isn't it...esp as last time I got contractions and wham continued to build and the rest is history. I had no idea proper contractions can stop and start!

Shame for you as like you say it was perfect timing!!
Might see if midwife will do a quick internal today and have a peek if anythings going on.
Mum's going home tonight and I'm going for a curry...maybe not the wisest move!

Hope everyone's BP sorts itself out. Must be so stressful trying not to stress! :/
2ndtimeAbz, same thing happened to me last night. Strong bh about 6-10 minutes apart for a couple hours. I had them throughout the night even, but they spaced out and they're gone this morning.
After both my non-stress tests from last week came back great with good blood pressure readings, I called my doctor's office this morning to see if induction would still have to be in the cards for this coming weekend. The nurse basically told me that I still meet criteria for gestational hypertension and would likely need to be induced still, but said I can talk to doctor about risks and benefits when I see her on Thursday. Not the answer I was hoping for, but at least I'm feeling slightly better prepared now after accomplishing several things over the long holiday weekend. Sorry to the others who are dealing with high BP and other issues...It's the pits!

Hearing news of these babies arriving is so great though! It's crazy how fast time has actually gone.
Blinker- Hope you get more clarification on the situation on Thursday. You must be frustrated with not knowing what's happening!!. Least your all prepared now. That will take some of the stress away.

Ive had pretty much constant cramps/period pains, tightenings and some painful twinges since Friday. Today I noticed some blobs of jelly discharge. Definitely my mucus plug coming away. Not brown or bloody as of yet!!.

I have a midwife appointment on Wednesday so see what she says if nothing more happens!!. Xx

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