December Testers!

Hi Hollie

your chart looks fantastic too!

My LP seems to go between 10 days and 12 days. So Witch should have been here yesterday at 10 days or maybe today or tomorrow I guess if it's longer.

Just have to wait and see. last month I felt every symptom in the book, this month really not so much- just feel like i'm waiting for AF. On the plus side if I conceived this cycle the due date would be on or very close to my son's birthday which I think would be nicer if it wasn't. Wouldn't say no to a BFP though!

Joy x
I see it holliems! Hope it keeps getting darker! I don't see the 9dpo but definitely see the 10dpo

Omg cycle day 19 and I finally have an elevated O temp. My date for testing is changing to Dec18th. I'm just happy to be in the tww. OH is in serious trouble. Small rant but he had off yesterday and last night when I tried to get bd in he had helped himself earlier and wasn't felling it. I was so mad, we're trying to have kids and he knew I hadn't o'd yet. He sabotaged it we didn't even need mother nature! I don't think it'll happen again after how mad/emotional I was but agh.

Let's just hope the bd 2 days before is enough
I want to go out and get a FRER so bad. Even though I got faint positives yesterday and today if I get negative FRER today (I got a faint FRER yesterday) I'd be more upset that I wasted the money. I've already spent a lot on tests this cycle. I used them all way too early:laugh2: But...if it's positive...well then it would have been worth it!

I have no symptoms though that I can tell. Not tired. I can't sleep. Boobs hurt but that's every month. I'm a little moody but that could be pms so I dunno.
Had an elevated temp this morning! Finalllllllllly!!!

Hopefully it stays elevated!
Yay blessme, looks like we might be on the same tww time frame with both of us 1dpo today!

Holliems, I would maybe wait a day or two for a frer, even a faint line is wonderful but then you will want to test until you see a darker one. I say test with frer in 2-3 days when you'll have a better chance of a dark bfp. I know its hard to do (last cycle I poas way too many times) but it'll be worth it.
Holliems take a frer! I can see a line on all your tests, tey are faint, but they are there! ahhhhh Congrats!
8 dpo today. I broke down and tested today with Wondfo - BFN.
Against my better judgment, I went out and bought a couple FRERs. Gave me the dreaded ghost line that you're not quite sure what to make of.

I'm impatient.

Hubs didn't want to see my test today, he wants to see it tomorrow though.
8 dpo today. I broke down and tested today with Wondfo - BFN.
Against my better judgment, I went out and bought a couple FRERs. Gave me the dreaded ghost line that you're not quite sure what to make of.

I'm impatient.

Hubs didn't want to see my test today, he wants to see it tomorrow though.

You are so early doll!! You have plenty more days that line could show up :) ! Good luck!
I see it holliems! Hope it keeps getting darker! I don't see the 9dpo but definitely see the 10dpo

Omg cycle day 19 and I finally have an elevated O temp. My date for testing is changing to Dec18th. I'm just happy to be in the tww. OH is in serious trouble. Small rant but he had off yesterday and last night when I tried to get bd in he had helped himself earlier and wasn't felling it. I was so mad, we're trying to have kids and he knew I hadn't o'd yet. He sabotaged it we didn't even need mother nature! I don't think it'll happen again after how mad/emotional I was but agh.

Let's just hope the bd 2 days before is enough

You should tell him next time he wants to "help himself", he should help his little swimmers into an instead cup, and you can just put it in!
I see it holliems! Hope it keeps getting darker! I don't see the 9dpo but definitely see the 10dpo

Omg cycle day 19 and I finally have an elevated O temp. My date for testing is changing to Dec18th. I'm just happy to be in the tww. OH is in serious trouble. Small rant but he had off yesterday and last night when I tried to get bd in he had helped himself earlier and wasn't felling it. I was so mad, we're trying to have kids and he knew I hadn't o'd yet. He sabotaged it we didn't even need mother nature! I don't think it'll happen again after how mad/emotional I was but agh.

Let's just hope the bd 2 days before is enough

You should tell him next time he wants to "help himself", he should help his little swimmers into an instead cup, and you can just put it in!

DH knows better than to try pulling that. Especially now that I've got some CM back. Hopefully your BDing was enough! It only takes one swimmer to make it happen!
8 dpo today. I broke down and tested today with Wondfo - BFN.
Against my better judgment, I went out and bought a couple FRERs. Gave me the dreaded ghost line that you're not quite sure what to make of.

I'm impatient.

Hubs didn't want to see my test today, he wants to see it tomorrow though.

You are so early doll!! You have plenty more days that line could show up :) ! Good luck!

Yeah I know. I tested positive at 8 dpo with my last.. I was hoping for a repeat! Wishful thinking.
Morning ladies. I think I may have caught whatever DH had/has. I have been fighting a cold for awhile but with my asthma it's always a concern that it will settle in my chest and become bronchitis/pnuemonia. When DH got sick I was just getting better but his immune system is so much better than mine that we know that if he's sick, it's bad and if he's sick it will knock me out. :/ Last night I started wheezing at midnight and have been coughin/wheezing ever since. Couldn't lay down or I was wheezing, couldn't sleep at all. Even propped on a pillow I was wheezing. I literally was sleeping (trying to) sitting straight up and still having a hard time. Used inhaler probably 20 times last night.

I hate calling in sick because as a teacher it's more work to acll in and write sub plans than to go in but today is Teacher Inservice so I went ahead and called in (I can miss meetings) and am going to the doctor. Even though I hate hate hate going to the doctor. I have anxiety about doctors because after I've been up for several hours the fluid in my lungs settles and I breathe mostly fine and by the time I get to the doctor I've had to use my inhaler a few times so my lungs sounds pretty clear. I always feel like they tell me "Oh your lungs sound fine to me" and I feel stupid for going. But this is a new doctor and I'm hoping I get better treatment - at least something so I can breathe while sleeping. I can't take another night of not sleeping. And neither can DH.... I kept him up all night the last two nights and I know he's struggling.

Holliems - Ladies in other threads will attest to the fact that I NEVER see lines when others can. Ever. And it drives me nuts. But I see it on all of yours!!! Congrats!!!! :happydance:

1nce - I've had something similar happen with my furbabies. Dropped a bottle of tylonel and I suspect that they got one or two before I got them out of the room, but I have no sure idea. My babies are 16 and 10 lbs so I know the fear. They turned out just fine though. In fact the vet has told me I can actually give them human meds at about 5-10mg per pound of their weight if I didn't want to pay for the "dog pain meds" when my Zeus sprained his ankle (I went ahead and paid for the dog pain meds because it just seemed easier and safer). If it's been a few hours and they are acting normal they'll probably be okay. :hugs: But I can understand just how scary that is!! I love my furbabies. What type of dogs do you have? My puppies are MinPins (they aren't actually puppies, I just have called them that since they were babies and the name stuck - they're both 6-7 years old).

blessme - your temp spike can vary after O. I had one month where I got my +OPK and my temp didn't spike until 4 days later, so FF estimated my O day was 2 days before the spike. It was insane and incredibly frustrating. Looks like you got your spike this morning though. Yay! :)
Yes!!! I will likely change my testing date once I get my crosshairs!
Morning ladies. I think I may have caught whatever DH had/has. I have been fighting a cold for awhile but with my asthma it's always a concern that it will settle in my chest and become bronchitis/pnuemonia. When DH got sick I was just getting better but his immune system is so much better than mine that we know that if he's sick, it's bad and if he's sick it will knock me out. :/ Last night I started wheezing at midnight and have been coughin/wheezing ever since. Couldn't lay down or I was wheezing, couldn't sleep at all. Even propped on a pillow I was wheezing. I literally was sleeping (trying to) sitting straight up and still having a hard time. Used inhaler probably 20 times last night.

I hate calling in sick because as a teacher it's more work to acll in and write sub plans than to go in but today is Teacher Inservice so I went ahead and called in (I can miss meetings) and am going to the doctor. Even though I hate hate hate going to the doctor. I have anxiety about doctors because after I've been up for several hours the fluid in my lungs settles and I breathe mostly fine and by the time I get to the doctor I've had to use my inhaler a few times so my lungs sounds pretty clear. I always feel like they tell me "Oh your lungs sound fine to me" and I feel stupid for going. But this is a new doctor and I'm hoping I get better treatment - at least something so I can breathe while sleeping. I can't take another night of not sleeping. And neither can DH.... I kept him up all night the last two nights and I know he's struggling.

Holliems - Ladies in other threads will attest to the fact that I NEVER see lines when others can. Ever. And it drives me nuts. But I see it on all of yours!!! Congrats!!!! :happydance:

1nce - I've had something similar happen with my furbabies. Dropped a bottle of tylonel and I suspect that they got one or two before I got them out of the room, but I have no sure idea. My babies are 16 and 10 lbs so I know the fear. They turned out just fine though. In fact the vet has told me I can actually give them human meds at about 5-10mg per pound of their weight if I didn't want to pay for the "dog pain meds" when my Zeus sprained his ankle (I went ahead and paid for the dog pain meds because it just seemed easier and safer). If it's been a few hours and they are acting normal they'll probably be okay. :hugs: But I can understand just how scary that is!! I love my furbabies. What type of dogs do you have? My puppies are MinPins (they aren't actually puppies, I just have called them that since they were babies and the name stuck - they're both 6-7 years old).

blessme - your temp spike can vary after O. I had one month where I got my +OPK and my temp didn't spike until 4 days later, so FF estimated my O day was 2 days before the spike. It was insane and incredibly frustrating. Looks like you got your spike this morning though. Yay! :)

I hope you feel better!!! That sounds horrible. I'll tell you, I went to classes yesterday, and there were several students hacking so much. I'm a little bit of a germophobe, being trapped in the same area and touching doorknobs the same as thousands of students, yuck. I'm terrified of getting sick! You need some nice chicken soup, and some rest. Hopefully the doctor can sort you out!

My babies are 11 & 9, the 11 year old is a miniature poodle, and the 9 year old is a mini poodle/terrier mix. They were acting fine this morning, but I'm terrified I'll get home from work and something will be wrong. Ugh. I'm sure they'll be ok. Just can't help but worry.
Ah I have gotten a bfn at 12dpo. Not even a glimmer so I am awaiting af now. Hope you all have better outcomes xxx
I hope you feel better!!! That sounds horrible. I'll tell you, I went to classes yesterday, and there were several students hacking so much. I'm a little bit of a germophobe, being trapped in the same area and touching doorknobs the same as thousands of students, yuck. I'm terrified of getting sick! You need some nice chicken soup, and some rest. Hopefully the doctor can sort you out!

My babies are 11 & 9, the 11 year old is a miniature poodle, and the 9 year old is a mini poodle/terrier mix. They were acting fine this morning, but I'm terrified I'll get home from work and something will be wrong. Ugh. I'm sure they'll be ok. Just can't help but worry.

Yeah, after 9 years as as teacher I am sort of over the germophobe thing. LOL!! :haha: I used to be really worried about it but I've had to sort of accept I'm just going to be surrounded by germy, nasty, teenagers who are coughing/hacking/sneezing all over the place. :dohh: It sucks! I've got a couple cans of chicken noodle soup so that'll be lunch and dinner probably. And then praying the doc gives me something. Worse case scenario I'll ask for steroids to ease the inflammation in the lungs. I HATE taking them, makes me jittery, but I'll take the side effects over the wheezing. P

I know the feeling, I worry about my pups all the time. Zeus got into a thing of fudge that my DH left out one night ( :growlmad: :dohh: ) and I was freaking out the entire day at work. Turned out to be fine but I couldn't help it. :) :hugs: We joke that the furbabies are going to be exceptionally jealous once we get our actual baby!
I hope you feel better!!! That sounds horrible. I'll tell you, I went to classes yesterday, and there were several students hacking so much. I'm a little bit of a germophobe, being trapped in the same area and touching doorknobs the same as thousands of students, yuck. I'm terrified of getting sick! You need some nice chicken soup, and some rest. Hopefully the doctor can sort you out!

My babies are 11 & 9, the 11 year old is a miniature poodle, and the 9 year old is a mini poodle/terrier mix. They were acting fine this morning, but I'm terrified I'll get home from work and something will be wrong. Ugh. I'm sure they'll be ok. Just can't help but worry.

Yeah, after 9 years as as teacher I am sort of over the germophobe thing. LOL!! :haha: I used to be really worried about it but I've had to sort of accept I'm just going to be surrounded by germy, nasty, teenagers who are coughing/hacking/sneezing all over the place. :dohh: It sucks! I've got a couple cans of chicken noodle soup so that'll be lunch and dinner probably. And then praying the doc gives me something. Worse case scenario I'll ask for steroids to ease the inflammation in the lungs. I HATE taking them, makes me jittery, but I'll take the side effects over the wheezing. P

I know the feeling, I worry about my pups all the time. Zeus got into a thing of fudge that my DH left out one night ( :growlmad: :dohh: ) and I was freaking out the entire day at work. Turned out to be fine but I couldn't help it. :) :hugs: We joke that the furbabies are going to be exceptionally jealous once we get our actual baby!

I'm just a student so I'm still a germophobe lol I would take whatever the doctor gives you! You need to get better.

Me and DH say the same about our dogs. We have one who is crazy jealous, although he is so cuddly. He doesn't even want us to touch or talk to each other LOL. We always say we are afraid he's gonna eat our kid or something! If we talk to loudly in bed, he marches right up the bed and lays between us and kisses our faces... It's like he is saying "stop talking!" I love them both, but I will def have to keep an eye on him when we do have a baby, because he's so jealous.
Well, I'm out. No viable eggs. The 1 I thought I had is just a cyst. Good luck to all you ladies!
We did get last minute bd in before work this morning so fx'd it might help
Well my OPK's are definitely going back to negative. So I think i did ovulate yesterday. Hoping we caught the egg. Hubby went into the hot tub right before we BD last night.... Im worried it fried up his little men!

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