are you temp charting then? i cant work it out, i tried before i conceived in Jan and i am too lazy to take temp at same time every day and i didnt really understand what i was looking for.
I know this month is being like trying to decipher heiroglyphics. My opks are talking in tounges. NO idea what is happening at all. I have read it can take a good few cycles to settle and even then, it might not be the same as it was before your mc.
I'm very new to the temp charting thingimabob! I have no idea what I'm doing though really, and I'm a very erratic sleeper, I rarely sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, and as your supposed to temp after 5 hours constant sleep, my temps are always all over the place!! stupid bbt! I only started doing it after ovulation when I conceived, so this will be the first cycle I've temped from CD 1......errr actually it was CD 2.....I forgot
I can't decipher opk's very well either...Soooo I don't bother with them
I got myself a clearblue fertility monitor, and I let that tell me when I'm ovulating, it takes the guesswork out of it all. I'm not using it this cycle, as we are not ttc yet. Just doing the charting this cycle to see if I can spot ovulation with just that!