Ding dong, the witch is back!!!

are you temp charting then? i cant work it out, i tried before i conceived in Jan and i am too lazy to take temp at same time every day and i didnt really understand what i was looking for.

I know this month is being like trying to decipher heiroglyphics. My opks are talking in tounges. NO idea what is happening at all. I have read it can take a good few cycles to settle and even then, it might not be the same as it was before your mc.

I'm very new to the temp charting thingimabob! I have no idea what I'm doing though really, and I'm a very erratic sleeper, I rarely sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, and as your supposed to temp after 5 hours constant sleep, my temps are always all over the place!! stupid bbt! I only started doing it after ovulation when I conceived, so this will be the first cycle I've temped from CD 1......errr actually it was CD 2.....I forgot :blush:

I can't decipher opk's very well either...Soooo I don't bother with them :nope:
I got myself a clearblue fertility monitor, and I let that tell me when I'm ovulating, it takes the guesswork out of it all. I'm not using it this cycle, as we are not ttc yet. Just doing the charting this cycle to see if I can spot ovulation with just that!
I do have my weird heightened sense of smell back, along with the tiredness and nautia in the morning. Oh and my addiction to OJ is back.

It's all only quite recently gone away tbh, but then I got my bfn and started to feel better. It could easily be my imagination and AF symptoms though - my moods are RANDOM!

Imagination eh????.........That's what I was telling myself.......and I was pregnant!!

Have you tested yet??? have you???well??.........have you?? pma, pma, remember :happydance:
No you're right, I must keep my Sat night eating habits as my secret shame LOL. I'm drinking OJ now, and have only had OJ, redbush tea, a decaf coffee, water, a ploughmans and grapes the rest of the day (I felt too sick to eat this morning), so it's not all bad...honest :blush:

I haven't used any OPKs this month, because I haven't been TTC, but whilst trying to learn about charting etc I have been recording my CM (icky phrase!) and there was a day when I think I was OV and we did BD all around that time. It was only a week ago though, so I guess it would be pretty early to be feeling any symptoms. I think I should stop thinking about it, so that if/when I do AF it is a positive thing like it was with you and not a disappointment.

I have got some EPTs and OPKs now though, so I accept your challenge :thumbup: Yey!!
:haha: Sparkly!!

No I haven't yet, because it's WAY too soon. I've bought some more tests though, so I might in a week if AF still hasn't shown up. It's all a bit random though because we didn't wait to BD after the MC (well only long enough to make sure there was no infection risk anyway), so AF might be weeks away yet anyway.

I want to be on board with the pma, really I do, but maybe not just yet?
Trying to do a stupid essay for stupid college and it turns out i cant cos im stupid. Well, turns out i have no ability to concentrate.

i must check out this clear blue stuff. i bet i wont be able to work that out either. Someone please take over my life and do stuff for me. ta.

right kitty, i saw your testing date on the May testers thread, you are ahead of me by nearly 2 weeks. I have a handicap in this gauntlet throwing business.

gotta do stupid work be back tomorrow xx
Trying to do a stupid essay for stupid college and it turns out i cant cos im stupid. Well, turns out i have no ability to concentrate.

i must check out this clear blue stuff. i bet i wont be able to work that out either. Someone please take over my life and do stuff for me. ta.

right kitty, i saw your testing date on the May testers thread, you are ahead of me by nearly 2 weeks. I have a handicap in this gauntlet throwing business.

gotta do stupid work be back tomorrow xx

Stop it Missy, with the self put downs!!!! pma remember :wacko: You can achieve it......and you will :)

Defo get yourself a clearblue monitor, tis brills, you get up.....press the button.....it tells you when to pee on a stick.....(sold separately!!)......you put the stick in the machine........it then tells you if you're low, high, or peak fertility!!.......if high or peak :winkwink: You know what to do :thumbup: No guesswork.....ace!

Hope you got your work done xx
I'm suffering with the same lack of motivation and ability to concentrate Nato, so you're not alone :hugs: I have a HUGE work deadline coming up and I work from home, so I've got to be disciplined and get all this BnB stuff out fo my head for 5 mins!

You're so NOT stupid though - we just have lots going on and it's bound to be distracting. Just get through this work and then you can concentrate on the nice stuff again, but with a clearer conscience.

I think the beginning of May could be too early to test really, but I know I won't hold out much longer than that. I've really got no proper idea what's what this cycle though, so who knows. It's my own fault for being impatient after the MC lol.

Sparkly - I've read about those Clearblue things. How expensive are they? I might consider it if I don't get my BFP in the next 2 or 3 months I think.

I hope your Mondays aren't too Monday-ish. Good luck with your work Nato xx
Sparkly - I've read about those Clearblue things. How expensive are they? I might consider it if I don't get my BFP in the next 2 or 3 months I think.

I got mine from e-bay it was about £50, in boots they sell them for £100!!!

You have to buy the pee sticks separately about £12 on e-bay, £20 in boots!!! for about 2 months worth......So it's not cheap, but worked straight away for me, defo worth it :)
had a good night at counselling class except i made a very embarrassing freudian slip when someone asked me my dads name and i said my husbands name by mistake. you cant say stuff like that to a psychodynamic class and expect to get away with it.

yes yes that sounds good, someone to tell me when to pee on a stick. i am pretty regular though and got pregnant last time the first month i used the sticks properly, and they were only £2.99 off ebay. <cheapface>

so when are you both testing then? i am down for 19th May, so i have 10 days before i should be ringing the BD bell. Husband is like pavlov's dogs.

stuff deadlines, i want a chocolate brownie.
so when are you both testing then?

I'm not trying yet chick, my cbfm is gathering dust in a drawer atm. I'll fire it up again next cycle. I have tried soy isoflavones for the first time this cycle, and I'm temping my bbt...well trying to! And I must be gearing up to ovulate as I can feel twinges (it's normal for me to feel my ovs) and my whole belly is swollen like a balloon!!! unusually I can feel both ovaries kicking into gear though, I felt that after my m/c too, I think what your sis said about us being more fertile after m/c is right. :)
That's quite funny about your ill-timed freudian slip Nato :D I bet they all had a field day with that one!

I'd like to think that I was bloated too, but there's no denying the fact that it's all fat atm! My metabolism still seems to be on a go-slow. I have wondered whether I should get my thyroid function checked again (my Mum has an underactive thyroid gland) but I think I had it checked not long before i fell PG. Then sometimes I have a glimmer of hope that it's maybe because HCG has that affect on me and it's back in my system again. Perhaps though I just need to accept that I'm a fatty who needs to exercise more!!! I just need some energy back so that I can be bothered - the usual vicious circle!

Re. testing, I think I'm going for the 1st May, but I'm so confused about dates I'm not sure if that's not too early. I'm also worried that we didn't start BD until too late after the MC (I waited two weeks after I stopped bleeding in case of infection). I thought your cycle started after the bleeding STOPPED after an MC and that you couldn't OV if you were still getting BFP, but now I've read that you can still OV before a BFN and that your cycle starts when the MC STARTS. So maybe my EWCM on the 19th wasn't when I OV??

Sorry...can you see how I'm tying myself up in knots with all this???? :huh: I need to go back to how I was before the MC - we never TTC exactly. I was so chilled about it. No temping, testing, dating, etc.
Ooh my FRERs have arrived!! Now I just have to resist using them every day :lol:

I also ordered an Aquaflex :blush: that has come too, but you can't use it during PG so I guess I shouldn't use it in the 2WW each month? I feel like my muscles never completey got back into shape after my DD and I want them to be ready this time.
Ohhh!! frers......now they are good, very sensitive.......you should pee on one.....just for reference purposes of course :blush: You never know!!!!

As for the aquaflex!....oh the joys of natural childbirth eh?? I do have those..rarely use them though. Actually (prob tmi) but my m/c happened naturally and I noticed it was looser down there afterwards, which I was a bit surprised at, so I've been doing my 'exercises' since and it's helping, I was paranoid though, kept asking my DH if I felt the same :blush: I was convinced I was as big as a bucket :haha: He of course reassured me I was being silly.....to be honest I think he was just grateful Lol!! We had only bd'd once since we conceived in feb! What a lovely patient man he is xx
you have my full attention now, i was doing essays and stuff before, now i am concentrating

Re. testing, I think I'm going for the 1st May, but I'm so confused about dates I'm not sure if that's not too early. I'm also worried that we didn't start BD until too late after the MC (I waited two weeks after I stopped bleeding in case of infection). I thought your cycle started after the bleeding STOPPED after an MC and that you couldn't OV if you were still getting BFP, but now I've read that you can still OV before a BFN and that your cycle starts when the MC STARTS. So maybe my EWCM on the 19th wasn't when I OV??

why dont you write all your dates / cd days down so we can have a look and try and work it out, think the bottom line is that dates alone wont let you work this out when you have just had mc as your hormones are all over the place, i either didnt ovulate at all in the cycle before first af, or was ovulating constantly. Neither are my usual gig

I have read on here that CD1 is the day you stop bleeding. My my first af was as follows:

Day 1 - ERPC
Day 9 - spotting stopped
Day 28 - af

So i was 21 days after bleeding and im pretty sure it was a normal af, so i would, from that count ERPC as day 1, not end of spotting.

get peeing (of course for reference purposes only as agreed by all)

I have no idea what an aquaflex is, but im getting the picture. Im surprised that you feel a difference down south too sparkler. are you sure its not just cos youre worried and noticing things more?

Im CD6 today <proud>

glad MrS is being supportive and not trying to dry hump you or owt though sparkles, nothing worse when youre not up for it
Im in the same boat...AF showed for me this morning. Do I try this cycle or not?
Hi Mrs T

Thats great news!!! what are your pros and cons for trying vs waiting? have you been given a timescale by your drs? why wouldnt you try again?
I nearly did pee on one Sparkly, but even though I know it's too early I'd still be sad if it was a BFN so I didn't dare. Plus I do have a bit of a POAS addiction that I need to try and curb :lol:

Nato, Aquaflex is little bullet shaped thing that you can put weights in and then you have to try and grip it basically - it's very good for muscle tone lol. Are you sure the mc affected you like that Sparkly? Maybe it all just feels different because it hasn't been used enough lately? lol.

If you really don't mind dates analysing for me that would be great! :) OK, so...

25th Mar - started bleeding
3rd Apr - stopped bleeding
13th Apr - v faint FRER pos
17th Apr - BFN and started BD
19th Apr - EWCM (I think - first month of ever CM monitoring)

There! Thanks so much :friends:

Hurrah for you reaching CD6 already Nato!! :happydance: That's gone really quickly! It's nearly BD like mad time already! :lol: Did you actually get your essay finished too? I've still got LOADS of work to do :(

:hi: Mrs T! I have to say that personally if I didn't have any health or emotional reasons not to, I'd be TTC like mad. That's just me though and I know there are lots of people who feel happier waiting. You just have to do what feels right and what you know isn't going to give you any extra worries in the future. x

So you got a faint pregnancy test positive on 13th April? so that would most likely be hcg levels not quite back to normal i assume? I dont know how responsive those things are, but i think your hcg has to be below 5 to ov. But i have no idea if 5 is enough to get a +ve

arses, im not very good at this

the only reason i think it might not be possible is cos of the faint +ve, but.... How long did the ewcm go on for? if it was the start of ewcm it could have worked and come good this month.

we are making each other worse arent we.

i did 3/4 of one essay and 1/3 of another essay. I like to mix it up a bit. im working on theory at the mo and its ace, i like to make my own theories up too. I like to pretend that one day, someone might make a Natoian Slip.

boo at work. boo and hiss.

I see you are more interested in talking about cm than working, me too. much more interesting.
Yeah it was v faint, but definitely pos. FRERs are very sensitive though.

I thought it had to be below 5 too, but then on another thread a few people were saying 50 and you could still OV even if were getting BFPs.

EWCM only lasted for a couple of days. How long does it normally? I've never paid ANY attention to it before.

It is quite funny that I've gone from not wanting to try again for ages after the mc, to NTNP before even my first af, to frantic symptom spotting and looking at dates etc :lol:

Well done with your essay progress! You're doing loads better than me, as you've obviously noticed! I MUST be good tomorrow!
i have just been looking at ewcm on the tinterweb, and it can last from 1 day to 5 days and you have your own 'normal' number of days

i have changed mine minds again, if you had ewcm, you must have ovulated. Oo yes, you might well be in the race.

Im excited.

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