Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Not a nice think to have to do Vicky I dont envy you but I think that sounds very diplomatic and fair. Good luck with it.
Nato Thank you for that, I didn't know about the glass of water! what days do you take it on?
Good Morning ladies!

Luce you are really having a shite time lately and it aint bloody fair.....Lets hope a positive Scan makes up for all this crap hun, when are you having it done?

Sass i wont tell you to relax and all....I know how scary every little twinge can be...heck just last night i woke up in horrible pain which i was sure was an impending mc until i let out a giganto fart and all was ok! Your scan is tomorrow, everything will be alright and youll have 8 months of this worrying to look forward to!

Hearty babes, these announcements suck....You have to believe that you will be next hun..You just have to!

Megg im confused at what stage you are in your IVF but im sending you massive hugs and positive vibes for the best possible outcome!

As for me, had an ok weekend! went out Sat. afternoon with some old school mates and had a huge brunch. Then i pretty much bacame a couch potato for the rest of the weekend lol!

Oh, no worries... I'm confused too! I live that way! Funny enough, I'm NOT in my IVF yet. I'm doing the pre-IVF stuff... but not actually started the fun stuff. Still taking BCP's and have a fluid ultrasound today. But, the real fun starts in about 2 weeks.

Weekend sounds pretty good! Couch potato is my fave thing to do! LOL

Morning all you lovely Disco ladies, got back from walking the dogs and spent far too long catching up with you guys rather then getting ready for work again!! Will have to start reading this thread of a night to catch up.

Cazza - I do my shopping online as well most the time but there are a few things you cant get online but they have instore so sometimes we have to go in. Got my Nan's xmas pressie sorted though which was unexpected.

CJSG - Sorry you are feeling bummed out and hope today is a bit better for you :hugs:

Megg - Good luck with your appointments today, let us know how you have been getting on x

Lucy - Sorry you are unwell and had to go to the hospital again :hug: will be sending loads of healing thoughts your way xx

Heart tree - ARRRRRH Its just so unfair isnt it? I swear the next person to tell me they are up the duff (except you lovely ladies of course) is going to push me over the edge and make me go postal!!! Surely there wasnt this many pregnacies around before we were all TTC?

Sassy - I am sure everything will be fine i had loads of pains and though AF was going to show up a couple of times with my last AF. Take the cramps and sickness as a good sign that there is somebody in there making them selves at home :hug:

Also i hope woody is your dog or i have some concerns about your friends!! :rofl:

AFM - Temps shot up to 37.08 this morning and as its the week day i had to temp at 6:30am rather then 7:30am. Very gassy which my poor dh is not loving! Only 2 days until testing with an IC . . . Ohh and here is my chart is you want a look:


I'll report in as soon as I'm home!

Your chart looks really nice, actually! Hoping you get a BFP out of it! Everything crossed!

Morning girls,

Just thought I'd update you, the pain has thankfully gone no sign of blood not even a hint of pink! Sickness still in full flow so I'm feeling a little better! 26 hours until my scan! Sooooooooooooo excited!xxxxxx

That's SO good to hear! 26 hours... Must be less now! :happydance:

Morning girls!

Great news sass, glad it's eased a bit.

Raz/Hearty - I just lost it every time someone else IRL told me they were pregnant. It was horrible. Even my OH got to the point where he was crying when he found out another couple we knew were pregnant.

I'm back at work today after my two weeks off. It's nice being back now everyone knows but I am fuming as my manager told one of the assistant managers I was pregnant a while back when I didn't want anyone knowing. Not happy at all. He is the last person I want to know my f'ing business!!!!!

That sucks about your manager telling your business... But, you have a healthy baby growing in your tum... So, that's all that matters! :hugs: Don't waste energy on people who don't deserve it, ya know?

Thats great news sassy what time is your scan tomorrow?

Vicky my scan is on thursday at 8:30am just wish it was here. Freaking out a little saw the dermetologist today have been given aload of creams to use and I got home put the first one on as my eye was so dry and sore then read the leaflet and it says do not use in pregnancy really worried that I may have hurt my baby now :cry: by using it the dermetologist knew I was pregnant and I kept on saying is it ok to use when pregnant. So flipping worried now its a cream that goes round the eye not in it if that makes a difference :cry:

I'm hoping Thur comes around quickly! Still hoping for good news! :hugs:

I'm sure the creams can't be THAT bad... can they? If you use them on your face?

Hello you lot. Boy o boy are you keeping me busy with catching up. I originally typed busty but spotted my error in time.

Just wading through posts about creamy foofs.

Proper hello to sugar and babywanted - im sorry for your losses, hope you will feel more at home in here

LOVE the avatar yogi!! And glad you managed to get out of the stagette, you have to look after yourself. Are we back on for the bfp deal this month then? go, go, all units go

Hows the resident walking advert for GlaxSmithKlein today? (thats you megg). Hope youre feeling a bit better. Lets hope its a sign everything you are mainlining is working

I see Mel is overrun by giant boobs. And hearty wants big boobs.

OooOOo at allie, soy and cbfm - you are going nuclear too Hope that soy brings ov forwards. Sorry you've been a bit anxious, and stay away from baby clothes. You've had a bit of a shock recently, so you might be adjusting the to new information

Hi Luce, have been thinking about you bebe. I think your dreams are helping you make sense of whats happening without having to confront the issue while you are feeling numb - it helps you brain look at your options without causing you too much pain. Im so sorry bout the illness. You really dont need this. I suppose on the upside if your immune system is struggling, your pregnancy immune suppression is happening. You must feel totally rotten though you poor thing

Hope the nosebleed is a good sign CJ, im rooting for ya. Sorry you lost your dad, i hope hes looking after your angels. Im sorry about the situation with the mums, i have a really difficult relationship with my mum too, glad youve made the right decisions to keep yourself sane. Get 3000mg down you btw, and hope you arent out this month. Your chart is a bit too small for me to look at, when you go to post the link, go on the left hand menu to 'sharing', then drop down to 'home page set up' and click on that, when the next page comes up, right at the top it says

Your Charting Home Page Web Address:

and the link ive bolded is where your link will be, copy and past your home page web address, it will have numbers at the end like the bolded one above has my numbers

Gotta say well done on the 3+ Cazza!! i said it before but its worth mentioning again its that exciting - and with photographic evidence (pmsl that you are still testing) - i bet you are still peeing on things when you are 80 years and a great grandmother - for old times sake like

Ach Raz, why is everyone so damned fertile. Not that i dont want them to be, i just wish we were too. Im liking your chart though, maybe those bitches will have to move over for your bfp this month.

wheres sparkly and mone? hmm hmmm

Hearty, hope af gets her arse into gear so you can start that next cycle with your new drugs. sorry youre feeing a bit crappy, its not fair, no. I think you have a huge month to look forward to though, i know it doesnt take the longing away, nor does PMA but you are now in the best position you have ever been in. Your time is coming hearty, the bears and the angels know that.

haha at cesca piping up every now and again to talk about sexy time and ice cream

Sassers, so sorry you had that horrible scare - it does sound really good though because your uterus is making space. The pregnant thrower upppers seem confident you get that cramping. Yeay at no pink

AFM (just worked out what that means) - my mum is gone, which is good as i was reaching the end of my tether and i have been doing FF chart gallery stalking. I love typing in keyword 'perimenopause' cos then i see lots of women in their 40's getting bfps. theres even a 53 year old with a bfp which i was agog at

I have worked out that doing the do too much stops my ewcm. I get it the day after we haven't bded if i ever get it. Which is what SMEP said (that too much of a good thing stops ewcm) - im on day 12 and stuck to the plan to the letter. I am militant Nato.

How you doing Vickers? hmm potatoes.

Woo for SMEP! You go get 'em, girly! :hugs:

Yeah well if you read back to my posts in June you will see that mine came and went for like 10 days!!! I was loosing it back then, and Megg and Hearty saved me!

Im sorry to have to fire you, you have been warned more than 3 times in the past year alone that your work is not up to standard. I tried my best to find you another department but unfortunately i have been unsucessful.
Hows that??????

That's a fantastic way to be fired! Aww! LOL
19 hours 15 mins and 33 second to go now Megg, not that I'm counting!!xxx
So, 7am my time! :) I'll be waking up when you're posting an update, I hope! :hugs:
Hi girls, I could do with a bit of help please off anyone who uses FF.

I've just started charting with fertility friend last week, but when I've entered my temp this morning, it has gone back and circled most of the previous temps. I know it's meant to do that sometimes when one of the temps seems out of place with the rest e.g. last Fri, I had a fair amount of wine, so the temp the next day was high. I just don't get why it's circled the rest of the temps? :shrug:

Can anyone take a peek at my chart please

ohhh so by the time you have waited round a bit (as the NHS is never on time) had the scan and got back it will be lunch time when we hear how it went. cant wait for your update xxx
Really? Scan is at 10am UK time!xx

No! LOL I'm a moron! I was trying to figure what 7 hours after 9am was here... and somehow I must have decided it was 7 hours after 12am, rather than 9am! I don't know what on earth I was thinking! That's more like 4pm my time! :dohh:

Hi girls, I could do with a bit of help please off anyone who uses FF.

I've just started charting with fertility friend last week, but when I've entered my temp this morning, it has gone back and circled most of the previous temps. I know it's meant to do that sometimes when one of the temps seems out of place with the rest e.g. last Fri, I had a fair amount of wine, so the temp the next day was high. I just don't get why it's circled the rest of the temps? :shrug:

Can anyone take a peek at my chart please


Looks normal to me, hun!
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??
Really? Scan is at 10am UK time!xx

perfect, 3 am my time....I am usually up around then for a pee, so I will be checking the computer! (I hope this isn't one of those times I manage to sleep the whole night!)
Really? Scan is at 10am UK time!xx

perfect, 3 am my time....I am usually up around then for a pee, so I will be checking the computer! (I hope this isn't one of those times I manage to sleep the whole night!)

I prob won't get to update until tomorrow evening as me and Danny will be out for the day, so you will proberly be up.xxxx
Not long now sass.

I tell you, being back at work sucks. Only half an hour to go....
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??

OMG! I've seriously gone completely fucking stupid! :cry: What the bloody hell? Again... You're totally right! So, 4am here? I think! We're 6 hours behind you! 10-6=4, right? I think the BCP's have literally made me a dumbass! I'm SO sorry! LOL So, you'll have long since updated when I wake up! :dohh:
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??

OMG! I've seriously gone completely fucking stupid! :cry: What the bloody hell? Again... You're totally right! So, 4am here? I think! We're 6 hours behind you! 10-6=4, right? I think the BCP's have literally made me a dumbass! I'm SO sorry! LOL So, you'll have long since updated when I wake up! :dohh:

Hehe Megg your so funny, I'm normally that dumb one so that totally made me smile :haha:

I think we will be home about 5 so 11 your time maybe?xxx
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??

OMG! I've seriously gone completely fucking stupid! :cry: What the bloody hell? Again... You're totally right! So, 4am here? I think! We're 6 hours behind you! 10-6=4, right? I think the BCP's have literally made me a dumbass! I'm SO sorry! LOL So, you'll have long since updated when I wake up! :dohh:

Hehe Megg your so funny, I'm normally that dumb one so that totally made me smile :haha:

I think we will be home about 5 so 11 your time maybe?xxx

11 is good! I just realized that tonight/tomorrow is Fallout day! So, I'll be sleeping this evening and waking up at 11pm to go get my game at the midnight launch and playing until about 8am! So, perhaps I can wake up around 11 to see the great news! :hugs:
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??

OMG! I've seriously gone completely fucking stupid! :cry: What the bloody hell? Again... You're totally right! So, 4am here? I think! We're 6 hours behind you! 10-6=4, right? I think the BCP's have literally made me a dumbass! I'm SO sorry! LOL So, you'll have long since updated when I wake up! :dohh:

Hehe Megg your so funny, I'm normally that dumb one so that totally made me smile :haha:

I think we will be home about 5 so 11 your time maybe?xxx

11 is good! I just realized that tonight/tomorrow is Fallout day! So, I'll be sleeping this evening and waking up at 11pm to go get my game at the midnight launch and playing until about 8am! So, perhaps I can wake up around 11 to see the great news! :hugs:

Hehe crazy woman!

I hope I have great news to give you all.xxx
Megg I thought you were behind us? So my scan is at 10am here but it will be very early hours of the morning there??

OMG! I've seriously gone completely fucking stupid! :cry: What the bloody hell? Again... You're totally right! So, 4am here? I think! We're 6 hours behind you! 10-6=4, right? I think the BCP's have literally made me a dumbass! I'm SO sorry! LOL So, you'll have long since updated when I wake up! :dohh:

Hehe Megg your so funny, I'm normally that dumb one so that totally made me smile :haha:

I think we will be home about 5 so 11 your time maybe?xxx

11 is good! I just realized that tonight/tomorrow is Fallout day! So, I'll be sleeping this evening and waking up at 11pm to go get my game at the midnight launch and playing until about 8am! So, perhaps I can wake up around 11 to see the great news! :hugs:

Hehe crazy woman!

I hope I have great news to give you all.xxx

You SO will! :hugs:
Sass sweetie, you are going to have fantastic news to give us tomorrow!!!! And then I am hoping Lucy can do the same for us later this week! :hugs:
Sassy I am so sure you are going to have fantastic news but damn you and Danny go out for the day that means I will have to wait ahhhhh :haha: Only joking hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.

Mel I hope I bring good news on thursday but I'm not sure it will be but I am staying hopefull!!

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