Hello ladies
I'm new, and I don't know what's best to do! I was due AF on friday, according to a cycle tracking app I have on my phone... it's now Monday and although it feels like AF is going to come any second, nothing's happening. Nothing unusual symptom-wise, although I've been a bit of a nark and a bit snappy. Normally pre-AF my mood doesn't really change too much.
Anyway, don't want to bore you with my ramblings, I don't chart or really keep tabs of anything other than start/end dates for AF, so I don't know if anything else is unusual other than I've noticed my moods being different. Odd dreams, too, normally I don't remember anything. Gah, I'm doing it again.
Right. When's a good time to be doing a test? I've had cramps, and feel like AF is 'there' but it's not. I don't want to do a test too early and do the disappointed face. The fact I'm just a few days late is getting his hopes up, don't want to dash them completely by steaming in too early! Should I hang in there for Friday? App says my O date was the 3rd, cycle is on average 34 days but in as long as I've been keeping tabs on this stuff it's never been over 35 days.
Thanks and fingers crossed for you all x