sorry to disappoint you all.. I caved and tested this morning since AF still hadn't arrived.. but got a stark white BFN. Now just waiting for AF to arrive. it'll probably start mid day today.
AFM - I have been naughty and tested today at 11dpo. I've had 2 days of weeing every hour (thought I had a UTI at one point) and boobs so sore they actually woke me up last night!
Anyway I got a very very faint BFP.....
Trying to not get too excited, going to keep testing to see if it gets darker, AF wasn't due until Sunday....
But looks like I'm designated driver for the wedding Saturday.
Desperately hoping this is the start of my little rainbow....
As requested Buttercup! Top one is yesterday so 11 dpo and the other 2 are this morning's. All very faint but definitely there. Won't be changing ticker yet until I miss AF and start to see them get darker. Scared but excited!
hcg dropped to 16.2. this cycle sucks for I have to keep going back for bloods until it completely drops