Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

I am going to wait until af is late, but I am working on an adjusted time of this Friday instead of next Monday.
However I'm going camping this weekend and can't work out if relevant, whether to test before we go or wait. If I tested before and bfn then I will be really paranoid about coming on all weekend but if I don't test - likewise? Bah! ;-) and besides this could all be deeply irrelevant and stuff could just come bang on time! Hope not though, as per usual :p
I know.. Im kind of torn about testing. I don't want a negative to put a damper on my night because ill be thinking at 14dpo something should show up if im really pregnant. Most likely ill end up testing that day but I still have 12 days to think about it! Good luck to you too Justme!

My OPKs have continued to be negative also so here's hoping I actually ovulated. We are taking a break from :sex: tonight. We've :sex: the past 4 nights in a row so hopefully something good happened!
after a wee break from TTC, I'm back in the TWW and thought I'd just pop in and say hi to you ladies!
I'm off to read the rest of the thread now to see who's got their BFP's whilst I've been away :)
Lots of :dust: to everyone x x
morebabies - it's not a bad idea to consider waiting until a day or two later. How hard would it be to try not to be sad about a bfn, rather than concentrating on having a nice, happy time.

AFM, 11dpo, I had a really sore breast last night, I had to stop lying on it in my sleep cos it hurt! I am definitely cranky. I am also stiff but seriously think that's cos I haven't done pilates for over a month - I think I really am going to have to start again... (and the cranky may well be related to that, stiffness always makes me cranky).

My few hours of cramping like AF has stopped today (hurrah!) and also when I wiped this morning (TMI!) there was what I faintly remember (I was tired!) to be an amount of clear/yellowy CM. Who knows, could that still be left over from BD'ing on Sunday? ;) On the good side breasts feel much less sore and heavy today (sure this might be a sign of AF showing up at some point but it hurts less, so hurrah!)

Temp wise it remains stable. Weirdly it's my first month where 11dpo has been a stable temp, previously it's either gone up or down at this point. Annoyingly last night I sweated all night (eurgh) despite having the window open and trying to throw all my sheets off a lot (although acc. to hb I was wrapped up in duvets all night so maybe that was why!)

No idea. Bits of me think I am, bits of me think that's a ridiculous idea. Tell you what though, I am going swimming tonight minimum, being this stiff is horrible.
Oh no, wait, I can feel faint cramps, I would say that's an indication that yet again it's a bfn month.
Well no brown d/c yet, we shall see :p Definitely cranky though, lol!
Annoyingly, my temp generally goes up before AF comes anyway, so even if it does go up tomorrow, it won't be any help :p

How's everyone else?
Justme, cramps and yellow cm was a sure fire way I just 'knew' last cycle I'd get a bfp. I sure hope that's the case for you too. Fx'd.
Justme keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! A friend of mine who just found out she's pregnant (and I've also read on here) said that she had minor cramping like AF leading up to her BFP. Good luck!!
I am waiting. The BFN let-down is a killer. Then there is the evap tease. And the worst of them all: the chemical.
Happy symptom spotting!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy plastik, how are you???!!! **BIG HUGS!**

Hey sweets!! I'm better thanks! Still disappointed, obviously, but DH has been amazing. Been distracted by having his whole family over and cooked a massive lunch for them today :thumbup: Hopeful for this cycle, but more hopeful for you!!! How you feeling?
Knackered! Lol this is really lame pmt if that's what it is. Just got back from swimming, and was out of puff at the end of every length! Un freaking impressive :p
Ok I know this is way to early for any type of symptoms but I don't know what else to think. I've been having quite a bit of pressure down there and to the point where its uncomfortable to sit while wearing jeans. Im trying to ignore it but im so uncomfortable. Its like im full down there. Weird.
Sooo I just got another positive on my OPK :shrug: What does this mean??? Unfortunately yesterday when I used it I forgot about it so I didn't see the results because it wasn't on there anymore. I used another yesterday but the thing messed up somehow but looking at the lines on the stick it looked like a possible positive. Then today it worked and I got the happy face. So does this mean I didn't ovulate after the first time I got the positive happy face?!?? I mean I felt like the next day I was having ovulation pains and it was sore when we :sex: so confused :wacko: and I just used my last OPK today.
You can ovulate up to 3 days after a positive opk or ovulationg pain. I had a positive opk on cd 15 and ovulation pain on cd 16 but didn't ovulate until cd 18.
I don't know. Things have just been weird the past few days. First the ewcm then the positive OPK and then what I thought were ovulation pains and the sore feeling sex followed by this weird constant uncomfortable pressure the past two day and now another positive OPK 4 days later. And I haven't been stressed out about TTC at all this cycle either so I don't know. I just feel a bit lost at the moment. :shrug:
Hey ladies. I'd like to join your thread. I'm 13dpo and refuse to test....hoping for the best but expecting the worst...

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