Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

I've been getting that too koj! Not ill, just loose bowels in the morn! Random!........ I'm feeling very hopeful this month, my nipples have been tingling like crazy to the point of hurting all day today :)..... I'm not going to test until I'm a week late though as don't want to be disappointed with a Chemical again :(

Nooo..... the brown cm might be IB???? You're not out yet :)
Toms Mummy - good to know I'm not alone!! I hope its a good sign for both of us :) I know this defeats the purpose of this thread but I think I'm going to have to test early this cycle.. I am going to test on Wed before we leave for Thanksgiving because my in-laws love cocktails and I want to know for sure if I can drink or not! It will still be day of AF so its not too early I guess.. I hope I won't be able to drink this year :D
I hope u can't drink too, although I don't know if I'd be able to resist cocktails!

Question for all.... Bit tmi but do any of u avoid dtd during the tww? We dtd this morn, I was a bit nervous as last month I had a chemical.
Toms- I've always thought about that too. Actually we DTD this morning as well. hahaha. I don't think I can keep my DH from DTD for two weeks unless there's clear evidence that that's what it takes to conceive!!!
Hi all
Sorry been stalking the last few days - whenever I've had a chance to catch up on the thread I've not had enough time to reply!
And only time for a quick one now so just want to say good luck to everyone in the 2WW - hope it's all your month!
I have no idea what's going on with me - lots of pain so either ovulating or it's the endo - if it's the endo and it carries on then it's more surgery for me :-(
:dust: to everyone!
Hey girls! I've been a bit down about TTC since last cycles BFN. I've been coming on here real quick once in a while to follow you guys but haven't stayed on to post anything. I just have this feeling like another baby is just not in the cards for me :cry: I also think I need to go talk to my doctor due to the amount of pain I have at times.. thinking it might be endo :shrug: Things have been good with DH and I tho and we just went to the patriots football game over the weekend and sat in some amazing seats but all this TTC stuff and it not working is just looming over me.

Anyways sorry for the depressing post I'm just not in high spirits at the moment..

Koj and Toms mummy I hope you girls get your BFPs this cycle. Everything is sounding really promising!! I can't wait to find out!!

Baby1 as far as your endo goes.. what does it feel like for you? And how were you diagnosed with it? I'm actually a really open person and will talk about anything and everything with just about anyone and always full of TMI :haha: but when it comes to doctors I'm really shy and uncomfortable for some reason :dohh: and part of me just doesn't want to find out there's something wrong with me :sad1:
Hi more babies - sorry you've been feeling low - this whole things really can be hard work at times :hugs:

Mine is a long story so here goes.....:coffee: And apologies in advance for TMI!

Started my periods age 10/11 and always had bad period pain. Got worse so by 15 would regularly pass out with pain but was told I just had 'normal' period problems. By 16 I'd had 2 hospital admissions where they thought I was having ectopic pregnancies despite me saying there was no chance I could be pregnant (they though I was a scared teenager too embarrassed to admit it) - they couldn't believe when I said it was a 'normal' period for me (both times I was alone with school friends and they called ambulances when I passed out). GP then put me on the pill which really did work a treat, pain much better and much less bleeding. I remember trying to come off the pill when I was about 21 just to see what happened - I had a 6 week withdrawal bleed which only ended when the GP put me back onto the pill - again told this was all 'normal'

Fast track to 25 when I got married (I was a virgin until I got married - religious choices - so didn't start having sex until this point). I had noticed already that despite the pill my periods were getting heavier and more painful but still not as bad as a teenager. Then over a couple of month sex started becoming very painful, anything remotely deep penetration wise was like being stabbed. Also bled a fair bit at times after sex. Then started with sharp stabbing pains on both sides and also in my rectum - another couple of trips to A&E where they though I was having ectopics or said I was having bad UTIs - GP also treated me for recurrent UTIs as I was also having pain weeing and blood in urine (not obvious to the naked eye but when they dipsticked it it always showed positive for blood traces). To be fair though he also referred me urgently to a gynaecologist at this point and I cannot fault the input I've had from there. Saw the gynae, had a US scan then laparoscopy which confirmed widespread endo - my rectum/lower bowel was stuck to my womb explaining the rectal pain (also unpleasantly passed blood rectally a couple of times), my bladder had some endo inside it (explaining the pain weeing and blood in urine) and general pelvic 'deposits'
Had another lot of surgery (also laparoscopic) to remove it all and it really did work a treat, was completely pain and bleeding free for a good few months.

Unfortunately things were complicated as it turned out I had low level cancer cells mixed in with the endo. Apparently I have a rare thing where my ovaries themselves are fine but they 'throw off' tumour cells into my pelvis. Normally happens in post menopausal women and they just whip everything out but obviously I didn't want that! So I'm monitored with scans every year to check for tumour regrowth.

Stayed on the pill throughout all this time as birth control but also helps keep the endo at bay. Came off in Feb when we started TTC. My cycles are all over the place which I blame the pill for (they were very regular as a teenager) and now my old endo symptoms seem to be making a come back and worse each cycle. Main issue really is that sex is becoming painful again which is obviously bad news when you're doign lots of BDing!! :blush:

Had an MRI a couple of weeks ago and see the gynaecologist on 6th Dec so we'll have to see where we go from there - it's my first time seeing him since we started TTC. I'm more than happy to bear up with the pain etc if he thinks I've got a chance conceiving but I'm starting to wonder if another 'clear out' might help both for me and for chances of regulating my cycle and helping TTC. I suppose the answer is that if they remotely suspect any tumour regrowth I'll have no choice but to go to surgery....

Well that was a long one, DH has fallen asleep whilst I'm typing!! Sorry for all the TMI but it might be helpful to see if any of your symptoms match. It's actually been quite cathartic for me writing the whole story down, a lot of it was not nice to deal with at the time. If I manage to get just one baby out of this body of mine I'll be eternally greatful!!
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry for crashing in again :haha: Can you tell I stalk you guys regularly?

MoreBabies, I just wanted to give you my experience with Endometriosis, since it is SO different to Baby1wanted.

Baby, how absolutely hectic for you! Sounds like you really had it bad, I hope it hasn't grown back to madly, but sometimes a good clear out is all it takes - I should know, it worked for me!

Ok, so my cycles have always been like clockwork, you could set the sun by them. I was on the pill from a young age for my skin, and came off about a year before TTC. My cycles were normal right from the first month off the pill. In March this year I had a laparoscopy, just to 'check everything out'. My gynae is very proactive, and he said the only way we would know if my tubes were blocked or if I had Endo, was to go in there and look, so that's what we did. I had absolutely NO symptoms. No painful periods, regular cycles, nothing at all indicated there might be something wrong excpet that I wasn't pg yet.

Turns out I did have Endometriosis. Only level 2, so not nearly as bad as Baby, but the problem was the location. It was covering both of my ovaries. So while I was ovulating every month, the eggs weren't getting to where they needed to go! Had the laparoscopy and HEY PRESTO!! I'm oer halfway through my pregnancy already.

Holding thumbs for all of you lovely ladies!! Looking forward to seeing you all in the Refugee Thread soon! :thumbup:

And btw, FlamingPanda, who started this thread, had her baby girl last week and everything is going great! :happydance:
I've decided to wait until I'm late. Could somebody look at my chart and tel me what you think?
Aww big hugs baby1 and more babies, ttcs bad enough without extra obstacles! Fx'd for both of you xxx :hugs:
I'm glad I'm not alone dtd during tww koj.... That males me worry less! Thanks!
:hugs: to baby1 and more babies :hugs::hugs:

Toms Mummy - i actually avoided dtd on my tww...:haha: its very silly but yeah TTC makes us do crazy thngs!:dohh:

FX'd to all of you in the tww!:happydance:

Plastik - Oh my Congrats to Panda :happydance::happydance: a first baby for this thread!
I won't be TTC until January 2013, but when that time comes, I do not plan to do any tests unless my period is at least one week late. I'm not knocking the women who do choose to test early, but I don't much see the point when our bodies have a built-in "pregnancy test" that's pretty darned reliable when it's a negative (period arrives) and a decent indicator of a positive (period late/missed). :shrug: While an early positive pregnancy test can be a good sign, an early negative would just have me spinning my wheels and wondering if it's really accurate. Better to just wait and see what my body says, and then get confirmation from a pregnancy test if things look good.
I won't be TTC until January 2013, but when that time comes, I do not plan to do any tests unless my period is at least one week late. I'm not knocking the women who do choose to test early, but I don't much see the point when our bodies have a built-in "pregnancy test" that's pretty darned reliable when it's a negative (period arrives) and a decent indicator of a positive (period late/missed). :shrug: While an early positive pregnancy test can be a good sign, an early negative would just have me spinning my wheels and wondering if it's really accurate. Better to just wait and see what my body says, and then get confirmation from a pregnancy test if things look good.

The problem is when periods are not regular. When TTC the 2ww could be longer and when waiting and hoping for a BFP all signs of pending AF tend to resemble that of being pregnant. When all your hope is looking at the BFP and babies are calling your name you are willing to spend the extra money or take the extra time to POAS. It is hard to wait. Kind of like Christmas/birthdays and knowing there is a box with your name on it. Even though you can't open it to know for sure what it is, it sure doesn't stop you from picking it up, weighing it, turning it over, shaking it, and ultimately guessing at what it is. That is what POAS is.......
When all your hope is looking at the BFP and babies are calling your name you are willing to spend the extra money or take the extra time to POAS. It is hard to wait. Kind of like Christmas/birthdays and knowing there is a box with your name on it. Even though you can't open it to know for sure what it is, it sure doesn't stop you from picking it up, weighing it, turning it over, shaking it, and ultimately guessing at what it is. That is what POAS is.......
I think that's the difference between me and a lot of people. These days I would never pick up a present and shake it, weigh it, lift up the corners of the paper, etc. I'd rather just wait and be surprised.

I agree that an irregular period is a better reason to test, though I would probably still wait at least 14dpo to be sure. That's just me though. Like I said, I have nothing against anyone else for doing it different. :thumbup:
When all your hope is looking at the BFP and babies are calling your name you are willing to spend the extra money or take the extra time to POAS. It is hard to wait. Kind of like Christmas/birthdays and knowing there is a box with your name on it. Even though you can't open it to know for sure what it is, it sure doesn't stop you from picking it up, weighing it, turning it over, shaking it, and ultimately guessing at what it is. That is what POAS is.......
I think that's the difference between me and a lot of people. These days I would never pick up a present and shake it, weigh it, lift up the corners of the paper, etc. I'd rather just wait and be surprised.

I agree that an irregular period is a better reason to test, though I would probably still wait at least 14dpo to be sure. That's just me though. Like I said, I have nothing against anyone else for doing it different. :thumbup:

I wait, but it does drive me :headspin:. Though I have found that the anxiety of sort of knowing that the test is negative usually brings about the AF the next day.
morebabies, baby1, and plastic - thanks for your stories. It sounds really scary and makes me wonder if I should get checked out thoroughly too. Like plastic, I've always had a very regular cycle and I didn't think TTC would be this difficult... I'm at the end of cycle #10 and I'm feeling out this month.. Good luck to you morebabies and baby1. Let's hope we all end up with a success story like plastic :)

Toms- how are you doing today? My AF is due to arrive any between now and Friday but I'm hoping she stays far far away...

welcome proserpina! I agree with you. the later the better. the only time I test "early" (as in, the day of AF) is when I have somewhere to go that involves drinking, like holiday parties or weddings.. and I'll be testing tomorrow for that reason :)
welcome proserpina! I agree with you. the later the better. the only time I test "early" (as in, the day of AF) is when I have somewhere to go that involves drinking, like holiday parties or weddings.. and I'll be testing tomorrow for that reason :)
Alcohol is always a good reason to test early :winkwink:

And thanks for the welcome.
Theme song for the waiting-to-test club (SFW):

Also works for team yellow.

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