Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Baby1 and Plastik thanks for sharing your stories. :hugs: Baby1 you've had quite the journey and I hope it hasn't come back for you!

I got my first period just before I turned 10 so definitely on the early side. Never had any issues until I got heavy into sports then I would only get my period every 3-4 months. As I've said before I got pregnant by my bf at the time when I was 16. Had my daughter then went on the pill. A few years later lost my pill pack with 2 weeks left on it when my now DH and I were moving and decided I would wait and just start a new pack after my period and got pregnant then from missing the end of that pack of pills. Ever since having my 2nd daughter I couldn't find a pill that worked for me that didn't make me very ill so for the last 4-5 years we've been using condoms only and have been very careful. Periods have been normal like clockwork. However more recently (the last year or so) at times my cycles can be very painful. Sometimes just around ovulation.. other times from ovulation till my period which is what happened last cycle. Other cycles I have no pain. When it does happen sex is uncomfortable and DH can absolutely not go in all the way without it being too painful. Sometime the pain during ovulation times can be almost unbearable as with period cramps. Its definitely not the same with every cycle though.

I know this is something I need to talk to my doctor about and I will. I just have to get myself there. I will probably wait until after the holidays then make myself an appointment. Until then I'm just going to try not to stress about it or ttc. I wish I didn't feel so uncomfortable with doctors and its not that I don't like mine because I love both my GP and my gyno. I don't know :shrug:

Anyways sorry for such a long post and probably some rambling.. I hope to see some BFPs around here soon!! :dust: to everyone!
Hi proserpener (sp) sorry! I test late too, planning on testing when a week to 2 weeks late this time as I had a chemical last month and got my hopes up with am early bfp!

I'm good today koj, still tingly sore bbs, no cramping though but lots of white creamy cm! (tmi) sorry! I went to the climbing wall today and was cautiously jumping
of problems but my gp friend said that they're v well protected at this stage!
Good luck testing tomorrow Koj!! I hope you get your BFP! Sounded like you could have had some implantation bleeding earlier in your cycle. Keeping everything crossed for you and sending some :dust: your way!!!
Oh and btw my friend.. who is now nearing the end of her pregnancy.. had diarrhea around the time of her BFP too. So hopefully thats a good sign for you :winkwink: i always had the opposite problem with my pregnancies.. id only go once every week and a half to two weeks :shock:
Awww! Thanks morebabies :) I'm not too hopeful but we shall see. I will keep you all posted.
Hey Koj, looking forward to hearing your result today :)..... I hope it's positive! x
Hey ladies,

as expected, I got my BFN this morning. I'm around 13dpo so I should see something if I'm pregnant but it was stark white! AF should arrive any day now. Oh well, at least I'll get to test out my opks this cycle. I may need help since it will be my first time using opks!

I'm off to the in-laws this afternoon so I'll see you guys after Thanksgiving :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Awww sorry to hear that Koj :hugs: :hugs: Have a good Thanksgiving and relax with some drinks and get ready for next cycle! I tried OPKs before.. the clear blue digital ones and got a positive then ended up getting another positive a few days later after a negative so I became stressful for me and decided not to even bother with them again. Hopefully they work out good for you though and you get a BFP next cycle!
Aww sorry koj :hugs:.... 13dpo can still be a bit early for some, I hope af stays away and u get a chance to test again next week! X
Aww, hang in there Koj! The BFP I got at 17dpo was pretty light, I'm sure I would have had a BFN at 13dpo. Keeping fingers crossed for you!
Hi girls.

My temps are still up at 13dpo. Decided to not test until af is late though!
We have, he's a little boy!! Ethan James :dance: Can't believe it really, feels like I'm forever waiting for something (the waiting definitely doesn't stop after TTC) but now it feels like its going so fast!
Hi hope it's ok for me to come in on the conversation here.. myself and my dh have 2 gorgeous boys one age 9 and the other age 3 (will be 10 ans 4 in jan) we also had a baby girl last august 2011 but she was born 13 weeks prem and sadly passed away 4 weeks later i suffered a mc in august as well i found out really early was only about 4 weeks ... so we got married 7 weeks ago and decided to try for another baby this being the last time ... I stopped taking my pill in october my last period was the 26th oct i ovulated round about the 11th 12th and we were ( i'm new to this and not sure of all the lingo yet so please bear with me) "active" all that week if you know what i mean, as this is our first month ttc i wasn't expecting too much we don't want to put a lot of pressure on ourselves but when you are ttc you know what it's like you can't seem to help it although dh is a lot more laid back than myself almost to the point of being horizontal haha ... so i know i was only 9/10 dpo yesterday but i had hpt's in so i decided oh why not ... and i was sure i could see the slightest faintest line although it was under torch light to see and i also had to dismantle it to make sure i wasn't seeing things (i know i sound like a crazy person) anyway i spent the whole day checking this same test i didn't want to do another one yesterday i thought it best to wait until this morning, which i have done and took another one about 5 mins ago and sure enough there is another line although still faint but definitely darker than yesterday and i can see it without the torch but i'm still not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me as i'm not due the witch until at least Sun/mon ( it varies between a period of 24 hours every month) im sitting so excited this morning but i don't want to build myself up i also know due to my previous mc not to count my chickens to early scared happy and a whole lot of other emotions at the same time.... my symptoms have really only been the hunger i think ive put on about a stone in the lst few days i can't stop eating no sickness as of yet but with my other preg the sickness didn't start till i hit 5 weeks anyway my nipples are tender to touch and i am urinating a whole lot more i seem to think i'm bursting but when i get there it's just a dribble (tmi sorry) my cm is creamy but not in abundance or anything i would have expected to be low and hard on the cervix by now coming up to my time of the month but it's really high i can't feel the opening ( tmi again sorry) well i will no doubt be taking tests all the way to sunday i shall keep you al updated and i look forward to reading more of your endings happy positive hpt's for al of you hopefully lots of baby dust to you :)


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